one of laura's win quotes says her opponent is like sean. smh. cold
Maybe she meant 2I Sean?
one of laura's win quotes says her opponent is like sean. smh. cold
Kbrad won SCR 2014 against a stacked field. He was also one of the few people to beat Infiltration back when he was untouchable. His character got nerfed late in the games lifespan, not much he can do and at that point probably not worth picking up a new character.
Oh you children and your essential fightersI agree.
Also, I don't know if anyone will agree with me on this, but IMO, Capcom should consider giving us the Arcade versions of the following:
Super Turbo,
Alpha 2,
Alpha 3 Upper, &
the Xbox 360 versions of Ultra Street Fighter IV: Omega Edition, &
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition.
All on one Blu-Ray disc for PS4 with online play.
Pics aren't showing for me, Rhapsody.
So he was only good as his character at that time?
Sounds awesome. I love playing stuff on Sony Playstation Network.I agree.
Also, I don't know if anyone will agree with me on this, but IMO, Capcom should consider giving us the Arcade versions of the following:
Super Turbo,
Alpha 2,
Alpha 3 Upper, &
the Xbox 360 versions of Ultra Street Fighter IV: Omega Edition, &
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Edition.
All on one Blu-Ray disc for PS4 with online play.
Izanami to be in BBCF
looks like birdie,
God, I hope this is still up in six hours. Everything fun happens when I'm at work!
『Inaba Resident』;192627956 said:already down lmao
Looks like they added that one new character we saw earlier (in Revelator arcade cutscene) for consoles
Izanami to be in BBCF
This Ibuki honestly seems kinda tame in comparison to the blender online ibukis can put you in. Lot of chains and desperation ex dp's but not that scummy. You have to respect her wakeup a bit too, ex dp is safe as hell online. Also have you changed your settings to have the smoothest experience? Turn off aero, turn off effects etc.A new day, a new video...
This is part two of my fight with the same guy in 3S a few days ago. This time he switched it up from Dudley/Akuma to Ibuki. She kinda gives me a hard time because playing her feels like playing someone constantly pressing buttons. The very first round is proof that you NEVER GIVE UP lmao. Don't mind the video spazzing out a few seconds in. It goes back to normal soon enough. :3
Looks like they added that one new character we saw earlier (in Revelator arcade cutscene) for consoles
Izanami can't jumpIzanami confirmed playable. Drive is called "Exodus Arc", appears to be a stance switching drive. According to Ho-chan/Stunedge, the special mechanic is a float, which she has in place of being able jump. We have a character who can't jump.
Overdrive appears to be called "Arc Fall" if I'm reading the katakana right (it also has a kanji name but I can't read it), I don't know what it does. Need full article.
Looks like they added that one new character we saw earlier (in Revelator arcade cutscene) for consoles
Izanami to be in BBCF
Looks like they added that one new character we saw earlier (in Revelator arcade cutscene) for consoles
The guy is merely a mechanized shell. The girl piloting him is the new character.Guilty Gear getting another grappler after 17 years? I like his characters are cool but if Revelator is getting new guy, Dizzy, Johnny, Jam, and Jack-o that means no other characters and no Testament.
Izanami looks dope.
Technically, it's everyone else who's the clone of her. Story aside, gameplay chatter over on dustloop suggests that she would be even more different since she can't even jump (that Drive of hers toggles a stance switch with a float ability, it seems).I hate that we're getting a new clone with Izanami.
I hate that we're getting a new clone with Izanami.
So he was only good as his character at that time?
Izanami to be in BBCF
if he comes, he will probably be with console release. CF is almost guaranteed at least 2 more characters. 1 more with act 3, an 1-2 with console release. I dont really care about Jubei but would like to see him added. Not quite sure how the story is going to carry, I would've expected Izanami as act 3 boss and not act 2.Where the fuck is Jubei..
Technically, it's everyone else who's the clone of her.
We will get Mai before we ever get Jubei. I've probably said it before at some point, but no harm in calling it now if I haven't already.Where the fuck is Jubei..
Looks like they added that one new character we saw earlier (in Revelator arcade cutscene) for consoles
Looks like they added that one new character we saw earlier (in Revelator arcade cutscene) for consoles
SRK said:Haehyun first appeared in the updated -REVELATOR- storyline as the hulking, elderly man seen in the scan below, but her true form can be seen in the lower-right of the first page. She apparently uses the outer costume during battle, and is described as having moves that are easy to pull off.
Even if it weren't real someone would mod it for PC. SFIV has a police Chun mod.
Hopefully we get Raven too, six new characters would be a treat. And holly shit, ASW chasing dat waifu audience even with their big muscly old men characters. :|
shes not a loliGonna ignore his name and the loli pilot business
He seems cool
xrd is severely lacking in playable females from my point of viewHopefully we get Raven too, six new characters would be a treat. And holly shit, ASW chasing dat waifu audience even with their big muscly old man character. :|
shes not a loli
xrd is severely lacking in playable females from my point of view
You got a pic?
Heard she was one
You can see her in the scan that Rhapsody posted.
Those of you who've been in the SFV beta for PC, how is the performance on lower end machines? I'm thinking of finally pulling the 360 out of my cab and putting in an Alienware Alpha.
I could get a solid 60 frames on low with a gtx 650 so any modern graphics card should have no problem running it.
what processor do you have? Alpha has a 4th Gen i3, which is the only thing that concerns me a bit, but tbh I don't know how much that matters.