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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT

Dudley is also a high execution character with a lot of really weird link timings, so maybe Smug doesn't want to risk losing the groove by swapping back and forth a bunch in tournament.
Thinking back to old tournaments, Japan has done way worse shit to foreign players, and they don't even bother apologizing for it.

More like SBO, not all of Japan. I think they actually did apologize, but it's not like it mattered as they screwed over players at the end of the day.
Character loyalty as a badge of honor is weird to me. The character you choose is the weapon you bring into the ring. I don't look down on people who switch around alot. If it gives them a better chance to win, sweet. Maybe they have fun jumping around. Watts used to switch around in st for goodness sake!

I don't switch characters alot cause i suck. Can only roll with 1 main at a time, haha.

DeeJay fo life, suckas.
In SF2 if I can perform a 3-5 hit combo i'm good to go so I used all the characters. But in Ultra, I suck at connecting/extending the combos with the FAC and stuff :( So I just use Blanka, Bison or Honda.


Old Man Wilson always tells me you have to be able to play half the cast in ST because MUs just got that stupid. His descriptions of the bad MUs are hysterical.
Smug: "I like having fun. I like playing Japanese players in long sets I have fun."

Smug: "Ima stick to my guns learn the match" - regarding him getting bopped by Gamerbee.

Smug: "I want to learn about this game"

<3 He got the right attitude.

This reminds me of Nemo's and Machabo's reactions after they got mauled by Ogawa (Nemo's will to fight was completely broken, Machabo lost a FT10 2-10) early on in GG's life:

Nemo: Broken ground game into broken pressure into broken unblockables waah waah
Machaboo: Interesting. I need to learn more about the Zato match.

Next time for Nemo hasn't come to my knowledge, Machabo went and won a second FT10 with a 10-2 score.

Character loyalty as a badge of honor is weird to me. The character you choose is the weapon you bring into the ring. I don't look down on people who switch around alot. If it gives them a better chance to win, sweet. Maybe they have fun jumping around. Watts used to switch around in st for goodness sake!

I don't switch characters alot cause i suck. Can only roll with 1 main at a time, haha.

It's a-ok to switch. It's just as a spectator it makes for less hype games when people switch in matchups that aren't hard counterpicks. The amount of characters some of these guys play also really shows in their level of play of what used to be their main. Just makes the game more boring to watch, and the proliferation of Dekappas and Eflailenas as pockets doesn't really help.


Old Man Wilson always tells me you have to be able to play half the cast in ST because MUs just got that stupid. His descriptions of the bad MUs are hysterical.

Some games are like that, especially the simpler ones where learning alts doesn't take tons of time.

This is one reason why I find simpler execution games more fun, you get to use more of the cast and char switching isn't a crisis like it is in anime games or even SF4.


awesome, kaz has accepted john choi's offer
&#12363;&#12378;&#12398;&#12371; &#8207;@kazunoko0215 15m
@JohnChoiBoy Thanks for invite! I'm grateful to you.
I'll do my best in SCR!! Thank you very much. m(_ _)m


Alioune acting like a straight fool. ROFL He got pretty owned by the T.O. Credit to R Kappa for bringing this to peoples attention.

Honestly, I found nothing impressive about his play during hype spotting. He looked average at best. Seems like the EU K-Brad. Once the Vortex was gone nothing but struggles.


You don't fuck with Affro.

Especially at the pub quiz gat damn


What training mode patents do Namco hold? I'm curious. I remember asking Seth Killian about what training mode features SFxT would have back when that was released, and he went on to say that Namco hold a lot of the patents, and that it's somewhat easier this time around seen as they were collaborating with them.

Anyone know any of the specifics? It seems like such a restrictive area to be able to maintain a patent in.

EDIT - Found it
I also had a look back at this GameSpot article from 2012 that talks about the subject of training modes and the games ability to teach. I hate the idea of patents in this area.


Good on Choi.

I have a hard time viewing character loyalty as anything but idiocy.

But if you're not super concerned about winning, then it's whatever.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Want to "learn about the game"? Learn to play more characters. It helps make the game more intuitive. Picking up a secondary never means you're dropping your main. It just means you're filling holes in your competitive strategies.

Smug is probably so married to the reputation he's built with the character it's too late for him. I guess running trains on online warriors for hours on end is a more productive use of his time.
If nobody else shows up to SCR but the tournament still has a qualification slot, then isn't it the best tournament for him to go to?


injustice had that training mode data already.

i seem to recall that injustice's data had some weird bug with it that made them display the wrong numbers though. that probably got patched
Good on Choi.

I have a hard time viewing character loyalty as anything but idiocy.

But if you're not super concerned about winning, then it's whatever.
Dude, you mained Felicia for your entire Marvel career. How can you say that?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Want to "learn about the game"? Learn to play more characters. It helps make the game more intuitive. Picking up a secondary never means you're dropping your main. It just means you're filling holes in your competitive strategies.

Smug is probably so married to the reputation he's built with the character it's too late for him.
Everyone works differently. My brain has a lot of trouble switching between characters. In Marvel, if I switch between two assists, my play completely falls apart in most cases. I can't maintain two different styles of play in my head, mechanically. Being a character specialist is essential to my success. I can switch between games just fine, but not characters. Even in Smash, if I switch between Custom Bowser and Default Bowser, I will start making a huge number of mistakes.

Also, it depends on how much time you have. Street Fighter has a massive roster. I just don't have time to learn all those characters, especially when I don't like them. Playing characters I don't like is going to reduce my interest in the game. I can do just fine playing people and having conversations about what I am experiencing. In Guilty Gear, I've never seen Ogawa play a character other than Zato, and you can't say that he really needs to, either.

Sure, it's good to go into training mode and play around a bit, but I don't think anyone needs to have a repertoire of characters to succeed in a game unless it is more matchup-heavy than most. Even so, I would rather spend my time mastering 1 character from 3 different games than 3 characters from 1 game.
The question use to be, will a American win EVO(in SF4)? Now the better question is will a American even win a premier event? Europe just lost their first one as well. Besides Canada Cup, all the NA Premier Event are in the earlier half of the year. With many of them confirmed for every US event and others to appear randomly I think their is a good chance we may not have an American win a US premier event.

Qualified or not, top Asians are going to keep coming for that money and basically end up gate keeping Europe and America from winning a guaranteed spot. We'll definitely see plenty of Europeans and Americans at Capcom Cup but I wouldn't be surprised if only 2 or 3 are there because they won a automatic spot. If it were only 1-2 of them then Europe/American can do it, but it's very difficult when they have to deal with half a dozen of them or more which might be the case for every European/American Premier Event.


The question use to be, will a American win EVO(in SF4)? Now the better question is will a American even win a premier event? Europe just lost their first one as well. Besides Canada Cup, all the NA Premier Event are in the earlier half of the year. With many of them confirmed for every US event and others to appear randomly I think their is a good chance we may not have an American win a US premier event.

Qualified or not, top Asians are going to keep coming for that money and basically end up gate keeping Europe and America from winning a guaranteed spot. We'll definitely see plenty of Europeans and Americans at Capcom Cup but I wouldn't be surprised if only 2 or 3 are there because they won a automatic spot. If it were only 1-2 of them then Europe/American can do it, but it's very difficult when they have to deal with half a dozen of them or more which might be the case for every European/American Premier Event.

Well last years pro tour there was 5 from the west that qualified from winning a pro tour tournament I think: Ryan Heart (Final Round), PR Rog (NCR), Luffy (Evo), Valmaster (VSFighting 4) and Snake Eyez (The Fall Classic). So with the prize pools going up so dramatically I guess your estimate is probably to be expected. But then again, there's also more premier pro tour events.

Was there 10 last year (11 if you count Capcom Cup as a premier qualifier for next years) And I think 13(14) this year.

I see your point though, there's a more even spread of premier events this time. But US/EU players are going to have to get used to traveling now if they want to maximise their chances. That's the reality that the Asian players are coming to realise more and more. 2 out of the 5 western premier event winners from last years tour travelled outside their continent to win their majors. Ryan Heart, and Luffy. If we include every premier event winner, then I think 4 out of 10 won outside their continent. Ryan Heart, Luffy, Infiltration and Fuudo. Traveling is the way to go.


The question use to be, will a American win EVO(in SF4)? Now the better question is will a American even win a premier event? Europe just lost their first one as well. Besides Canada Cup, all the NA Premier Event are in the earlier half of the year. With many of them confirmed for every US event and others to appear randomly I think their is a good chance we may not have an American win a US premier event.

Qualified or not, top Asians are going to keep coming for that money and basically end up gate keeping Europe and America from winning a guaranteed spot. We'll definitely see plenty of Europeans and Americans at Capcom Cup but I wouldn't be surprised if only 2 or 3 are there because they won a automatic spot. If it were only 1-2 of them then Europe/American can do it, but it's very difficult when they have to deal with half a dozen of them or more which might be the case for every European/American Premier Event.

Would be surprised if they won, and even if some did make it into CapCup there is no way they would place high there.

Don't think there is a single player in NA that is a real threat to the overall top players (which are pretty much exclusively Asian). The only threat from Europe is Luffy but he and Rose have been pretty much figured out after he put himself on the map at EVO.


tagged by Blackace
TLE's much anticipated spotlight is up. Just gonna post it here as well so people don't miss it:

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Every week, FGW will spotlight one GAFer to get a better picture of their history with fighting games, their preferences, and much more. For this week's FGW Player Spotlight, we will be taking a closer look at our most lovable drive-by poster, The Last Emperor!

What fighting games do you currently play, what is your all time favourite and why?
I don't play any fighting games. Haven't played in years, since the first month of vanilla marvel and I realized I was booty butt cheeks. I still play smash 64 randomly
What are your favorite mechanics from the current selection of fighting games and why? What are your least favorite and why?
Favourite mechanic is X factor. Comebacks for the days means the hype is real. There's nothing better than an X factor 3 Vergil or Dark Phoenix comeback. Least favourite is anything that gives back health (x factor, devil trigger, that bitch Elena's ultra).
What got you into fighting games? Are there any other genre of games you play?
Marvel got me into the Fgc. Bought in the first month because I was bored with 4chan. I thought it was me who sucked but I was playing on an Xbox pads. Found my way to a random Fgc thread on SOHH and they had a link to a stream that happened the weekend previos. I started watching it and my mind was blown. Who were these losers who went to tournaments to play. I was laughing my head off. Not only that, there were sponsorships and team names. It was EMP that took the cake tho. These lames had on jerseys. But then I saw Evil Rahsaan Spider-Man and damn, I couldn't stop watchin. A couple of hours later, I was watching this really fat dude getting bionic armed and I was hooked. Shoutout to ultradavid for the hypest commentary ever, back when the mic would cut out once a match. I originally only cared for marvel, but when Poongko smashed that red bull, then perfected that fraud on the biggest stage, I started to get into SF as well. Those are the only games that matter, so I don't really watch anything else. I don't really play anything else, other than CoD wit my lil bro sometimes, where I run around with the riot shield and have a terrible k/d ratio but always lead the team in assists.
What is your favorite fighting game character and why?
Favourite fighting game character changes everyday. Whichever one produces the most salt or whoever has the biggest boobies.
Describe your style of play, and how do you play (local, online, etc.).
If I would play, I'd be the most annoying. I'd get one hit then run and turtle. If I played online, I would most definitely pull the plug if I was losing.
What do you feel are your biggest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
I don't have weaknesses cuz I'm not dumb enough to spend anytime playing these games.
Best and worst moments in the your fighting game career?
Best moments are too numerous to count, as a stream monster. This is entertainment, and the more than people that are mad/sad, the better. Tbh, the best moments happen during non-tournaments (the on blast show, Lando at the FGC house). I generally root for the player that will produce the most salt, whether it's for the player who loses or on gaf. So, worst moments is when I gotta eat crow (Rufus winning marvel last year, the fraud yesterday).
What do you want from future fighting games?
I want the future to bring more entertainment for me as a stream monster. So, no more of these crappy anime or 3d games.
Who should be on next week's GAF Player Spotlight?
The gorilla dude should get it next week. He the homie.
Since Dahbomb strongly encourages pre-orders, what games do you plan to buy that have been officially announced?
I haven't bought or been excited for a game since vanilla, so idc.


american players should start travelling to tournaments abroad if they really want a greater chance of qualifying. i just find it funny that dieminion, a non-sponsored player, travels to international tournaments more often than sponsored players, especially those who are part of an 'esports' team. heck, he was even in france last weekend competing in an event when the rest of the american players were getting bodied left and right at ncr.


Honestly it doesn't feel like the top NA players are innovating or advancing much. You see Daigo, Momochi, Gamerbee, Nemo, Bonchan and others level up tremendously but Justin, Ricky etc. just kinda seem to stay at the same level.

During NCR James Chen mentioned that Justin has been preparing a new character but hasn't used him yet and he wasn't sure if he was going at NCR. Really? Meanwhile in Scotland Mago won Hypespotting with Yang after a long streak of losing with the new pick but finally being able to power through. Same thing happened with Daigo, took him a whole lot of losing to get the hang of E.Ryu.
That is the most honest and expected interview thus far. Worth the wait. We should do the series with TLE.

Inside the Stream Monster's Mind: Are They Human, Too?

It's laziness, not loyalty.
Pfft, you expect me to believe that you stick to your waifu out of laziness?

Anyway, we play these games partially to win as the characters we love and relate to. I appreciate that Justin Wong goes out of his way to remind people that these are video games, and we should be having fun with them. Winning with your character through your mastery of that character is part of the joy of playing. Shit like "pick a top tier" is ridiculous. Not even the most renown and repetitive speaker of that line holds to it.


Honestly it doesn't feel like the top NA players are innovating or advancing much. You see Daigo, Momochi, Gamerbee, Nemo, Bonchan and others level up tremendously but Justin, Ricky etc. just kinda seem to stay at the same level.

During NCR James Chen mentioned that Justin has been preparing a new character but hasn't used him yet and he wasn't sure if he was going at NCR. Really? Meanwhile in Scotland Mago won Hypespotting with Yang after a long streak of losing with the new pick but finally being able to power through.

I think Mago has been really clever with how he's approached this so far. I wouldn't be surprised to see him get quite far in Capcup.
Of the 16 automatic spots, Asia already has 4 of them. No offense to Europe and America but let's completely rule out all 4 Asian Premier Events. That leaves 8 premier events left for Europe and America to try and win in their territory(or close to it) where they'll have strength in numbers and the hometown crowd in their side. I think they will get a few of them but I think those will also be the events towards the end of the year where only a few or no Asians end up attending.


Dude, you mained Felicia for your entire Marvel career. How can you say that?

Everyone works differently. My brain has a lot of trouble switching between characters. In Marvel, if I switch between two assists, my play completely falls apart in most cases. I can't maintain two different styles of play in my head, mechanically. Being a character specialist is essential to my success. I can switch between games just fine, but not characters. Even in Smash, if I switch between Custom Bowser and Default Bowser, I will start making a huge number of mistakes.

Also, it depends on how much time you have. Street Fighter has a massive roster. I just don't have time to learn all those characters, especially when I don't like them. Playing characters I don't like is going to reduce my interest in the game. I can do just fine playing people and having conversations about what I am experiencing. In Guilty Gear, I've never seen Ogawa play a character other than Zato, and you can't say that he really needs to, either.

Sure, it's good to go into training mode and play around a bit, but I don't think anyone needs to have a repertoire of characters to succeed in a game unless it is more matchup-heavy than most. Even so, I would rather spend my time mastering 1 character from 3 different games than 3 characters from 1 game.

People's minds work more differently than their brains. Our brains are pretty similar in terms of task capacity due to plasticity. I'm willing to bet you could switch between different teams/characters/fitness goals/instruments/wives at the drop of a hat, if you simply set your mind to the task.

Time is obviously a limited resource that is intrinsic to succeeding at anything, and not everyone has it in equal amounts. Your capacity to leverage the time you have available in a productive fashion is a competitive skill in this context.

Using Guilty Gear's Ogawa as an example doesn't really prove anything. Guilty Gear isn't, never has, and never will be as competitive as Ultra SSF4.

Yeah, you don't need to have a secondary to be successful, but to completely dismiss the notion is stupidity, and is only self-limiting. Especially if your current approach (sticking to one character) isn't bearing the fruits you desire.
Of the 16 automatic spots, Asia already has 4 of them. No offense to Europe and America but let's completely rule out all 4 Asian Premier Events. That leaves 8 premier events left for Europe and America to try and win in their territory(or close to it) where they'll have strength in numbers and the hometown crowd in their side. I think they will get a few of them but I think those will also be the events towards the end of the year where only a few or no Asians end up attending.

I don't think any NA/EU players will win a tournament, but I'm pretty certain atleast 1 will qualify from being the highest-placing unqualified player at a tournament.

If another situation like last weekend happens where an American player makes it to grand finals vs an Asian player, if the Asian player already qualified then the American will automatically get a spot even if he loses.
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