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Fighting Game Headquarters |3| [Cinematic Title Expansion Coming Soon]

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Injustice 2 trailer does look good but the first game was just so ass I dunno how hype I can be yet. 50/50 all day with a bunch of shit mechanics tacked on, nah. Still this one has potential so we'll see where it goes.

If nothing else, the story mode will be good.


Mrs. Harvey
Maybe they made the faces ugly on purpose because they don't want you to focus on it. But it's like backfiring because instead of focusing on it being a good thing people are focusing on it being a bad thing.



Trap Supergirl from r/kappa


People had the same outrage for KOF 14 too and its markedly improved. Folks need to realize that specular, diffuse, reflection and various other maps as well as lighting and material settings that effect the amount of shadow and highlight on a model are all things you don't have to have ready to put a character into production animation and coding. You literally just add those on whenever once your model and UV unwrap is done.

When KOF 14 first trailered it had nothing but normal maps of hand painted textures and base material settings. As it progressed the early cast looked notably better. So long as the models aren't jaggy from too low a polygon count shaders, maps, and lighting can always be improved. If the model is good, the textures can come whenever. A lot of times if you generate your diffuse, or specular maps off of a negative of your normals you still need to go back and brush in more light and dark tones to adjust the amount of texture, shadows, and light that roll across your model and if you adjust material settings these can need readjusted into new PNG files again.

That shit is secondary. You leave that to the texture artists to polish alongside the lighting mechanics over the engine as you go into development. Once they got a base functionally textured model it doesn't need the rest of the polish yet.

NRS is doing markedly better than KOF 14 and SFV in textures already. It obviously needs some more material/lighting work to adjust deep shadows and tweaking is likely gonna come just like last time as it develops same as with KOF 14 and honestly SFV which also improved as it developed.

Its got a daaaaaamned solid start already. Its obviously missing several maps and setting tweaks at this stage just like SFV and KOF 14 did. Its fine.


Yeah, I ain't trying to be mad at a game that looks off when it's not out til next year. Now if it still looks bad then, that's a different story.


Yeah, I ain't trying to be mad at a game that looks off when it's not out til next year. Now if it still looks bad then, that's a different story.

Agreed. When Raven launched I was pissed. I've messed around in 3d enough to know what a model does when you stretch it to fix proportions on legs and didn't mask the head. They likely had the model, thought she needed longer legs for her look, stretched the whole model so the arms and torso weren't off and the head got stretched and suddenly BOOM long jaw and manly chin with big ol raised eyesockets and stretched eyebrow textures. I even did a simple CTRL+T squash of just the head to see if it would compress back down to a normal look to check it and sure enough the face compressed and looked normal with just that.

It was a shitty amateurish mistake that burned me on the first one. Its a first year zbrush noobie mistake. It looks like the same person tried to stretch Wonder Womans shoulders wider to adjust her and make her broader and stronger looking then just completely fucking lost it trying to use topology tugging to fix her proportions afterwards or something. Just a guess because her damned collar bone textures looked stretched and faded like they were setup for a different shape before and as the model stretched out the UV it stretched the texture. Just a guess though on her...it sure looked like a panic tug of war model stretching repair attempt by someone without experience but I'll never be certain of it. Raven though...yeah 100% I'd say certain she was fucked up by the exact scenario I stated. I've seen it too many times adjusting models as I worked on em and the CTRL+T test proved far to easily how it'd compress into a normal head. Even the eyebrows were in a regular layout instead of all super high after just that test!

Some things bug me. Simple mistakes like that are big ones because they are easily avoided. I also already posted today on stuff like Mighty No 9's silly textures too so this sorta tech griping feels like deja vu today at this point lol.


If Street Fighter V is the game we are considering the pinnacle of art direction then people should be in love with Injustice 2. After Street Fighter IV and now V it's obvious they have no clue how to translate the iconic pixel art designs to 3D.


Mrs. Harvey
Nothing looks as good as the Naruto games and Xrd. Everybody step it up.

I really want a full blown One Piece by cyberconnect.


Guilty Gear Xrd is the game by which all other attempts of 2D to 3D model fighting games should be judged. They did an amazing job.
Still ain't feeling the art direction of injustice. I think it's ugly. And I doubt it's changing in a year. Hope I am allowed to say that. Looks to animate stiff as well still. That's all they gave me in that trailer so that is all I have an opinion on right now.

I'll pick it up next year to play with the mechanics and play the SP stuff of course.


I'm more appalled by NRS' animation. Put it up next to any Japanese fighter and the game looks like complete garbage.

Say what you will about KOF XIV's PS2 quality computer graphics, but they're still light-years ahead of MK in terms of animation.


NRS reminds of Telltale studios. All the money in the world and yet they refuse to fix their shitty engine.

Don't know why some of y'all are forgeting this dev


Namco made the best looking 3d fighter this gen. Probably last gen, too...

...and the one before that.


Guilty Gear Xrd is the game by which all other attempts of 2D to 3D model fighting games should be judged. They did an amazing job.

Agreed but they were also INSANE with the amount of extra work they put on that project. Its clearly trying to apply 2d animators to a 3d mindset because instead of designing out some of the work they designed those lengthy 2d tricks back into the 3d work flow damn near designing triple the work into the project lol.

  • They still had to go through and paint shadows on every frame of 3d animation individually because of the way they setup UV maps to allow for the black vector non grainy linework on models. Square UV's were made for every indentation that resulted in tons of seams and odd shadows occuring if left to the engine using their UV method thus all shadows HAD to be painted by frame.
  • they still went and hand tweaked the model poses and the amount of squash and stretch on the models on every frame of animation just as if they were hand animating them from the start
  • They had not just one rig but two on every model plus a ton of extra bones and joints so that they could hand animate stuff like capes using controllers in 3d like they would if they drew them in 2d. The reason for 2 rigs is so one could use inverse kinematic controls and the other using regular kinematics so they could do either at will at any time when manipulating the model. This means raise your leg...if you goosestepped it was kinematic, if the knee bent when the leg raised its inverse kinematic because that joint rotated to stay in position.
  • They unwrapped EVERY MUSCLE AND RAISED AREA OF ANATOMY SEPERATELY AND MADE THE UVs SQUARES. Why? Because they didn't paint lines on the models...they use negative space to create those non jaggy blacks. They'd tug the UV beyond the flood filled color texture on it and the area missing colors would appear as a black smooth line on the model. This is beautiful and insanely unintuitive. This meant every bicep, and ab, and neckmuscle was a seperate UV chunk instead of just things like an entire boot or shirt. This put seams everywhere all over the model and that causes a shit ton of problems to work around.

Basically, they are gods of willpower and hardwork, but they really never designed a way to make 3d do what 2d could easily. They instead worked till they found a way to make 3d replicate 2d and said they'd pay whatever they had to finish it that way in man hours so that they didn't lose any control from 2d animation techniques in the pipeline jump to 3d. The painting shadows was waaaaaaay overkill. That could have been handled fine with careful ramp shading, material settings, and UVs, but since they wanted to use that UV map trick soooooooooo badly to get 100% smooth lines on black linework no matter how much you zoomed in it forced them to paint every frame otherwise the shadows would jump all over the fucking model with UV's laid out so fucking square and crazily laid out with seams all over the place across every indentation.

Guilty Gear is gorgeous, but its not a pipeline I think ANYONE should emulate unless they are insane. There are other ways to get good 3d cel shading. Naruto proves that. Its using careful material settings, ramp shading, hand painted textures, and toon shader line settings to generate good looking anime 1 to 1 models without all that extra stuff. Though I'll admit...it'll never have black outlining on its model as smooth and perfect as guilty gear's trick. Considering the work involved its a judgment call that not many would choose the GG path on. That game is ASW's baby though. Perfectionists dont even begin to describe doing something as ridiculous and insane as they did. Its cool, but holding it as a standard path others should walk? Not really fair IMO unless you like draining budgets...


Last Blade 2 still the best looking fighting game of all time. 3s is second and when T7 comes on PC and we get mods so we can replace the new terrible costumes, it will be the new best looking fighting game


Mrs. Harvey
Tekken looks good but for some reason I was never really impressed with it's visuals. Always thought VF looked better. Only time Tekken looked superior was 2 but VF has it be in each other numbered game. Sega has yet to release 6 and we'll probably never see a 7 until like 10 years from now if that.


1st - cR.SonicFox (USA) - $75,000
2nd - PXP.A F0xy Grampa (UK) - $45,000
3rd - cR.Dragon (USA) - $30,000
4th - PG.Scar (USA) - $20,000
t-5th: Orbit.Hayatei (CAN) - $10,000
t-5th: cR.Raptor (USA) - $10,000
t-7th: Jupe (FIN) - $5,000
t-7th: PNP.Madzin (GER) - $5,000
t-9th: IrishMantis (IRE)
t-9th: BEN.HeeyGe0rge (CHL)
t-9th: Sakr0n (RUS)
t-9th: Noble.BeyondToxin (USA)
t-13th: Boki (AUT)
t-13th: VDV.St9rm (AUT)
t-13th: Crathen (ITA)
t-13th: PerfectLegend (USA)

Can SFV survive Injustice in the FGC? I know injustice will destroy it in sales but what about FGC? I always wonder how the heck SFV pulls so much viewers or entrants when most casuals (who make up 90% of the playerbase) hate the game and company with a passion....Let me know FGC GAF!
Can SFV survive Injustice in the FGC? I know injustice will destroy it in sales but what about FGC? I always wonder how the heck SFV pulls so much viewers or entrants when most casuals (who make up 90% of the playerbase) hate the game and company with a passion....Let me know FGC GAF!
The average person just wants to feel cool doing stuff. SFV makes you feel like an idiot and a loser if you don't work hard, and even then, everyone has those moments. The average person who buys NRS games just wants to see fatalities and/or superheroes use their cool stuff (also, MvC). They're the kind of people that get upset when you play a zoner, throw, etc. They have no interest in seeing high level play, because high level player is borderline offensive to them.
The average person just wants to feel cool doing stuff. SFV makes you feel like an idiot and a loser if you don't work hard, and even then, everyone has those moments. The average person who buys NRS games just wants to see fatalities and/or superheroes use their cool stuff (also, MvC). They're the kind of people that get upset when you play a zoner, throw, etc. They have no interest in seeing high level play, because high level player is borderline offensive to them.

Very good points. I agree with what you said. But why high level player is offensive to them? Are they just jealous ? If the guy/girl put more time than them in something then they should be better. It is true for anything in life...
Very good points. I agree with what you said. But why high level player is offensive to them? Are they just jealous ? If the guy/girl put more time than them in something then they should be better. It is true for anything in life...
High level play is offensive to scrubs because it usually involves doing things that violate their scrub notion of skill. Think, for example, whether you've ever heard something stupid in a stream chat like "This guy isn't good, he just spams combos".


Can SFV survive Injustice in the FGC? I know injustice will destroy it in sales but what about FGC? I always wonder how the heck SFV pulls so much viewers or entrants when most casuals (who make up 90% of the playerbase) hate the game and company with a passion....Let me know FGC GAF!


At the end of the day, people will go and play SF. No matter the pissing and moaning. Injustice will do its own thing until another MK title comes and the cycle continues.

when's the next soul caliber tho


I want another Soul Calibur, damn it! ;_;


Can SFV survive Injustice in the FGC? I know injustice will destroy it in sales but what about FGC? I always wonder how the heck SFV pulls so much viewers or entrants when most casuals (who make up 90% of the playerbase) hate the game and company with a passion....Let me know FGC GAF!
Here we go again...

People thought Injustice would kill MVC3.

People thought MKX would kill SF4/SFV whatever the hell.

Nah... Injustice 2 isn't going to kill SFV. In fact SFV might end up out surviving it just like SF4 did MK9/Injustice.

Casual players don't watch FGC events or following competitive fighting games. Even the number of people who watch these events isn't that much and they aren't really casual.. more like enthusiasts. The 500K or so people who watch/attend EVO doesn't compare to the millions who buy these games day 1 and then stop playing after a week.


Here we go again...

People thought Injustice would kill MVC3.

People thought MKX would kill SF4/SFV whatever the hell.

Nah... Injustice 2 isn't going to kill SFV. In fact SFV might end up out surviving it just like SF4 did MK9/Injustice.

Casual players don't watch FGC events or following competitive fighting games. Even the number of people who watch these events isn't that much and they aren't really casual.. more like enthusiasts. The 500K or so people who watch/attend EVO doesn't compare to the millions who buy these games day 1 and then stop playing after a week.

Injustice 2 will kill SFV like how Gears of War will kill Halo
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