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Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | Fighting Games Weekly | Apr 6-12 | DaiGOAT

Don't you even. I've literally called her "the least interesting Darkstalker" in the past.
She's still your avatar. :)

People's minds work more differently than their brains. Our brains are pretty similar in terms of task capacity due to plasticity. I'm willing to bet you could switch between different teams/characters/fitness goals/instruments/wives at the drop of a hat, if you simply set your mind to the task.

Time is obviously a limited resource that is intrinsic to succeeding at anything, and not everyone has it in equal amounts. Your capacity to leverage the time you have available in a productive fashion is a competitive skill in this context.

Using Guilty Gear's Ogawa as an example doesn't really prove anything. Guilty Gear isn't, never has, and never will be as competitive as Ultra SSF4.

Yeah, you don't need to have a secondary to be successful, but to completely dismiss the notion is stupidity, and is only self-limiting. Especially if your current approach (sticking to one character) isn't bearing the fruits you desire.
I don't dismiss the notion, but Sixfortyfive was talking shit about character specialists. That was what I was responding to.

Some characters I can swap more easily than others. Like, I can't from from Dormammu to Skrull or Wesker because their teleport inputs are all different. Especially since Skull and Dormammu have reversed inputs for their combo enders.
What got you into fighting games? Are there any other genre of games you play?
Marvel got me into the Fgc. Bought in the first month because I was bored with 4chan. I thought it was me who sucked but I was playing on an Xbox pads. Found my way to a random Fgc thread on SOHH and they had a link to a stream that happened the weekend previos. I started watching it and my mind was blown. Who were these losers who went to tournaments to play. I was laughing my head off. Not only that, there were sponsorships and team names. It was EMP that took the cake tho. These lames had on jerseys. But then I saw Evil Rahsaan Spider-Man and damn, I couldn't stop watchin. A couple of hours later, I was watching this really fat dude getting bionic armed and I was hooked. Shoutout to ultradavid for the hypest commentary ever, back when the mic would cut out once a match. I originally only cared for marvel, but when Poongko smashed that red bull, then perfected that fraud on the biggest stage, I started to get into SF as well. Those are the only games that matter, so I don't really watch anything else. I don't really play anything else, other than CoD wit my lil bro sometimes, where I run around with the riot shield and have a terrible k/d ratio but always lead the team in assists.

yo this interview is REAL.

Favourite fighting game character changes everyday. Whichever one produces the most salt or whoever has the biggest boobies.

I gotta hespec dat


That interview is too good, haha. First interview to have the person's favorite and least favorite mechanic be the same thing?


Couldn't have said it better myself.

Want to "learn about the game"? Learn to play more characters. It helps make the game more intuitive. Picking up a secondary never means you're dropping your main. It just means you're filling holes in your competitive strategies.

Smug is probably so married to the reputation he's built with the character it's too late for him. I guess running trains on online warriors for hours on end is a more productive use of his time.
Yeah this is how I learn fighting games, I just try to learn everyone, and stick with 2 or 3 the majority of the time for tournament play.


Trying out new characters can give you a new perspective on the game, which can be cool.

For example, playing Balrog early on gave me more of an understanding on pokes and footsies as well as how charge characters work, and playing Dhalsim a few days ago made me understand how much he sucks lol
now do you have mains who share the same moveset, or opposite playstyles?

*I main Guy, with my secondary being ALL CHARGE CHARACTERS *


I have a hard time viewing character loyalty as anything but idiocy.

But if you're not super concerned about winning, then it's whatever.

fuck you taskmaster forever


That explains so much

Depends what part. If he didn't come from /sp/ he doesn't know shit about 4chan.

Of the 16 automatic spots, Asia already has 4 of them. No offense to Europe and America but let's completely rule out all 4 Asian Premier Events. That leaves 8 premier events left for Europe and America to try and win in their territory(or close to it) where they'll have strength in numbers and the hometown crowd in their side. I think they will get a few of them but I think those will also be the events towards the end of the year where only a few or no Asians end up attending.

Americans need to travel to even get in by points. The Asian players are not only winning the prem events, but also taking the top 4 spots which give out points that actually give you a good chance at qualifying. Only Du was able to get top 4 so far in 2 prem. events. If you're not consistently making top 4 at a tournament in the US, you will find it hard to qualify as now there are only 6 ranking events in the US. There are 12 in Asia. So the ranking events will be really important for American players as the international players are the ones getting top 4 at prem. events.

Du, Snake, Dieminion, and Justin have a good chance at qualifying through points as they can pick up points at the ranking events as they are consistently up there in tournaments without international players and Du picked up a decent amount at NCR. I'm assuming the top internationals won't go to US ranking events until after EVO if they're desperate.

Apart from EVO, top 4 is what gives you a good amount of points at both prem. and ranking events. Just look at the disparity between one 1st place finish and multiple 3rd place finishes. You need 4 3rd place finishes to even equal one 1st place finish.

The playerbase is so good in Asia that results will be a lot less expected so there will be different players getting top 4 in Asia ranking events. We have seen this in the past like Pepeday and Nishikin winning tournaments or how Tonpy won the Cannes qualifier back in January despite Momochi, Bonchan, etc... all competing in it. If there is a different winner every time there will be more players with 128 points for first.

In the American players only tournaments, results are a lot more consistent so the very same players will be getting a massive amount of points compared to the Asian counterpart. For example, Snake and Dieminion placed top 2 at Winter Brawl. Snake made top 2 at Apex. This isn't unexpected. This means that someone like Snake has a good chance at being a higher seed (from winning multiple ranking tournaments) than Asian players that qualify by points, but that there will be less Americans qualifying by points at the end of the day.

I don't know if that makes sense to you guys. I'm essentially saying that American ranking events will produce qualified players with massive amount of points and also unqualified players with very little points. Asia ranking events will produce qualified players with a decent amount of points and there will be a good number of them. Because top 4 is very top heavy in points given out, the latter will produce more qualified players because it's better to not have 1 to 3 players hogging up all of the points. It's better to have 4 different winners at 4 events than to have 2 guys win 2 events out of 4.

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the way I'm thinking it's going to turn out.

Azure J

I have a hard time viewing character loyalty as anything but idiocy.

But if you're not super concerned about winning, then it's whatever.

I mean I can respect this (with the context that we're playing a game for money/prizes), but I am playing a game and if I don't like the most competitively geared characters or the play style I like is attached to a struggle character, then I probably won't even consider going much further with the title. Either that or you'll see the most polished "struggle" character ever. There's a strange connection I develop with my characters where if I'm not playing them, I can't get into the groove at all.

I mean shit, for as much crap as I give Smash 4, my strongest character is still Marth overall. :lol


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
I mean I can respect this (with the context that we're playing a game for money/prizes), but I am playing a game and if I don't like the most competitively geared characters or the play style I like is attached to a struggle character, then I probably won't even consider going much further with the title. Either that or you'll see the most polished "struggle" character ever. There's a strange connection I develop with my characters where if I'm not playing them, I can't get into the groove at all.

I mean shit, for as much crap as I give Smash 4, my strongest character is still Marth overall. :lol

I mean, I'll be straight: I don't think I'm the smartest fighting game player, myself.

Part of the reason why I gravitated towards grounded, non-flight characters in Marvel was because I felt like I had a better shot at "maximizing" their abilities, and that's something that I get satisfaction from. Characters with a billion options intimidate me; it's why I wrote off Dante before the game even launched.

It's obvious that that kind of stuff handicaps me out of the gate, but *shrug*.


Whatever happened to Ryan Hunter? His commentary on Marvel and SF is good.

Plays a niche game (Xrd) on the low. Pay attention when I spam Versus Gaming Lan Center on Twitch:


He typically commentates Xrd there, when the owner actually keeps his promise to stream it. We hold Bi-Weeklies every other Friday. This Friday we're skipping that though, in favor of an EVO sponsorship tournament this Saturday.

I'll likely be traveling with him to EVO this year. I think he wants to commentate Xrd, at least. He'll probably commentate Marvel also, but he doesn't play anymore since Xrd hit.


Looking to play my fighters without lag, and my Bravia just doesn't afford me that luxury.

Can I get a good gaming monitor for $250? Anybody have any links or brand suggestions?

Azure J

Sad that Ryan Hunter isn't about marvel anymore. Never forget!


I don't know why 4 years later, this one mix up is still so pretty looking to me. We've seen all manners of crazy incoming (with Dante and in general) in this game but this one still just makes me PogChamp every time.

Shit I might have contributed to people learning crazy mix ups with the character and I still feel this way about The Ryan Hunter™.


Looking to play my fighters without lag, and my Bravia just doesn't afford me that luxury.

Can I get a good gaming monitor for $250? Anybody have any links or brand suggestions?

You can get a good monitor for $130-170 depending on what you like.

Both slick deals and dealzon are good sites to find deals.
Check out Display Lag http://www.displaylag.com/ to see the lag for every monitor you're interested in.


I don't know why 4 years later, this one mix up is still so pretty looking to me. We've seen all manners of crazy incoming (with Dante and in general) in this game but this one still just makes me PogChamp every time.

Shit I might have contributed to people learning crazy mix ups with the character and I still feel this way about The Ryan Hunter™.

I know that feel! This mix-up inspires me to be a better Dante player to this day.
I resent that

I played USF4 less than a week ago

That's not good use :p Kappa

Sad that Ryan Hunter isn't about marvel anymore. Never forget!


I'm just watching the stage and not even looking at the gameplay. Mahvel, y u has pretty stages BibleThump

now do you have mains who share the same moveset, or opposite playstyles?

*I main Guy, with my secondary being ALL CHARGE CHARACTERS *

Not really. Pretty much top tier midrange space control monsters all day.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
My computer runs games pretty now
I'm really close to pulling the trigger on MKX. are people buying the premium edition with the kombat pack or no?



I have an older model of this and it's amazing for gaming, only 2ms lag. They are the one's used at a lot of the tournaments iirc.
Thanks, that one looks good and is well within my budget, even with the 2 year protection deal.
You can get a good monitor for $130-170 depending on what you like.

Both slick deals and dealzon are good sites to find deals.
Check out Display Lag http://www.displaylag.com/ to see the lag for every monitor you're interested in.
Thanks for this as well. Will see how these monitors stack up, but I'm glad they're not as expensive as I thought they'd be.


I can only speak for myself, but I tend to specialize in specific characters out of necessity. It takes me too goddamn long to learn muscle memory and properly internalize a character's mechanics (and nowadays, by the time that's happened a new revision changes everything anyway). Trying to do that with multiple characters is just asking for futility.

However, I'm not competing for those e-sports checks. It really comes down to how much you can realistically gain in win expectancy from a counter-pick versus what you would lose from switching to a character you are not as good/familiar with.

Some games will let you switch modes/options for match-ups (like assists, styles, etc.), so in some games it's not all or nothing.


My computer runs games pretty now
I'm really close to pulling the trigger on MKX. are people buying the premium edition with the kombat pack or no?

I pre-ordered on Steam, and got a great deal: game + kombat pack for ~$55. Today you usually get a brand new game for $60, so yaaaay Steam


I didn't know you could buy MKX with the Kombat pack and so bought it solo for $43. Wish I knew about that offer.


Says $80 on Steam currently. Waiting to see if any GMG 20% coupons this weekends before deciding.

I also have AOW3 expansion coming out that day.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
I pre-ordered on Steam, and got a great deal: game + kombat pack for ~$55. Today you usually get a brand new game for $60, so yaaaay Steam

I didn't know you could buy MKX with the Kombat pack and so bought it solo for $43. Wish I knew about that offer.
GMG has premium edition for $63 after coupon. spent a lottttt of money this month so this is difficult

Mr. X

You guys need to put more fighting games in your rotation if cant swap characters easily.

My pitfall is same charactwr in different games. Like I try to play SF4 Dudley like 3S Dudley. Probably should stop playing him in SF4 and learn Hakan.


loves Arcade Sticks
They were amazing this weekend. By any chance does the fact that Mago and Daigo qualified already mean that they may not attend some of the future Premier Events that they were probably going to? Not because of you guys, but because they already got there spot and might choose to stay home.

BTW, did anybody upload the Winners matches that were played on the old build? Just wanted to rewatch some of them but it looks like even the random people who upload match videos didn't bother uploading them.

They are still going.
Got a Benq 24" 144hz 3D monitor for £140 in box from CEX yesterday. My lagless monitor needs are settled.

Best monitor I have seen at the moment for FGs is probably the 60hz BenQ monitor that they advertise for DOTA and RTS use. £140 and lagless.

Plus BenQ sponsor EG and ergo in turn sponsor PR Rog, Ricky, Justin and Momochi, who are all hype players. :)


We aren't releasing pads for USF4. We are working on a new one for SF5.

If I was to make a suggestion- I'd say look at the FC4 but bigger buttons, and some way to keep from hitting start accidentally (if they don't implement Skullgirls pausing)

And no turbo function period if you can swing that.
Alioune is picking up MKX today, according to his Twitter.

I am expecting a Sinestro situation in MKX where the first three days after the game comes out will be dominated by people annoyed at the week -1 top tiers getting nerfed!

EDIT @ Markman: I know this is out of your hands but I am really hoping the new SF5 pads are more durable than the fightpads!


If I was to make a suggestion- I'd say look at the FC4 but bigger buttons, and some way to keep from hitting start accidentally (if they don't implement Skullgirls pausing)

And no turbo function period if you can swing that.

Bigger buttons serve claw style play well but it's not as good for just thumb users. I prefer the current size on the SFxT pads over the FC4 ones because I can actually 4 Button Tech easier, lol


All this talk about pads make me think, why do the people here who use them stick to them? Never got comfortable with sticks?

I am expecting a Sinestro situation in MKX where the first three days after the game comes out will be dominated by people annoyed at the week -1 top tiers getting nerfed!

I wonder who it will be. I didn't do enough research on the characters but Erron looks to be an easy guess for a character than can annoy people.
I wonder who it will be. I didn't do enough research on the characters but Erron looks to be an easy guess for a character than can annoy people.

My fingers are crossed for Takeda. I was 100% right about Aquaman in Injustice and I think the dude has real potential.

Erron is Stryker v3.0 so I dunno if he is gonna be much cop.
All this talk about pads make me think, why do the people here who use them stick to them? Never got comfortable with sticks?

you use what you find comfortable, grew up with, or are more technically able to handle.

I can switch b/w pad and stick, but i have more technical abilities available on stick so i prefer it now. But learning to play stick took a long time.

for example, i can't do shit supers wise on 2p side still to this day on dpad due to my thumb shape, but on stick it's more feasible.

likewise, i know people who use PC keyboards and are amazing with it.

then there's also the dakimakuras sticks :B

something i found hella weird to this day is SNAKE EYEZ dpad movement with arcade style face buttons on a controller.
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