I often wonder how Skullgirls would have done if the game wasn't Marvel-based. I think an easier game would have sold better/done better (and easier does not mean dumbed-down)
I think a Darkstalkers-based (in terms of gameplay) Skullgirls would have scared fewer people away.
Marvel was always easier than DS. Marketing the game that way probably would have lured in fewer people and the game got plenty of nods towards DS with the slightly monster-like designs and dark atmosphere. The offense is somewhat similar, but pushblock not being piano based and not having Dark Force definitely differentiated them. Being "Dark Deco" ultimately set it apart and an all girl roster still would have pushed the same people away. Nothing would have changed at best.
Those Steamspy charts showed Skullgirls players were more likely to buy waifu games like VNs and 100% OJ than other fighting games.
I'd even go so far as to say a SG VN or RPG might do really well.
This isn't wrong and I'd buy whatever Lab Zero makes. It might be better for them to try another genre if they can. A lot of people are going to read your post and make shitty assumptions, though. I have 24 people on my friend list who own the game and there are around half a dozen killers among them who have wrecked me thoroughly (or decently enough). Another handful are probably around my level. I've played some of the remaining ones a few times and some of them are solid. These are not casuals by any definition I've read.
Edit: I got 58 XIII owners, 56 USFIV owners, 22 MK9 owners, 14 Injustice owners and 11 BBCSE owners. It is a nice spread.
Lets be blunt. The problem with Skullgirls was that it was very slow, boring to play and had very few characters. It didn't even have a move list. It also looked (objectively) like shit.
The whole "Marvel" thing came later as in "It is the modern MvC2...come play it!!!!" Which didn't really fool anybody either. It was released as a poor package overall and that was why it didn't do too well (Also the gypsy curse that surrounded it early on didn't help).
Sometimes I am thankful for SFxT. The game had such a shitty start that not even SG's cursed birth can compete. Lab Zero lost like seven to nine months of communication and dev time. That was more than a sting. It was like getting in the ring and taking a sunday punch to the chin at the beginning of the round. There were definitely some big objective problems with the vanilla version.
Granted it has improved quite a bit as time has gone on. However it still isn't much fun to play and the artstyle has remained the same.
Subjective and the art is it's strength. The people who would have picked it up had the art been different would have just been fad players for three months until the next shiny game caught their eye.
That doesn't mean there are not people who feel the complete opposite about the gameplay and art... but there just are not that many of those people and even less who actually play it.
Skullgirls needs a complete tear down to start again from square one. Those guys have proven now that they could make a top fighting game. They should do it.
A lot of people play it (at least on PC). I never have problems finding games and the IRC makes networking a cinch. We're still here after three years and hundreds of posts on gaf talking about the game being dead, boring, ugly or just plain bad.
It's not Marvel- the game does have it share of boring and frustrating- the big problem is that offense is too good in Skullgirls. When you constantly have to eat 5-way mixups, that's worse than SF4 vortex. Add in that any mistake= eating a long , rather boring-looking combo- that's why only a few people like playing the game.
The game works as intended I think, it's just that the intention does not lead to a fun game for most people, as steamrolling is too damn easy.
I agree the game needs some tearing down, which is why I'd want a sequel. I do think Mike Z would rather use the sprites he has now to make something new, rather than keep iterating on the same system, and I think he's talented enough to make a better game. (and that wouldn't be that expensive to accomplish)
I think Vampire Hunter (not Savior) would be a great inspiration.
I'll agree on one thing. The offense is stronger than ever before. The defense is going to receive major shakeups with Robo Fortune's release and continued Big Band/Fukua refinement, though. Steamrolling right now is definitely a tad strong with certain characters in the game.