Pants killed her parents when she was just a child.
So sad
had to be like that huh
Pants killed her parents when she was just a child.
wtf is going on in this thread?
Everyone wants SFV NOW.
daigo charging his own boss 30K for an appearance?
where daigo b?
Once it's a month before launch the thirst becomes so real.
Probably gonna alt between Cammy and Fang until Alex is released. Rather have poison or oro back though. Oh well time to wait for them to slowly put every sf character ever made back in.
people taking this alt costume thing too damn serious
i just wanna press buttons fam
Probably gonna alt between Cammy and Fang until Alex is released. Rather have poison or oro back though. Oh well time to wait for them to slowly put every sf character ever made back in.
I said street fighter characters.
I wish
Cool. Scanlines add some input lag but if you're fine with it it's no big deal. As for offline I just think it's a game that is really different online and off, like ST, Jojos, Marvel 2 etc. ST is alright online though. Still, I think it's worth checking out offline once at least if you want to see the difference, especially on original hardware since it feels different to everything else so far.Yeah, I was just having a lot of fun, so my play was probably pretty sloppy. I needed more DP baits and point blank parries to punish Ibuki wakeup shenanigans. That still didn't stop me from getting perfects and some decisive wins, though. The situation with a local scene and settings is fine too. The only thing I add is 50% scanlines and I like playing online for the most part. The only games I'd like to play locally are SG, VSav and +R but at this point in time online for them (at least two of them) is fine as well.
I don't like Laura's buttons. I like her st HK though.
Maybe her alt costume is an older/younger version?
going through some of the alts.. how did capcom get this game rated T lmao
I only care that the game is fun. Never understood the how/why behind how it looks.
I like to think I pay attention to details but people on the Internet take it to another levelI'm honestly amazed at how attentive to detail some of you guys are. I usually don't notice much in terms of character designs or backgrounds etc. I'm just satisfied playing the game and figuring that stuff out. I honestly feel like I'm missing something sometimes.
SFV looks cool
SF4 tho..
SF4 and by extension SFxT always looked like SHIET.
Makes me appreciate the look of Tekken more. Can't wait for the final render of Akuma.
Sf4 is one of the most fuck ugly games. V looks pretty good outside of certain character's hair and the hands. I still am bored with most of the character designs but the art style is a major step up for its predecessor
Sf4 is one of the most fuck ugly games. V looks pretty good outside of certain character's hair and the hands. I still am bored with most of the character designs but the art style is a major step up for its predecessor
Wait, what's happening with their hands?
people don't like the big hands
we know what they say about people with big hands
I didn't even notice the hands.... damn. What's the current status on the kneecaps in this game?
i just assume that's what people here are jerking off to
amazing. absolutely amazing. Capcom could learn from this tbh
wait a min...
now this is what I call a dope character design
shiiiet even better
amazing. absolutely amazing. Capcom could learn from this tbh