Ryu is my favorite character cause of how basic he is. Pure fundamentals.
I'll join in, now that I know how to properly search for rooms. I'll be scrubbing it up super hard, though.
I just rage quit SFIV and deleted that shit off my computer a few minutes ago. I might join in on some BB with my rusty ass Az after a few minutes in training.
Agreed. Footsies, fireballs and uppercuts. All tools I love in a character.
I just need to work on getting the FADC Ultra 1 down, even if it won't matter much in a month.
Whats with these random failed Astrals lol.
What does Ryu at 10% mean? Don't make me have to do this mbpm1.
Eh, you don't really need it at this point. Just try reading your opponent and get the air strong to get the juggle state into U1. You won't need the dexterity to pull off a FADC in SFV.
It means your Ryu ain't your Rolento is all
Hayao is ridiculous
Outside of a fun few rollbacks (saw at least 3 premature KOs), it was surprisingly playable for our distances, ggs.
Anyone else want to put in some 3s games before I decide to watch Coop cup instead?
It means your Ryu ain't your Rolento is all
Wow. Didn't even think that actually worked. I still got a lot of stuff to work on before SF5 drops.
You'll be fine, SFV is quite different compared to SFIV. What system do you play on? Hope you got a PS4 lol
What system do you play on? Hope you got a PS4 lol
I play Rolento, Ryu and Gief. Ryu is my favorite character cause of how basic he is. Pure fundamentals.
Every Yun on Yakkun's team is better than Mester
Do you guys prefer that the winner stay on until defeated or pass every couple of rounds?
Do you guys prefer that the winner stay on until defeated or pass every couple of rounds?
It's just that they seemed to be doing quite well from the matches I watched on stream.
It's cross platform......
That's how it is with me too. In almost every fighter I end up liking the Ryu/Ken character the most. It's irksome because those characters are usually not my favorite in the cast.
i'd say his ryu is better cause he has to think about things like spacing/setups instead of just rolling all over the goddamn place like a monkey and getting free hits off it >:C
Hmmm... We'll see when we play again.
Do you guys prefer that the winner stay on until defeated or pass every couple of rounds?
I usually go by the rule "Winner stays on until they've beat everyone once."
Winner stays on if you want to just mess around.
Loser stays on if you actually care about people learning or getting better is probably the best approach.
Winner stay on till defeated. Though usually after going through the whole rotation I might switch to another character just for fun where I'll probably lose.
I prefer winner stays on for a good while until someone beats him. It's also a good learning moment to watch how he's winning and what you are possibly doing wrong.
Damn, I should have checked the BB wiki in between matches. Hell's Fang was fuckin me up, but that shits -7 on IB.
And my bad for staying on for so many games. I usually do winner stays on, but next time we can switch it up.
GGs to Vanilla, Lostconfused and Tula.
I don't understand Blazblue's neutral game.
I fucking HATE playing with pad now.
Having a shortcut while having my small girly hand in a big ass grip with my index on my bumper as I have the pad sit on my knee is unnatural.
Every time I tried to hit a Kikosho tonight I dropped it even after ex legs because wouldn't you know it? Controller is uncomfortable and I'm limited to reacting with just my thumb as the rest of my hand is wrapped around a big ass handle.
I fucking HATE playing with pad now.
Having a PPP shortcut on your bumper with my small girly hand in a big ass grip with my index on PPP button as I have the pad sit on my knee is unnatural and it's uncomfortable.
Every time I tried to hit a Kikosho tonight I dropped it even after ex legs because wouldn't you know it? Controller is uncomfortable and I'm limited to reacting with just my thumb as the rest of my hand is wrapped around a big ass handle and I can't react, because I'm thinking how fucking unnatural it feels.
I fucking HATE playing with pad now.
Having a PPP shortcut on your bumper with my small girly hand in a big ass grip with my index on PPP button as I have the pad sit on my knee is unnatural and it's uncomfortable.
Every time I tried to hit a Kikosho tonight I dropped it even after ex legs because wouldn't you know it? Controller is uncomfortable and I'm limited to reacting with just my thumb as the rest of my hand is wrapped around a big ass handle and I can't react, because I'm thinking how fucking unnatural it feels.
Good, GOOD!
You're now seeing that pad is bad, heh heh heh...
Playing pad is a compromise:
I prefer having my fingers on the face buttons piano/arcade style which forces me to play on my knee. Having an asymmetrical handle controller is good for that. I react better with my fingers on face buttons like that so I can't play a fighter holding it in like a regular controller.
But I also want short cuts on the bumpers, but that doesn't lend to comfortable play while the pad is in your knee and you're leaning on that knee and shit.
With pad, both are compromises and neither is ideal. You can't have one with the other.
The preferred method would be an 8 face button pad. But at that point, might as well buy stick.