I don't like how nuts the damage and pressure get and the disparity between the top tiers. Like, just going off this list, Narukami got a slap on the wrist. His nerfs will change some things, but it will hardly affect what he's doing to people. Same thing with Aigis. They made it so CH DP doesn't turn into a safe jump and nerfed SP Spear. Cool, I agree with that. It still doesn't change anything about any of her MUs, she still has the best mobility and mix up and still deals too much damage. SLab is a mess of a character and she barely got touched at all. I agree with a lot of the nerfs they've got, but I feel like they are just giving them easily noticeable nerfs without actually addressing the problem.
As far as damage goes, there are just too many "make one mistake and die" situations that keep happening. Once any character gets meter, you're just going to die if you get hit. The top tiers especially do this, and they're still going to be doing this with the same neutral as before. I wanna see less dominance and damage, less just straight up super powerful options and kuso stuff happening.
Vanilla was a pretty good game, the only real problem I have with it is setplay. Well, they removed the setplay but then just gave characters absolutely ridiculous tools and damage. Now you don't even get setplayed, you just eat something and die.