Fucking sleepy but
Clutch Sinanju play
Maxi Boost on is slated for a Spring 2016 release. It had a loketest in the autumn to coincide with autumn battle. there might be a couple more loketests from now until march-may. Maxi Boost On will include G Self, Mack Knife, Barbatos, and a lot of new suit editions and a new overdrive type.
Maxi Boost will take a while since they still make a lot of money and how a lot of Maxi suits are in Full Boost. It might still hit PS3 since the game still runs on the Namco Board that is a PS3 clone.
You know, I'm more curious if it's possible for people to enjoy Gundam games without watching any of the Gundam anime.
At least I wasn't interested in Gundam until I watched
Gundam is an entire industry in of itself. A lot of people who play the games and build the gunpla model kits have no attachment to the anime, books, or characters.
It is definitely enjoyable without being invested in the franchise and Bandai covers a wide demographic of people.
Game really needs a LAN mode...
It has pseudo-LAN where a wire connection to the same network makes it as close as possible. They just never bothered actual one with game centers.
Guess I'll keep working on it then, after reading Shun's wall of words.
I mean there are
ton of freaking
specific to the game
Please do make streamline easier to understand version I do enough much to make it relate to fighting game. There is just too much stuff to go through after the basics and into actual metagame. I was not even able go into basic shit like the mechanics of over cost and why it is bad, the 2, now 3 kinds of EX Overdrive, team synergy and building such as 3000/2500, 3000/2000, 3000/1500, 2500/2500, 2500/2000, 2000/2000 teams, how a lot of frame cancels and combos are character specific, Pros and Cons of Offense/Support and 3000/2500/2000/1500 cost suits, and more. With so many different weapon types ranging from different beam types, to physical types, to assists, to nuclear bomb.
At the end of the day, the game is just very fundamentals heavy. You really need to get movement down to get better and the entire meta is based off of predicting movement and controlling the stage. donkey has a good explanation of the very core basics of the gameplay, but things get a lot more difficult to explain without replay footage or being able to play in person when you go further than that.
Thanks for the write-ups! Haven't had a chance to look at the videos yet, but your posts definitely illustrate that there's a lot happening on the individual and team level and how it correlates to fighting game stuff. Very interesting.
I am glad you kind of understand
I just like to pick Norn or ReGZ and press A.
ReGZ nerf, now it is Legilis and Norn spam.
Damn I got exposed.
+1 for trying it out yourself, the neutral of this game is very fun.
Using the variety of movement options(step, boosting, fuwa, ame, w/e-cancels like Shun mentioned above) to weave in and out of red/green lock and "poking" with your beam rifle is the footsies of the game and it feels really good all while you're dodging your opponents shit.
The yomi meta involved with punishing landings when you're chasing someone down feels so good too.
On a sort of related note, I was really hoping for the new Dissidia to take some pages from EXVS but it's really janky and stiff compared to the fluid movement and pace of EXVS.
I don't even think Dissidia is that good when I tried it to be honest. Gunslinger Stratos is still more fun and more deep than that game. Dissidia is still in it's vanilla edition but still it just doesn't have the same fun, fluid movement. The controls were okay I guess, I just like the former two better.