Not really. Make a triangle out of block > strike > throw and that's all you need. Most players just take it for granted people will figure it out.
I kinda touched on it when explaining that frame data is simple math that allows you to know what should and shouldn't hit in theory (ignoring hitboxes for a second)
Cindi: Most of the time if they're doing several frametraps they'll end up creating some space as the string goes on. What you need to look for in those settings aren't how to outright beat the string but how to avoid taking damage until you are secure. So that means avoiding getting counter hit during a frame trap or getting thrown as a mixup in the middle of the frametrap. Patience and awareness of throws are your best friend in that situation.
Oh, that's what you want explained to new players? I already know about that. I even implement it into my game strategy by conditioning some people to block, then walk into their space and throw their ass. I thought you were talking about frame traps.
And a game that does not have extra options that nullify certain aspects of this triangle or muddles it. Like SF4.Problem is it requires knowledge of how frame data work or at least the concept.
Or even that a well timed light meaty beats out a dp.
This btw. Blocking beats strikes for 2 reasons:
You don't get hit
It creates pushback
If you make it through a string without getting CH or thrown, they'll eventually be pushed out far enough where they need to walk forward to mix up you up, here you can escape. Sometimes the frame trap or mix up situation itself leaves them at disadvntage or even too, which gives you an option.
Yeah, a lot of times people who depend on frame traps over extend themselves and expect their trap to work so well that it ends with something super unsafe (like a cody doing criminal upper etc).
Yeah, a lot of times people who depend on frame traps over extend themselves and expect their trap to work so well that it ends with something super unsafe (like a cody doing criminal upper etc). This isn't the case every time and a smarter player will adjust their string as they see how you treat it, but if you can get back to a neutral position and reset the situation then consider that a victory.
Not to generalize but a lot of players who are super frame trap heavy have that as their primary gameplan, so a reset situation can put you at advantage in terms of how the game will play out.
Oh, that's what you want explained to new players? I already know about that. I even implement it into my game strategy by conditioning some people to block, then walk into their space and throw their ass. I thought you were talking about frame traps.
Yeah, a lot of times people who depend on frame traps over extend themselves and expect their trap to work so well that it ends with something super unsafe (like a cody doing criminal upper etc)
I support everything just being IRC. I'd prefer that so much more.
Also my wkw boys KidA and pixelish, go see Carol if you get the chance. It's like 80% a North American wong kar wai film. Pretty great.
Nothing is more satisfying than hitting after the opponent blocked
Nothing is more satisfying than hitting after the opponent blocked
I do =PScrubby question: How you guys work on hit confirms? In anime games I set it on random block and then try to adapt to a nice block string or mix up on block and combo on hit but with something like 3s I'm lost as to how dudes are so effective at hit confirming off 1 shoto into super or whatever. Do they just buffer super whenever they throw out a poke? in sf4 dudes seem to react to counter hit in frame traps with very specific things consistently as well.
Nothing is more satisfying than hitting after the opponent blocked
Says the Elena player.cody is the worst
cody is the worst
CoD is without a doubt the most honest character in SF4. Even more honest than Ryu.cody is the worst
Says the Elena player.
Edit: I wonder what are Capcom justifications to make Cody and Guy low tier for the whole SFIV series.
CoD is without a doubt the most honest character in SF4. Even more honest than Ryu.
Well until he picks up the dagger but without it he's 100% honest.
Nothing more satisfying than blocking both and DPing into Ultra the Elena player.
Edit: I wonder what are Capcom justifications to make Cody and Guy low tier for the whole SFIV series.
Something something elena isnt a win button :mjcry:
Nothing is more satisfying than hitting after the opponent blocked
Scrubby question: How you guys work on hit confirms? In anime games I set it on random block and then try to adapt to a nice block string or mix up on block and combo on hit but with something like 3s I'm lost as to how dudes are so effective at hit confirming off 1 shoto into super or whatever. Do they just buffer super whenever they throw out a poke? in sf4 dudes seem to react to counter hit in frame traps with very specific things consistently as well.
they're both mid IMO. I'd say Guy is better than Cody tho.
Cody is broken tbh
walk up -> ex zonk
walk up -> throw
strongest mixup in the damn game
What about raw ultra-ing after the lp criminal Upper bc you know they'll do ex cu and hitting them
So the second round in this fight...if I blocked when he did that combo, I'd have enough space to escape?
Oh god yes...just figured out in the lab that Tekkaman Blade's instant overhead in the air is buffering his input for a rising tackle style charge move that allows me to extend any air combo. Simply do a magic series to air, end in the diving lance, upon hitting ground hit up and heavy and carry them back to the corner, mash heavy to go into a blade spin and cancel to super...half your friggin health gone. I think if I work in polimar razor kick assist on the ground before launcher I can go into rapid slash and then do another LMH before the rest of it to maybe clinch out 2/3rds health.
Hell yes! New Team!
Scrubby question: How you guys work on hit confirms? In anime games I set it on random block and then try to adapt to a nice block string or mix up on block and combo on hit but with something like 3s I'm lost as to how dudes are so effective at hit confirming off 1 shoto into super or whatever. Do they just buffer super whenever they throw out a poke? in sf4 dudes seem to react to counter hit in frame traps with very specific things consistently as well.
cody is the worst
For what? Gundam?
you use elena, shut up
It's not like he's a Yoshi use elena, shut up
The OT is dead, but the playerbase is extremely active. Everyone is on Discord every night playing matches - far more active than any other FG OT on here, I'd wager.After all that hype for Sm4sh dlc, I'm sure the OT will still be dead.
I can't believe you fell right for that super obvious troll bait...Lol. No.
After all that hype for Sm4sh dlc, I'm sure the OT will still be dead.