Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 4-10 | IT DOES NOT FOLLOW ANY REASON



Unconfirmed Member
Uhh what?
She's almost the same

That image is a screen cap during an animation where she closes her eyes

I'd argue Millia's new face is more due to the overall art style tweak, but it looks okay.

In a random aside, is mahvel going to remain the only anime-styled game without the overtly anime art style for the foreseeable future?


so excuse my ignorance but i know some people in the anime fgc are legitimately excited for DFC, is this because of gameplay stuff or because animu? maybe some combination of both? havent seen much gameplay but i know its made by french bread so maybe its a solid game.

Azure J

How did I know that this Poison v Makoto matchup was going to result in the reactions it did both on stream and in the chat? :lol

Edit: Ramenthal is pretty godlike though. #TeamDarkskin


Actually it would be all money on our side but I would want to be sure they are ok with our products. We would hand some samples of our products out for giveaways to them also. I think it will be a good experiment to see if our sales are impacted by a gaming audience for a few weeks.

Ill try reaching out to Sp00ky tonight via a twitch pm.

If you can't get through, let me know and I'll try to get through for you. Also, hit up Markman.

I'd love to do a quick email Q&A with you in the coming weeks if you're not too busy.

Absolutely. Any of the channels I've mentioned is fine.

Wait, does this mean no more Indestructible?

It was omitted from the YouTube upload of the game intro for licensing reasons, if I was to guess.

rip like almost all streams lol

>mfw :46-:58

The Knicks could use them.

Are any fighting games at risk of getting hit by Content-ID?

IMO, this is the most relevant question.

FGW | Audio for this thread has been muted

I like this.

This was great, until the whole oscilatting breast thing, which is like, 1 second into the gif.


so excuse my ignorance but i know some people in the anime fgc are legitimately excited for DFC, is this because of gameplay stuff or because animu? maybe some combination of both? havent seen much gameplay but i know its made by french bread so maybe its a solid game.

Well that's what I thought when the original UNI came out and we all know how that game turned out. :V

I'm curious to know what people think of the gameplay as well. I basically know nothing about the game. Maybe it is fun.

Nyoro SF

I like super unrealistic things in my shows/anime/games because it makes it more fun to watch.

So the gif is great for laughs, I'm kind of surprised people are complaining about something that is so ridiculous on purpose.


so excuse my ignorance but i know some people in the anime fgc are legitimately excited for DFC, is this because of gameplay stuff or because animu? maybe some combination of both? havent seen much gameplay but i know its made by french bread so maybe its a solid game.

A bit of both. The gameplay has looked solid since the release and people have a character or two in it they like. It is French Bread and so far it's turned out alright. The only real negatives to it are you better like that type of character and some of the animation work is choppy.


I'm not going to play DBFC
until they add Dokuro-chan.

her breasts would need to oscillate at a rate of 6500 km/h if the bullet was fired from a Barret M107 sniper rifle using standard .50 MG ammo
You need to adjust for the fact that both her breasts and the bullet are moving at anime speeds. Then it... well, it still makes no sense. Never mind the number of concussions the poor sap being used to stabilize the rifle must have suffered.
I like super unrealistic things in my shows/anime/games because it makes it more fun to watch.

So the gif is great for laughs, I'm kind of surprised people are complaining about something that is so ridiculous on purpose.

I take the show for what it is.

I understand that some people can't enjoy things because they can't separate their ideals or real-world aspects and i respect that. i can't force them to like something they find offensive.

i didn't like the show cause the premise was stupid, but i'm not gonna declare it is defacto shit just cause i dont like it. it's a stupid show about big titty peoples killing zombies. but i can understand why people like it and wouldn't want to deny them the fun they have watching it by writing passive aggressive tumblr articles about it or hound distributors on twitter about it.

that's basic shit!
Dear lord hitbox allows image embedding in chat; stream monsters have never had so much power

also somehow puyo is the third most watched game right now
I like super unrealistic things in my shows/anime/games because it makes it more fun to watch.

So the gif is great for laughs, I'm kind of surprised people are complaining about something that is so ridiculous on purpose.
The gif is funny, I even mentioned that in a previous post. Doesn't change the fact that the show is horrible. And this is coming from a guy that has a high tolerance for extremely stupid shit. My opinion of course.

this guy is ready for sm4sh

Worst controller ever for any fighting game not called Smash Bros. Well it was actually tolerable for Soul Calibur 2. But man.....CvS2 was a nightmare.
Yoshinori Ono ‏@Yoshi_OnoChin 45s
I present Special Title for Ultra Street Fighter IV to my follower!! Plz input this. 82SPR56FW3JX48 You'll be able to get "Best Combo"title!


Yoshinori Ono ‏@Yoshi_OnoChin 45s
I present Special Title for Ultra Street Fighter IV to my follower!! Plz input this. 82SPR56FW3JX48 You'll be able to get "Best Combo"title!

Anyone still have the Capcom Fighter code they released at EVO?
Why in Combofiend's name would you play the GCube version of CvS2 anyways though?

I went to a friends house and all he had was a Gamecube and he rented CvS2. Played with EO too, like a fucking scumbag. He was living that poverty life. I quickly returned home and continued to play it on my PS2 and Xbox. Ahhh the good life.
Yoshinori Ono ‏@Yoshi_OnoChin 45s
I present Special Title for Ultra Street Fighter IV to my follower!! Plz input this. 82SPR56FW3JX48 You'll be able to get "Best Combo"title!

Where are we supposed to enter this code? Because it certainly doesn't work with PSN. Doesn't work with Steam either.
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