why hasn't MK adopted the movie theme as the series official theme?
Erron is Stryker v3.0 so I dunno if he is gonna be much cop.
I bought it on the Brazilian Steam, not sure if it's a worldwide deal
then there's also the dakimakuras sticks :B
why hasn't MK adopted the movie theme as the series official theme?
Whatever happened to Ryan Hunter? His commentary on Marvel and SF is good.
My computer runs games pretty now
I'm really close to pulling the trigger on MKX. are people buying the premium edition with the kombat pack or no?
Game is looking legit and even if I only play it for a little I want to support fighting games more than any other genre. They put a lot of effort into this one,and I am hoping this can last me to SF5 next year or SF5 beta this year.
He did go in hard for SFxT, he was fantastic with that. Probably one of the better Steve players around.
EDIT @ Markman: I know this is out of your hands but I am really hoping the new SF5 pads are more durable than the fightpads!
why hasn't MK adopted the movie theme as the series official theme?
MvC3 was made by Capcom. ;p
It is not out of my hands at all. I'm in charge of the new SF5 range of products in it's entirety :O
It is not out of my hands at all. I'm in charge of the new SF5 range of products in it's entirety :O
It is not out of my hands at all. I'm in charge of the new SF5 range of products in it's entirety :O
fuuuuck just dumped $63 on MKX premium on PC.
see yall day 1
It is not out of my hands at all. I'm in charge of the new SF5 range of products in it's entirety :O
MK is animeI had a dream last night that the next iteration of Xrd had been announced, in detail.
It was basically Xrd + AC.
That was a good dream.
I'll be eagerly awaiting FGW's opinions on the PC version.fuuuuck just dumped $63 on MKX premium on PC.
see yall day 1
Is Northwest Majors a pro capvom tour event.
What is the difference?Ranking event
All this talk about pads make me think, why do the people here who use them stick to them? Never got comfortable with sticks?
Sad that Ryan Hunter isn't about marvel anymore. Never forget!
I can respect this.
The frame timing involved in those sai loops is legit.
As opposed to +frames for days teleport lock-downs into happiness kills.
Fuck Toki.
At least Rei is deliberate Bishonen trolling.
I like the middle of the road crowd, myself - Shin, Ken and Souther.
Though only Shin and Ken count, really.
why wouldn't I if I play better on pad?
I can play on stick because I used to play in arcades but I think pad is much better.
Probably going pad for Tekken 7, PS4 sticks are still expensive and I like how it's easier to wavedash on pad. Always had difficulty pressing 1+2 and 3+4 on pad but I'll deal... maybe?
All this talk about pads make me think, why do the people here who use them stick to them? Never got comfortable with sticks?
Why not set up the collar buttons as shortcuts?
R1 and R2 should work nicely.
What is the difference?
make a pad with 4 face buttons plsssssssssssss
That just sounds painful. Saturn pad for life (though I got a stick and will try it out)Keyboard > all
Why not set up the collar buttons as shortcuts?
R1 and R2 should work nicely.
Just feels strange is all. So many pros play and swear by it so I'm always surprised when a top player uses pad.
All this talk about pads make me think, why do the people here who use them stick to them? Never got comfortable with sticks?
lol!Bro it's been like 7 years.
Not a major! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Joke aside. It's a CPT event but doesn't automatically qualify the winner for the capcom cup tourny. Ranking event means they get ranking points, iirc half of the spots are done by ranking.
This and/or a pad that doesn't make me play claw to do the mashing attacks like Chuns kicks.
I'll be eagerly awaiting FGW's opinions on the PC version.
I'm gonna wait to see how the port turns out so I don't get burned...
I think Injustice would be a good measuring stick. How was that PC port?
i guess that means no xb1/xbox 360 pad then.We aren't releasing pads for USF4. We are working on a new one for SF5.
Sub-Zero Ice clone in the corner freezes breakers. So if you get a combo off of his ridiculous pressure, you have to eat it.
Genesis 6-button & Saturn >>>> anything Nintendo ever put out.Plus I've been playing fighters since the SNES days and I've always used pads. Which is another reason why I like 4 face buttons more than 6 face buttons. Four has been a thing for decades.