Im just worried that people are gonna spam throws like in 4.
I can not stand throw spammers.
I read the second line in LowTierGod's voice.
Im just worried that people are gonna spam throws like in 4.
I can not stand throw spammers.
I literally lol'd at the video posted yesterday of Smug smashing on him.I read the second line in LowTierGod's voice.
I read the second line in LowTierGod's voice.
Discussing about against the throw from sf4 to sf5 in which looks little easier to counter the spam throwers.dafuq happened to this thread
Very entertaining when he's salty. Need some more footage of Smug beasting on himI'm sick of that dude, so I just tune him out.
Nothing but a complete waste of time and not entertaining at all.
I guess it's not dumb but then we get into a sliding goal post situation. In ae it was even less idiotic to do that since it only took two bars. In this mindset anything you can make safe is thus not idiotic because you know there's a safety net. At which point does it go from being smart as you can secure yourself and getting away with idiocy without risk?
Discussing about against the throw from sf4 to sf5 in which looks little easier to counter the spam throwers.
Jumpj, low jp, throw.what exactly is a spam thrower?
Jumpj, low jp, throw.
lol if it worked all the time there would be less. That or the walk up throw.why don't you anti-air?
lol if it worked all the time there would be less. That or the walk up throw.
LTG, and people like him, are things I got bored with around the first time the "This is how you don't play games" video for DSP came out.
I try not to expect a throw. I'm thinking maybe they'll throw a medium punch or othee type of movesanti airs don't work all the time?
you can poke them if they're just strolling up to you man
I try not to expect a throw. I'm thinking maybe they'll throw a medium punch or othee type of moves
I wonder who would be top player in the world if throws were banned? Daigo does throw alot
So you think with the bumpers would help get a strike? But what about the angle in which the bowling ball is going through the strike zone is it gonna guarantee taking out all the pins? Including the 9 pin? Probably not ..This seems like asking who the best bowler would be if bumpers were allowed. I don't think anyone wants the recognition of being the only best at something when you change the rules to cover their lack of skill.
What I could be doing is anti airing too early. I'll practice more on the back dashing.huh? (at the bolded)
why not backdash? why not crouch tech?
also, on the anti-air thing- if you can't anti-air consistently, you aren't even getting to the meat of the game (the ground game). should be more concerned about that than people throwing you
So you think with the bumpers would help get a strike? But what about the angle in which the bowling ball is going through the strike zone is it gonna guarantee taking out all the pins? Including the 9 pin? Probably not ..
That serious, furious month long grind of SFV before Final Round though...
Ok. I will be looking out for that. Looking forward to V.point is you're asking about a meaningless hypothetical. also, if anything, throws will be scarier in sfv (lack of range aside) because of no crouch tech/no strike invincible back dash/etcetc.
After Pacific Rim, and Godzilla, not sure I need another Cloverfield movie.
So you think with the bumpers would help get a strike? But what about the angle in which the bowling ball is going through the strike zone is it gonna guarantee taking out all the pins? Including the 9 pin? Probably not ..
Look gutter covers or whatever are there for people that want to throw the stupid ball and watch pings go flying. They don't care about playing properly, just want to see some flashy shit.
I'm playing guys I used to think were high level when iI first started out.
Now I think they're intermediate and aren't as good as I thought.
Auto combos or stylish mode in ASW games?So....analogy for which feature in any fighting game that people tend to think is scrubby?
If you read the lanes properly you shouldn't be near the gutter. Also at spares go straight at itI think the bumpers would prevent you from failing a bunch of rolls you should have failed. That is the reason gutters are there.
Remove throws and suddenly there are a bunch of situations you don't get your ass busted where you should have.
I'm playing guys I used to think were high level when iI first started out.
Now I think they're intermediate and aren't as good as I thought.
So I'm being trained by a certain high level player due to Scrub to Master thread. Can't say who.
My homework until SFV is out to keep playing GG, and to concentrate on doing every Trial in USFIV before SFV comes out. I'm also supposed to go over the entire Footsies Handbook.
Most of them are garbage with useless combos, hard links you will not care about in 1 month. Work your footsies instead.
With the fact for some of them you have to know shortcuts to even do them which a new player would have no clue about. I really hope they got rid of shortcuts in SFV. That was one of my pet peeves about IV.
Most of them are garbage with useless combos, hard links you will not care about in 1 month. Work your footsies instead.
I would say you're better off improving your fundamentals in online matches, cindi.
I'm amazed at how much progress you've made since you started frequenting gaf (which was what, a month ago?). Your enthusiasm makes me pumped up to play SF again.