The 2-frame link got taken out because it they got feedback that it was "too easy" from Vega players.
"don't make my character too accessible"
The 2-frame link got taken out because it they got feedback that it was "too easy" from Vega players.
Don't make assumptions.People and their "I'll play so and so if they're any good in the new version" mentality is so dumb to me.
It ain't like none of you are competing at the highest level where it actually matters.
I'm gonna do what I always do and pick Sagat and tiger uppercut the shit out of scrubs
@ecthrowdown" Want to play as Decapre in USF4? Make sure you're at #ECT2014 , a Ranking Event for Capcom Pro Tour!...
The 2-frame link got taken out because it they got feedback that it was "too easy" from Vega players.
I don't think Sagats counters Hawk, it's just a regular win for him. It's nothing like Sagat v Gief! If I had to pick a general anti-grappler character in this game, I'd probably go with Juri. Or Blanka, but Blanka is ass in like every other matchup and Juri seems really good overall heh.
I respect that.The 2-frame link got taken out because it they got feedback that it was "too easy" from Vega players.
Designs like Dee Jay are where either the character is bad or hilarious broken/unfun to play against. Not that I feel Dee Jay can't be fixed but he has a fine line like Guile where he can swerve from bad to unfun.You know how its hard to make Rolento suck, due to his base design having so many good options built in? I wonder if Deejay is the opposite. Tuning can only get you so far.
I haven't taken the time to look at Ibuki / Juri / Oni / Abel's changes, though. If they're good I might fuck with them
so does delayed wakeup make deejay worse? worse already-weak vortex for him, and he never had to worry much about crossups anyway due to ex upkicks?
Ibuki is stronger because they buffed her due to her oki being weakened by DWU. They also reverted her worse Ultra nerf in neckbreaker being a soft knockdown. She finally got a 3 frame crouching normal in c.lp too.
Looking @ the Ibuki SRK forums and an Japanese Ibuki player called NEW Shimauta tweeted this, M00ntiger roughly translated it.
My Japanese is very basic, but with the help of Google translate, I can understand what he's trying to say.
After neckbreaker knockdown, do little bit of walk forward If DWU doesn't show up, go for usual If the DWU message shows up, do kunai.
So my theory setup was right. Yaaaay!
You can see NEW Shimauta in action in the acho vids.
So safejumps for characters like Ryu (sweep into brainless immediate jump forward) are gone while vortex characters gonna vortex.
Garbage characters are usually unfun to play at any level, though. There's a huge difference between only playing a top tier/OP character (which is their prerogative and another issue entirely) and not wanting to play a character if they are not even remotely competitive.People and their "I'll play so and so if they're any good in the new version" mentality is so dumb to me.
It ain't like none of you are competing at the highest level where it actually matters.
I'm gonna do what I always do and pick Sagat and tiger uppercut the shit out of scrubs
Kinda, if you know DWU = Kunai, then you just figure out how to beat the Kunai. (Garbage teleport putting in work!) And then you wait for them to stop throwing the sounds like DWU only managed to nerf the honest characters
Kinda, if you know DWU = Kunai, then you just figure out how to beat the Kunai. (Garbage teleport putting in work!) And then you wait for them to stop throwing the Kunai.
More changes seem to be all but guaranteed.If Decapre isn't in the current arcade build, what's to say that there won't be more balance changes?
I hope they can use arcade data and feedback to further balance the new mechanics.
I don't think so, he's not too hard to fix imo. In ST, he was a high tier character who could handle lots of different situations, kinda like a more well rounded Guile in that he had zoning and antiair but also crossup mixups, high potential damage output, etc. But in SF4 his slide is slow and unsafe, his midrange normals are weak, his antiair normals are situation specific and have a hole in their coverage, his damage output is mostly poor, his mixups are weak, his wakeup is bad against grounded opponents, etc. It's always seemed to me like he's bad on purpose, I dunno. I feel like if you're interested in making him balanced, all you need to do is fix two or three of those intentionally-created problems for him.Designs like Dee Jay are where either the character is bad or hilarious broken/unfun to play against. Not that I feel Dee Jay can't be fixed but he has a fine line like Guile where he can swerve from bad to unfun.
EX Bushin Senpukyaku start-up reduced from 4F to 2F*; hitbox slightly expanded, easier to suck in opponent
Hey UD, can you tell me why Guy have a 2F DP and a bigger hitbox??
And you can't low profile elbow drop? Fuck.Hey UD, can you tell me why Guy have a 2F DP and a bigger hitbox??
Hey UD, can you tell me why Guy have a 2F DP and a bigger hitbox??
whoa 2 frame startup?? i wonder if that's a misprint or a glitch or something, that seems hard to believe
Garbage characters are usually unfun to play at any level, though. There's a huge difference between only playing a top tier/OP character (which is their prerogative and another issue entirely) and not wanting to play a character if they are not even remotely competitive.
A lot of them.How many weird little glitches does UMVC3 have man?
If Decapre isn't in the current arcade build, what's to say that there won't be more balance changes?
I hope they can use arcade data and feedback to further balance the new mechanics.
I don't think so, he's not too hard to fix imo. In ST, he was a high tier character who could handle lots of different situations, kinda like a more well rounded Guile in that he had zoning and antiair but also crossup mixups, high potential damage output, etc. But in SF4 his slide is slow and unsafe, his midrange normals are weak, his antiair normals are situation specific and have a hole in their coverage, his damage output is mostly poor, his mixups are weak, his wakeup is bad against grounded opponents, etc. It's always seemed to me like he's bad on purpose, I dunno. I feel like if you're interested in making him balanced, all you need to do is fix two or three of those intentionally-created problems for him.
Bruce Hsiang ゲマビ ‏@GamerBeeTW 4m
Deejay all the buff are useful , now he got better defense and jump-in , and I saw ppl doing EX28P>UC2 very easy , I think he is top tier
HE LOOKS SO FUN TO PLAY! But he's a charge character right? What the fuck. Now I can't play him...
Honda is worse for Hawk than Blanka IMO
to those who said dee jay is still bottom 3,
So, Ibuki gets a neckbreaker knockdown, then whiffs for unblock/ambiguous cross up timing, then jumps. If she sees Technical, she tosses a kunai to mix up the DWU. What a champ.
HE LOOKS SO FUN TO PLAY! But he's a charge character right? What the fuck. Now I can't play him...