you guys are gonna be extra salty when you get chipped out by supers thinkin you were safe
critical art's kill on chip?
you guys are gonna be extra salty when you get chipped out by supers thinkin you were safe
you guys are gonna be extra salty when you get chipped out by supers thinkin you were safe
Yeahcritical art's kill on chip?
What players you lot think are not to the level they 'should' be because they are held back by certain quirks. For example you think X player is too much of a nut that if they practiced mindfulness they would do much better. Or the player who plays far too lame that they never take opportunities to close out a match.
I don't there's such a thing the level you 'should' be.
Personally I think there is never where you 'should' be but where you are, but some people said "If not for this, they'd be at whatever level.
That's just people rationalizing. Bad people have no idea that they're as bad as they are, and they certainly don't know why they're bad.
Luckily I know how bad I am but unfortunately don't know where to start. >_>
Isn't that how it always goes? You see a series like that, have your mind blown and then wonder how deep that rabbit hole goes, and then suddenly... BAD END.
Or maybe most people have more sense than I did when I was younger. D:
SF I feel I am at ground level in DOA but SF I SUUUCCCKK at. For example:
Funny thing is I try that with a good player and then they crush me... But I'll try that. My main thing is keeping up pressure and opening people up... have to do better there.You do tons of unsafe/punishable stuff. While you've gotta dp or random spiral arrow here and there to put the fear of god into 'em, it shouldn't be 90% of your game plan. Random hooligan isn't good and you'll be hit out of it every time by a competent player.
When playing against random fools in the beta, you should just play cautiously and wait to see if they are a nut. Don't commit to anything, and focus on blocking and punishing unsafe stuff and anti-airing consistently until they either lose or it becomes clear they're not playing like an idiot (or they eventually stop playing like an idiot). Lots of people will just hang themselves. Use your walkspeed and threaten with pokes like st.MK.
Knowing Capcom's track record they'll probably nerf her and make her pointless. Therefore steal everybody else's stealing all your tech count
Well, except for Bison.![]()
based valle
you can play real footsies in sfv, it's amazing.
based valle
you can play real footsies in sfv, it's amazing.
he's on fire
Valle should just come out and say 90 % of them have no idea what they are talking about.
They should just be honest and say "I had no chance, I'm ass I need to adapt and overcome ot fade away"
Valle should just come out and say 90 % of them have no idea what they are talking about.
They should just be honest and say "I had no chance, I'm ass I need to adapt and overcome ot fade away"
Bodying people on their wakeup with Necalli crush counters was hella fun, enjoyed him this beta
Laura got fucked up so much lol, I don't think people could ever deal with anything on wakeup
I really like the emphasis on crush counters in SFV
who is he arguing with in the first place?
Funny thing is I try that with a good player and then they crush me... But I'll try that. My main thing is keeping up pressure and opening people up... have to do better there.
Knowing Capcom's track record they'll probably nerf her and make her pointless. Therefore steal everybody else's tech.
CC seems explicitly designed to teach players about counter-hit properties in general.Same here. Never cared to understand counter hit mechanics in most games, but CC in SFV feel easy to understand and important in the gameplan.
anyone remember a official blazblue tutorial that was high quality filmed (i think by arcSys) that was in a classroom or something. If you do, do you have a link to it?
based valle
you can play real footsies in sfv, it's amazing.
he's on fire
Wasn't that a dvd that was packed into BBCT?
I remember Mike " Big Soviet Damage / Backdash Longer than Hangover" Z doing the tutorial for Tager.
who is he arguing with in the first place?
i like sf5 a lot and was never that big on sf4 but it weirds me out that a lot of the praise it gets from people is usually like "5 doesnt have this scrub ass mechanic from 4, get used to it." i honestly think its cuz there isnt a ton to talk about at least atm in regards to the game except footsies dont get blown up by focus, you can do dp's on block and make it safe etc and the game's whole identity is defined comparing it to 4. i was expecting there to be no focus or dp's made safe on block. i think if V triggers were more interesting we'd be hearing more about how cool that system was. im sure hella people were doing the same thing with 4 at the beginning of its life and saying stuff like "lol scrubs get out of the air you cant fall back on parry anymore"
i like sf5 a lot and was never that big on sf4 but it weirds me out that a lot of the praise it gets from people is usually like "5 doesnt have this scrub ass mechanic from 4, get used to it." i honestly think its cuz there isnt a ton to talk about at least atm in regards to the game except footsies dont get blown up by focus, you can do dp's on block and make it safe etc and the game's whole identity is defined comparing it to 4. i was expecting there to be no focus or dp's made safe on block. i think if V triggers were more interesting we'd be hearing more about how cool that system was. im sure hella people were doing the same thing with 4 at the beginning of its life and saying stuff like "lol scrubs get out of the air you cant fall back on parry anymore"
I could never fully enjoy SF4. To me, something just felt kinda "off" about it.
anime-like light confirm? press two buttons and react to your opponent? knock your opponent down and throw him in the blender?
you guys are gonna be extra salty when you get chipped out by supers thinkin you were safe
I got chipped by supers twice in beta. Once from a Rashid who cornered me with his v-trigger, and once from a Nash.
The thing about the Nash one was that the fight was very close. We were both at low health, Nash at a magic pixel, and me with a bit more. I scored a knockdown, and the Nash woke up with his super. I blocked it, thinking that I had enough health to survive. I didn't. I wish the replay for that match saved, because I don't remember how much health I had exactly, I just remember being surprised that Nash's super did that much chip.
Of course it's the version with no net play on a platform that is dead in the west.
Time to guess what's more dead, this or RoI.
I really like the emphasis on crush counters in SFV
This shit is sooo bad.Whew...yeah its been terrible.
First off was Guyver out of Control. Early 90's or something VHS only. Company died soon after.
If you block Nash's super is it just one hit for chip? Since it doesn't start the whole animation.
Crush counters make the game so scary on wakeup.
Read a backdash or a normal and it's clobbering time
Merry X-mas in advance FGCGAF <3
Of course it's the version with no net play on a platform that is dead in the west.
Time to guess what's more dead, this or RoI.
I've never had so much fun punishing an uppercut.
Right when I block a DP, I get that instant :uf'dup: face going. I've ended rounds instantly off a whiffed DP.