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Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 3-10 | Rising to the Occasion



You put a big smile on my face reading this. I hope you have the fuel to keep that fire going!

What is "devconned"?

I have to talk to so many students about using "gay" as a derogatory term. Still waiting for a parent to flip out at me. I am in very good graces with my just-promoted boss, though, so I think it would turn out okay...

Devcon is pretty much a big ass thing of industrial grade JB Weld 2 part instant metal grade patching putty...with dildoes apparently where I work. -_-'

I swear I've never had to work anywhere before where I had to literally choke a fucker out and cuss out a supervisor for ordering me to do something so blindly stupid it could get me injured or even killed. There are a few of us who are decent folks all around and the rednecks can have their moments but I'm sick of all the shit that you got to put up with here.

I feel your pain Karst...believe me when I say I know what its like to put up with bullshit that goes against all I believe in to continue providing for the family.

Crazy thing is management loves me. I work like a fucking machine, do anything and lead. Just...fuck this place though man.

*eats speculoos ice cream with frown*

I live on the wrong fucking coast man ...


TAC isn't a straightforward 3 way guess anymore these days as you have to take into consideration what would be most optimum for the opponent (meter gain/steal vs combo positioning) and then try to "read" that. And they will try to mind game you by going the other direction. Then you have the additional guessing game of anti-TAC air reset vs anti-TAC air throw reset.

In any case it's still a guessing game. There are some layers to it but it's still a guessing game.

Basically, "I thought you were going do this but you did that instead" isn't really a mind game.


To quote a great fighting game mind:
"TACs are mind games in the same way that Twilight is literature."

Guessing games are not mind games, by the way. I completely agree that TACs and combo breakers are guessing games. That is why they suck. :)

Thank you for agreeing with me.

Parroting another player's joke doesn't make what you initially said any less nonsensical or less scrub quote worthy.

TAC isn't a straightforward 3 way guess anymore these days as you have to take into consideration what would be most optimum for the opponent (meter gain/steal vs combo positioning) and then try to "read" that. And they will try to mind game you by going the other direction. Then you have the additional guessing game of anti-TAC air reset vs anti-TAC air throw reset.

In any case it's still a guessing game. There are some layers to it but it's still a guessing game.

Basically, "I thought you were going do this but you did that instead" isn't really a mind game.

Except it is exactly what a mind game is. Just because it's incredibly basic doesn't mean it is not a mind game. That makes absolutely no sense.

Going back to the original point, Killer Instinct's combo and combo breaking system is very much a mind game with several layers to it, and to say otherwise while making a silly comparison to a far more straight forwad mechanic in TAC just proves that willful ignorance is involved in the initial statements.

Simply put, if you played Killer Instinct for any reasonable amount of time, you wouldn't say something so ridiculous.


This trend of rallying against anything that can be labelled a "guessing game" needs to stop. If you want to avoid Mixup Characters, TACs and combo-breakers then go play chess.

100% if you make it :p
Man, I was afraid of that. If I'm making the thread, then I'm filling it with pro-me propaganda.


Sorry, I read it wrong.

Exit: FV cup schedule



TACs are guessing games, and are not mind games. Sorry.

But KIs breaker system is not, and it isn't a very good comparison as there is much more going on in KI's system. Can you guess and guess correctly? Sure. But it isn't reliable, and breaking itself is a huge risk. If guess breaking is how you play then you will get blown up constantly by anyone that actually knows what their doing.

There are indicators for move strength, the strength of doubles, if they're doing manuals or not, and so on. And, unlike the TAC system, you can learn to react correctly. But even then, that isn't where KI's mind games are. They come from knowing when and when NOT to break and counter break.



Try playing Rock-Paper-Scissors FT10 with a friend. The first few rounds may be random guesses, but before long patterns will emerge and you'll start to anticipate what your opponent will throw out next. Play enough FT10s and you'll see how the score can affect their decisions.

TACs are simple on the surface, but the mechanics surrounding them add to their depth.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";174513501]You can reliably break TACs, though. The tech is there.[/QUOTE]

Well if it has evolved to that, then it's a different story. Still stand by what I said about Killer Instinct though.
TACs are guessing games, and are not mind games. Sorry.

Your opponent is playing Pheonix. You are getting comboed and are expecting a TAC into Doom.

Do you guess? If not, does your opponent play a game with your mind and go with another option?
What are the odds of VSFighting getting a thread this weekend?

If you do you should also include the FV Cup that's happening on the same weekend that way the thread can be more active.

Notable players at VS: Luffy, Valmaster, Problem X,Infexious, Pro Fluke, Imstilldadaddy, Ryan Hart (not confirmed yet, but no reason not to go), RMZ

Notable players at FV: Bonchan, Shiro, Tonpy, Gackt, Leslie, RB, Humanbomb, Dark Jiewa, Chuan, Gonzalez, KOK, Itabashi Zangief, GYRO, Kim1234


Getting bought beats closure for SNK. The Chinese VG market is still in flux. Now that western consoles are available there, who knows? KOF14 actually gets made?

Basically - a Chinese owner might not mean shovelware is the only thing SNK fans get.

Also Vega being a motion character... Ehhhhhh. Either his wall dive is cheap or it isn't, you know? I don't know if him not having to worry about charge now means much.

The impression I"m getting is that this new company wants to use the IP, but not necessary for games- though games may be part of it.


tagged by Blackace
Compton is super uneven. That's about the nicest way I can put my feelings, being a huge fan of Dre. Go in with very low expectations.
This trend of rallying against anything that can be labelled a "guessing game" needs to stop. If you want to avoid Mixup Characters, TACs and combo-breakers then go play chess.

Man, I was afraid of that. If I'm making the thread, then I'm filling it with pro-me propaganda.

Mixups aren't guesses.
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