Unlike in most fighting games where I play a rushdown character, in Gundam EXVS, I play a support oriented character whose goal is to control the map and make life a living hell for my opponents and make life easier for my partner. She is a very unique character but I think she does a good job explaining the options and depth this game has. I can go in depth with other characters if anyone is interested.
Kshatriya is what you would call a "zoning" character because her tools allow her to stun and attack her opponent from a far distance and create space and opportunities for your partner to attack and combo.
So right off the bat at the beginning of the video, what this Kshatriya does is make use of samekyan. The player uses their sub weapon (funnels/fences/middle weapon), and then immediate step cancels with their main weapon (green beam rifle/top weapon).
Kshatriyas funnel subweapon stuns the opponent when they are hit. The range is effectively across the entire stage so you can force your opponents to move away to avoid getting stunned and create an opportunity for your partner to rush in and cause real damage.
At the 8 second mark, you can see that one of the opponents misread the funnels and were punished. Kshatriya used that opportunity to use her strongest weapon, her gerobi, a very strong Dragon Ball-esque beam, to hit her opponent for ~1/4-1/3 their health.
At the same time, the other opponent was able to avoid the fences, but this allows your partner the Nu Gundam to safely move in and attack or force the opponent to the position they want.
All this happened in 8 seconds.
So since the person the Kshatriya hit was stunned, the Kshatriya took advantage of that opportunity to double team the other opponent with her parter and harass them.
When you watch this sequence happen, you notice that the Kshatriya always keeps both enemies in her line of sight and accounts for her partner when attacking. This is good movement and defensive play. It limits the amount of damage you take and allows your partner to take the offensive load.
After that she continues to use her weapons to force the opponent out of the way and cause some damage if it hits. The mistake she makes here is that she moves into the corner and restricts her movement options to only going right.
The player notices this and immediately tries to reposition themselves while avoiding gunfire so that they can continue their support role of harassing the other side with fences and beams.
The little texts and prompts that you see on screen is actually the players communicating with each other letting them know how much health they have and what position they are.
At the one minute mark, the team is again forced into the corner by their enemies and they are punished for that and lose ~200 HP.
At the 1:40 mark, your team eliminates the opposing support, but the Kshatriya makes a mistake and moves in too close to the Opposing front suit. The opposing front realizes this and uses their burst and does a melee combo and reduces the Kshatriya HP even further.
After being punished, she wakes up and repositions herself to create opportunities for her partner. At the 1:50ish mark, the Kshatriya uses her burst to refill her ammo and boost gauge, gain a defensive buff, and continues her zoning.
At the 2:30 mark both opponents HP has been reduced down to less than half and you have the option of double teaming or leaving it to your partner. The Kshatriya opts to double team and makes sure to keep the other from assisting their partner.
At the end of the match, your partner clutches out and reduces the opponents HP bar to 0 before the time limit.
You notice how both the Nu and Kshatriya never died once through out the match, except for the end? That's because of good movement and mixing up your movement patterns so that it becomes more difficult to get punished and hit by tracking beams. Overall they did a good job of maintaining control of the stage and staying alive.
I hope this makes more sense than the huge explanation I did earlier. It will make even more sense when you play the game in person. The basics are easy to grasp, but movement and team options is what makes the game very deep and very satisfying. It is why game centers almost aways have someone playing the game and why there are huge tournaments and events run and supported not just by the community but also by bannam. It's played in Hong Kong, Korea, and Taiwan as well and maybe some other places like the Philippines.