Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 18-24 | Fall back, u nerd


What a lot of folks are concerned with is not just Rebel Up but what it also means for the future of other streams at the event and the exact logistics of what's going on.

The fact that Jyosua heard it from someone else first before he heard it from you is saddening, Watson. The streamers and the organizers should be the first to be informed on these issues from the source itself. So I don't think being mad at Jyosua is fair at all.


Neo Member
this is watson once again:

what would it mean? we run wnf every weds, trb every thursday, both on level up's channel with mando at the hlm. we run rebel up every other saturday and our own tourneys in between and those will be on super arcades channel. sundays are always smash sundays where the melee ones will still be on level up and project m will be on super arcade.

its all very simple. there is no one being short changed here and no hidden agendas. this whole issue is caused because someone felt helpless and felt the need to vent publicly instead of continuing a conversation with me while he was here.

i know its cool and fun to run your own stream for people, but when we can provide more for a community and do positive things such as provide more viewers and prizes, i dont see an issue here.


this is watson once again:

what would it mean? we run wnf every weds, trb every thursday, both on level up's channel with mando at the hlm. we run rebel up every other saturday and our own tourneys in between and those will be on super arcades channel. sundays are always smash sundays where the melee ones will still be on level up and project m will be on super arcade.

its all very simple. there is no one being short changed here and no hidden agendas. this whole issue is caused because someone felt helpless and felt the need to vent publicly instead of continuing a conversation with me while he was here.

i know its cool and fun to run your own stream for people, but when we can provide more for a community and do positive things such as provide more viewers and prizes, i dont see an issue here.

So how about multiple streams? Currently WNF runs SF entirely on the man leveluplive stream. What about Tekken? Are they going to share the main stream or will they be switched over to a leveluplive2 or to a specifically named superarcade one? How about archiving/offline recordings? I believe Jyosua mentioned he was concerned with that as well.


Neo Member
there is a fine line between too much and doing more for the community. thats being 100% honest. we used to run ttt2 top 3 at least on the main stream but those guys always wanted to just finish up and go home. same deal with injustice. we offer them stream time but on weeknights it just starts getting late and people are done for the night.

theres a couple guys who could archive all this stuff but then that it not for me to decide. we are always willing to stream top 3 but time does play a factor into these things.


Watson, what you are missing is that you aren't the only person trying to keep their business/community afloat. The other streamers brand themselves and get subs under their personal labels. It's not a lot of income, but it is something, and it's something they have ownership and control of. Being able to point to a history of good streams lets them try and grow themselves into a larger brand where they can start getting bigger gigs. They have a vested interest in their own stream as well as the overall community, and if there's a change in how the streams are going to be presented, they deserve to have it explained directly to their face, because it does affect them. Not being able to "own" their stream/recordings is not a minor change.


Neo Member
Watson, what you are missing is that you aren't the only person trying to keep their business/community afloat. The other streamers brand themselves and get subs under their personal labels. It's not a lot of income, but it is something, and it's something they have ownership and control of. Being able to point to a history of good streams lets them try and grow themselves into a larger brand where they can start getting bigger gigs. They have a vested interest in their own stream as well as the overall community, and if there's a change in how the streams are going to be presented, they deserve to have it explained directly to their face, because it does affect them. Not being able to "own" their stream/recordings is not a minor change.

he was here to talk to me in person. he said he understood the changes and left to go home and make posts full of assumption and what not. and as a person running a business that requires a license and a lease payment, this is a huge difference from someone aspiring to be a streamer. we also discussed that money is not a role in all of this so that income argument is out the door.

edited: and to group us both as a business is kind of silly. he has a day job and the pennies from streaming doesn't have any effect on his daily life. we run a business here, he is fulfilling a hobby.

he already has a history of streaming both at scr and evo. not sure how much more i can explain at this point. i feel i have explained everything and the bottom line is it is my venue and i can do as i please right? only difference is that my change benefits the community as a whole and the majority of this community are happy about it.


he was here to talk to me in person. he said he understood the changes and left to go home and make posts full of assumption and what not. and as a person running a business that requires a license and a lease payment, this is a huge difference from someone aspiring to be a streamer. we also discussed that money is not a role in all of this so that income argument is out the door.

edited: and to group us both as a business is kind of silly. he has a day job and the pennies from streaming doesn't have any effect on his daily life. we run a business here, he is fulfilling a hobby.

he already has a history of streaming both at scr and evo. not sure how much more i can explain at this point. i feel i have explained everything and the bottom line is it is my venue and i can do as i please right? only difference is that my change benefits the community as a whole and the majority of this community are happy about it.
You get a venue fee in exchange for hosting the event. If you don't feel that the fee is enough for what you provide, then feel free to negotiate an increase. Rebel up is organized by the community and they deserve to be a part of these kinds of decisions. If this was really about the community, you would have taken the time to pitch this course of action and take feedback. Instead you make a unilateral decision, without getting feedback from many of the people that put in work to make the event popular. What's more even after all the posts you have made about this and sniping at Jyosua, details of how this is going to go down are nowhere to be seen. What channel will the side games be on, whose equipment will be used, who will be running each stream, will high quality archives be posted on youtube in a timely manner ect.?


there is a fine line between too much and doing more for the community. thats being 100% honest. we used to run ttt2 top 3 at least on the main stream but those guys always wanted to just finish up and go home. same deal with injustice. we offer them stream time but on weeknights it just starts getting late and people are done for the night.

theres a couple guys who could archive all this stuff but then that it not for me to decide. we are always willing to stream top 3 but time does play a factor into these things.

That's not a direct answer but I see what you're hinting at unless you want to state it directly

Also, it's not someone's business just because they make a living off of it. Someone that puts hard work and time into can count it as their business. I've known store owners over the years that have run shops where it wasn't their primary source of income but it was nonetheless their business.


Neo Member
You get a venue fee in exchange for hosting the event. If you don't feel that the fee is enough for what you provide, then feel free to negotiate an increase. Rebel up is organized by the community and they deserve to be a part of these kinds of decisions. If this was really about the community, you would have taken the time to pitch this course of action and take feedback. Instead you make a unilateral decision, without getting feedback from many of the people that put in work to make the event popular. What's more even after all the posts you have made about this and sniping at Jyouna, details of how this is going to go down are nowhere to be seen. What channel will the side games be on, whose equipment will be used, who will be running each stream, will high quality archives be posted on youtube in a timely manner ect.?

yes, we do charge a very minimal venue fee of $5 which allows the players to play from 12noon till 2am. we do not want to raise the price as the ongoing joke is that anime = poverty. we do understand that money is not of the abundance in their scene so we keep it very affordable.

Rebel up is organized by the community and like i posted previously. joshua is the only one who is truly against this. the other TO's are happy to see things getting bigger and hopefully after we discuss things all together jyosua will change his outlook.

As far as details going down about anything, there was no need to make anything public aside the fact that we will be announcing what channel you should tune into on twitch. as far as me "sniping" at jyosua, this is definitely warranted after he posted a bunch on twitter and went on here to post as well. he also tried to contact twitch tv and complain. i didnt do anything here besides log onto a friends account and speak my side. we know who fired first, and it wasnt cool.

This event will be streamed on equipment that super arcade and level up share. as of right now we will be using the superdojo twitch channel due to the fact someone had camped the superarcade channel. we are in the process of acquiring that already and it should happen as soon as our friends at twitch return home from overseas.

pretty sure i covered all your questions, and i will be around the computer for most of the day to answer anything else you guys might wanna throw my way.



yes, we do charge a very minimal venue fee of $5 which allows the players to play from 12noon till 2am. we do not want to raise the price as the ongoing joke is that anime = poverty. we do understand that money is not of the abundance in their scene so we keep it very affordable.

Rebel up is organized by the community and like i posted previously. joshua is the only one who is truly against this. the other TO's are happy to see things getting bigger and hopefully after we discuss things all together jyosua will change his outlook.

As far as details going down about anything, there was no need to make anything public aside the fact that we will be announcing what channel you should tune into on twitch. as far as me "sniping" at jyosua, this is definitely warranted after he posted a bunch on twitter and went on here to post as well. he also tried to contact twitch tv and complain. i didnt do anything here besides log onto a friends account and speak my side. we know who fired first, and it wasnt cool.

This event will be streamed on equipment that super arcade and level up share. as of right now we will be using the superdojo twitch channel due to the fact someone had camped the superarcade channel. we are in the process of acquiring that already and it should happen as soon as our friends at twitch return home from overseas.

pretty sure i covered all your questions, and i will be around the computer for most of the day to answer anything else you guys might wanna throw my way.

My understanding is that Numakie will no longer be allowed to run his side stream simultaneously with the main stream. If that is true, will there be a side channel so viewers can continue to view VSAV, Melty, Jo Jo's, Arcana ect. If not, how much if any will these games get covered on the main stream.

Also will you be uploading high quality archives to youtube? If so what youtube channel will it be on.

Even though I disagree with the way things have gone down I appreciate you taking your time to explain yourself and answer questions.


Neo Member
My understanding is that Numakie will no longer be allowed to run his side stream simultaneously with the main stream. If that is true, will there be a side channel so viewers can continue to view VSAV, Melty, Jo Jo's, Arcana ect. If not, how much if any will these games get covered on the main stream.

Also will you be uploading high quality archives to youtube? If so what youtube channel will it be on.

Even though I disagree with the way things have gone down I appreciate you taking your time to explain yourself and answer questions.

There will be side streams set up under our secondary twitch accounts.

There will be archives and youtube videos posted pretty quickly after each event

Thank you for all your questions and concerns and if you have any more please feel free to ask away.


There will be side streams set up under our secondary twitch accounts.

There will be archives and youtube videos posted pretty quickly after each event

Thank you for all your questions and concerns and if you have any more please feel free to ask away.

That answers the question I was going to ask, thanks for answering us sir!
I really do appreciate you wattson for coming out and being upfront. If only this was a day or two earlier to avoid all this unnecessary confusion.

I appreciate your openess and I also appreciate what you have done in the FGC. I felt really bad for what happened to you and FFA since you were the one that ate that whole mess.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man


Slayer of Combofiends
I really appreciate Watson coming on here and explaining everything. Although, I don't see why you have to be so harsh on Jyousa. Not once did he criticize (from my memory) you in any way imaginable yet you come on here calling him childish. He was legitimately concerned about the scene and wanted to explain to us what was going on since no one else had.

Regardless, I appreciate all the hard work you put in Watson, it doesn't go unnoticed. Hopefully all the communities remain intact and grow more from this opportunity.


Neo Member
i try not to be too harsh but maybe thats just my old style of handling things coming out. in my day when you talk to someone in person whats done is done. i just happened to be upset that stuff was posted online immediately after we spoke and found it offensive.

on a side note though, he is here today and we agreed to talk about things after the event so everyone can have a good time first.

stream today is on btw if you guys care to tune in. thanks again.


Slayer of Combofiends
i try not to be too harsh but maybe thats just my old style of handling things coming out. in my day when you talk to someone in person whats done is done. i just happened to be upset that stuff was posted online immediately after we spoke and found it offensive.

on a side note though, he is here today and we agreed to talk about things after the event so everyone can have a good time first.

stream today is on btw if you guys care to tune in. thanks again.

Understandable and great to hear you guys are talking it out!

Nightmare fuel.

Dodging the toilet question Watson? There is more to this than I originally thought.

The conspiracy continues.


Mrs. Harvey
It should be a requirement that all fighting game streams are added to the FGCpros team. It is the easiest way to access all the streams going on. Anybody that needs to get something added should contact WorstGiefEver.

El Sloth

Every time I come to Next Level I end up wishing there was spot just like this in Queens. It's so nice to play with so many different people in person.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
It should be a requirement that all fighting game streams are added to the FGCpros team. It is the easiest way to access all the streams going on. Anybody that needs to get something added should contact WorstGiefEver.

Made a twitter and hit up Bardoph on twitter, he never responded back lol. Thankfully GGPO Poverty Cup and Breakers Revenge still getting decent views without it I guess. PC3 a blowup tho. Huge step down from our first two ggpo tournies


Slayer of Combofiends
I've never had issues with it. Always thought it was pretty clean for a place used by tons of dudes subsisting on greasy american style chinese food.

Word man, the amount of people that destroy that bathroom. I'm surprised a flood hasn't happened at Next Level but somehow it is always clean. ALWAYS!


Slayer of Combofiends
Card Games do pay the bills.

Here's the card game area at Next Level - Art posted it a few days ago with the caption "Card games keeping Next Level alive":

In the afternoon, all you see is magic the gathering and vanguard. FG people come in around 4-5 o'clock. The place is usually dead in terms of fighting games from time to time until late at night even though the set ups are godlike lag free (to some extent, of course there are gonna be milliseconds of lag) screens.


After reading all that- I think Watson has the right idea, but he definitely could have handled things better on a personal level. Then again, I remember Watson's old style from the agsf2 days, and with all the stress of his business I can understand why he reacted the way he did.

There's no bad guy in any of this- everyone has their own motivations and believes they are right- just a shame this wasn't handled better and I hope it leads to no hard feelings.

Everyone should hug it out with Hakan mirrors. ^_^
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