Depends what part. If he didn't come from /sp/ he doesn't know shit about 4chan.
Of the 16 automatic spots, Asia already has 4 of them. No offense to Europe and America but let's completely rule out all 4 Asian Premier Events. That leaves 8 premier events left for Europe and America to try and win in their territory(or close to it) where they'll have strength in numbers and the hometown crowd in their side. I think they will get a few of them but I think those will also be the events towards the end of the year where only a few or no Asians end up attending.
Americans need to travel to even get in by points. The Asian players are not only winning the prem events, but also taking the top 4 spots which give out points that actually give you a good chance at qualifying. Only Du was able to get top 4 so far in 2 prem. events. If you're not consistently making top 4 at a tournament in the US, you will find it hard to qualify as now there are only 6 ranking events in the US. There are 12 in Asia. So the ranking events will be really important for American players as the international players are the ones getting top 4 at prem. events.
Du, Snake, Dieminion, and Justin have a good chance at qualifying through points as they can pick up points at the ranking events as they are consistently up there in tournaments without international players and Du picked up a decent amount at NCR. I'm assuming the top internationals won't go to US ranking events until after EVO if they're desperate.
Apart from EVO, top 4 is what gives you a good amount of points at both prem. and ranking events. Just look at the disparity between one 1st place finish and multiple 3rd place finishes. You need 4 3rd place finishes to even equal one 1st place finish.
The playerbase is so good in Asia that results will be a lot less expected so there will be different players getting top 4 in Asia ranking events. We have seen this in the past like Pepeday and Nishikin winning tournaments or how Tonpy won the Cannes qualifier back in January despite Momochi, Bonchan, etc... all competing in it. If there is a different winner every time there will be more players with 128 points for first.
In the American players only tournaments, results are a lot more consistent so the very same players will be getting a massive amount of points compared to the Asian counterpart. For example, Snake and Dieminion placed top 2 at Winter Brawl. Snake made top 2 at Apex. This isn't unexpected. This means that someone like Snake has a good chance at being a higher seed (from winning multiple ranking tournaments) than Asian players that qualify by points, but that there will be less Americans qualifying by points at the end of the day.
I don't know if that makes sense to you guys. I'm essentially saying that American ranking events will produce qualified players with massive amount of points and also unqualified players with very little points. Asia ranking events will produce qualified players with a decent amount of points and there will be a good number of them. Because top 4 is very top heavy in points given out, the latter will produce more qualified players because it's better to not have 1 to 3 players hogging up all of the points. It's better to have 4 different winners at 4 events than to have 2 guys win 2 events out of 4.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the way I'm thinking it's going to turn out.