Sol is another character who I feel like revolves around one style...i nean ive never really seen a defensive Sol. He has a dp but all of his tools are for corner carry and 100% RTSD.
Iori has like rekkas, command grab... what else? Ive always viewed him as just a high dmg character?
I mean, it's Guilty Gear. Everyone is aggressive. Even the zoners zone just to force an opening so they can run pressure on you. He's aggressive most of the time, but Xrd Sol does have some good defensive/poking potential to keep his own space and just pretty much everything you could ask for in a character, even some good long pokes. One example.
Iori has pretty much everything. Good buttons for both pressure, footsies and AA, a dp, rekkas, a meh fireball but a fireball nonetheless, high mobility, a command grab he can make invincible with meter, some dirty mixups into high damage... He's just a very complete character.
Karate, much the same. He has everything from pressure tools to pokes and just about every special move category you can think of. He's also probably the character whose antiairs hurt the most in the game.
jesus new consoles suck. you can't play shit out of the box and have to download a bunch of crap as soon as you pop the disk in. sitting here installing and downloading a bunch of crap for my nephews ps4 and games.
The Wii was the last actual video game console, and even then only barely. Consoles more or less died with the PS2, GC and Xbox.
I've been saying this since day one of 13's announcement, and again when given a second chance with 13SE on PC. Rollback could have easily increased sales and extended the life of the game, but they didn't and it died online for both platforms. I even remember people on SRK and IRC claiming they'd pass on the game if it didn't use rollback, and after getting burned with 12 I know most meant it. Hell, even I was considering passing on the damn game because of what I knew about SNKP, and how ass delay based netcode usually is. Thankfully, Steam Edition did wonders when it came to online (compared to console), but the connections in general were still too damn spotty to waste time trying to play randoms on ranked, so everyone defaulted to PMing friends. If 14 doesn't have rollback, I doubt I'll be investing any real time into it.
I think the lack of multiplayer lobbies is a far bigger strike against 13 and 02UM. Lobbies create a sense of life and community which keeps people coming back, and enable streamed lobbies which again helps people find like-minded players and makes the game feel more alive. I know I started playing fighters in one short-lived stream lobby here in Europe. Nowadays that duty's filled by the local FGC's IRC channel, Steam chats with individuals and someone streaming a lot of the time.
Also, If anyone still plays 13 or the UMs then shoot me a PM with your steam ID and I'll add you.
If you're EU, add Coffeeling. I love 2k2 and don't mind playing 13 either.
mike z did a really cool write up on things he would change about 3s were he to sirlinize it.
i dream this happens someday. would pay good money for a 3s update especially if it came packaged with an arcade perfect 3s port.
Give me a good Steam port and I'll snap buy it.
The thing that jumps out at me from the patch notes is that Chun doesn't really do damage outside of super - even button xx fireball hardly combos - so if you make her primary and largely only source of damage harder to land, harder to get, unable to stock multiples, you can end up with something like SF4 Sim that just doesn't do damage. It's even the same kind of deal with ST Claw - walldives are fucking BS, but that's where the damage comes from.
If I were to take bs away from either one (and both well deserve it), I'd do something to improve their ability to do some basic combos so there's some bite left.
Akuma suffered like this from AE2012 to Ultra - changes that, on their face, seemed reasonable, but didn't take into account what the end product looked like - in Akuma's case a character with lots of support player buttons meant to work around a bread and butter button - used to be his sweep. Sweep got killed, suddenly the character fell apart. He instantly became good again when the fireball buff made his a real thing, because the character construction was actually in place again.