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Fighting Games Weekly | Aug 4-10 | IT DOES NOT FOLLOW ANY REASON



Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm pleasantly surprised it's being localized period, and I'm going to try to get both. Just... ugh, my wallet that month.

lol mine too.

Was planning on getting both and an HRAP4


It feels like there isn't that much hype for P4AU among competitive players (although this may be because of a self-selection bias, in part or in full). However, even with that I don't think AH3:LM has much of a chance gaining much growth outside of its dedicated playerbase between Xrd coming out soon and UNIEL getting way more attention than anyone expected.

Yeah agree. Tbh I think the people who are really hype for Ultimax are the people who are also hype for Persona 5 and that may or may not include people who are fighting game enthusiasts. AH3:LM is pretty much destined to be a niche fighting game series forever and eternity in the west at least just by the game's very nature. This would have been the case had they released the game in a season of no competition from other fighting games. As long as the dedicated community for it is willing to press buttons in it I'm happy. Not every fighting game needs to become the next street fighter in terms or popularity, player base, and stream views.


Tokido plays a lot of games but yeah, he's been focusing on KOF and SF4 recently. Probably because playing those two polish the same skill set for the most part where as doing Tekken and SF is pretty rough.

I've always told myself to play KoF, because if you can anti air in KoF you can anti air in anything.


It feels like there isn't that much hype for P4AU among competitive players (although this may be because of a self-selection bias, in part or in full). However, even with that I don't think AH3:LM has much of a chance gaining much growth outside of its dedicated playerbase between Xrd coming out soon and UNIEL getting way more attention than anyone expected.

I think Ultimax will end up doing the best of all the anime games released this year, because of the huge numbers of low-lvl players, which will feed pot monster ego, and then they'll start showing to tournies. I'm on the fence about Ultimax myself, but that's more of a do I want to bother with consoles again question more than a do I want to play this game question.

It's perceived (and maybe actual) ease of execution compared to will help, as folks can pick it up for a side game.

Love Max is going to continue the Arcana curse (similar to the Lab Zero curse).
I've always told myself to play KoF, because if you can anti air in KoF you can anti air in anything.

I hope the next kof makes AA normals a bit better. There are some in 13 that are okay like kensou's st.D but there were much better ones in the older games and more characters had them. Though i feel a lot of modern games appeal to the combo fetish people have. Like beni was a pretty strong footsie character in the older ones, he still has strong footsies in 13 but you just get so much out of learning his combos like lightning loops that one conversion could make up for a whole rounds worth of single st.D, knees, and raijinkens. Combos do scare a lot of people from the game so i wonder if they will scale back, which i honestly doubt they will.


I hope the next kof makes AA normals a bit better. There are some in 13 that are okay like kensou's st.D but there were much better ones in the older games and more characters had them. Though i feel a lot of modern games appeal to the combo fetish people have. Like beni was a pretty strong footsie character in the older ones, he still has strong footsies in 13 but you just get so much out of learning his combos like lightning loops that one conversion could make up for a whole rounds worth of single st.D, knees, and raijinkens. Combos do scare a lot of people from the game so i wonder if they will scale back, which i honestly doubt they will.

SNK has hinted the next one will play more like 98- so real man's KOF and not anime game KOF.

The combo fetish thing seems to be declining in Japan- probably due to oversaturation/boredom. That said, even VF fell prey to the overcomboing this gen.
No suitable way to play SF online is frustrating.

endless lobby seems to have come to decent levels following that 2.9mb patch 2 days ago.

we had 5 gaffers in one room, and only noticeable issues came from one who already had spotty internet in the first place.


I hope the next kof makes AA normals a bit better. There are some in 13 that are okay like kensou's st.D but there were much better ones in the older games and more characters had them. Though i feel a lot of modern games appeal to the combo fetish people have. Like beni was a pretty strong footsie character in the older ones, he still has strong footsies in 13 but you just get so much out of learning his combos like lightning loops that one conversion could make up for a whole rounds worth of single st.D, knees, and raijinkens. Combos do scare a lot of people from the game so i wonder if they will scale back, which i honestly doubt they will.

Honestly they should have just left it at the Drive Cancel system for combos and it would have been fine. Hyper Drive is what takes it over the top.

Though in a way I'm still glad that we have a KOF where SNK went all out like that with gameplay systems.

In the early version of XIII, during the loketest, the drive cancel bar would increase up to a maximum of 4 (like your power bars increase after you lose characters). That would have been a nice alternative to HD as well.

Anyway, HD can go but drive cancel should definitely stay in the series moving forward. They make the combo system so much more fun and unique (and don't result in overly long combos most of the time).


Was thinking about this the other day. It must be so damn nice to live in Japan and be a part of the FGC. Just from a cultural perspective. The (possibly misinformed) perception I have is that you're never that far from an arcade in one of the bigger cities. The fact you're always putting money on the line, and that it's linked up with no lag, must be a really good experience.

I wish we had that in the west. Not that you can't always find a local scene, but I'm just talking from a regular "popping out to the arcade" experience. This thought has probably been done to death. Would be nice, is all.


It feels like there isn't that much hype for P4AU among competitive players (although this may be because of a self-selection bias, in part or in full). However, even with that I don't think AH3:LM has much of a chance gaining much growth outside of its dedicated playerbase between Xrd coming out soon and UNIEL getting way more attention than anyone expected.

The core Persona players have been getting impatient waiting on it lol. Most of the top P4U players I know are quietly playing UNiEL (they all love it for some reason, I do too) until P4U2 drops. A few of us are working on some stuff for when it gets closer to release as well, so keep an eye out.

warning: on blast show

Its Blood Red talking about how emp help build the evo brand and they deserve some of that cut. More of the players have the right to say to streamers "I don't want you to film me unless I get paid XYZ". Basically telling the high player as a whole to boycott streams until they get paid rofl

I wonder, has any Esports game done that and demanded "if I come to your event you have to pay me (in some way)"?


Slayer of Combofiends
Man you live in New York right? You got a million people to level up with

I know and I do. Thing is I play with them strictly offline cause we always get salty when there are losses online, the lag is odd on my end and with some of the people I've heard complaining about it in the past, I'm reluctant on dropping 40 bucks for lag city. Might get Patrick (DaFeetLee) to play me more, everybody I play at locals are horrible, I can only find really good players at NLBC.

Yams is you live in New York, depending where, I could play with you.

I don't have Ultra yet, only tried it on multiple occasions at locals. Thanks for the offer though, once I get Ultra, I'll hit you back up.

endless lobby seems to have come to decent levels following that 2.9mb patch 2 days ago.

we had 5 gaffers in one room, and only noticeable issues came from one who already had spotty internet in the first place.

Hm, I'll see. I only wanna get Ultra once the online is stable, playing on PC was hellish for me on Arcade Edition, even though my internet is godlike.
Not really, but better than average.

ggpo is nice. played third strike till 6 in the morning. Things I did while banned. not play SFIV. Done with that shit for good.

I might drop SF in like a year or so once I can get my hands on Xrd. Wish Marvel online wasn't horrible and didn't die due to Galactus.


Mrs. Harvey
The same EMP that said to go to VXG over EVO? The same EMP that says year in and year out EVO will be irrelevant and Esports will take over? The same EMP saying this year will be another dynasty year only to have several key members leave finally? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.



warning: on blast show

Its Blood Red talking about how emp help build the evo brand and they deserve some of that cut. More of the players have the right to say to streamers "I don't want you to film me unless I get paid XYZ". Basically telling the high player as a whole to boycott streams until they get paid rofl

I wonder, has any Esports game done that and demanded "if I come to your event you have to pay me (in some way)"?

That's so ridiculously stupid. How would anyone even know who they are if not for events and streams? Why not boycot, see how long it takes before everyone forgets who you are, and then see if it was smart to demand a cut for showing up.


ggpo is nice. played third strike till 6 in the morning. Things I did while banned. not play SFIV. Done with that shit for good.

GGPO can be a lot of fun, check out the nightwarriors community if you haven't ;)

I thought Ultra might reignite my love of SF more than it has, I still play fairly often but not nearly as much as I thought I would be. The most fun I have for online matches right now is Killer Instinct, although the ranked online has been broken lately (patch on the way last I heard.)


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.

warning: on blast show

Its Blood Red talking about how emp help build the evo brand and they deserve some of that cut. More of the players have the right to say to streamers "I don't want you to film me unless I get paid XYZ". Basically telling the high player as a whole to boycott streams until they get paid rofl

I wonder, has any Esports game done that and demanded "if I come to your event you have to pay me (in some way)"?
I dunno, but you have to sign a waiver at pretty much every major I've ever been to that grants the TO the right to record you and use that footage, so good luck with that idea.


GGPO can be a lot of fun, check out the nightwarriors community if you haven't ;)

I thought Ultra might reignite my love of SF more than it has, I still play fairly often but not nearly as much as I thought I would be. The most fun I have for online matches right now is Killer Instinct, although the ranked online has been broken lately (patch on the way last I heard.)

GGPO is definitely a lot of fun but instances of elitism are pretty annoying :/


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty

look at Catherine zeta jones



warning: on blast show

Its Blood Red talking about how emp help build the evo brand and they deserve some of that cut. More of the players have the right to say to streamers "I don't want you to film me unless I get paid XYZ". Basically telling the high player as a whole to boycott streams until they get paid rofl

I wonder, has any Esports game done that and demanded "if I come to your event you have to pay me (in some way)"?

Big E has a waiver before you sign up for his tournaments.

Summer Jam 8 Video Waiver
I do hereby confirm the consent heretofore given you with respect to your photographing me or my child in connection with Winter Brawl 8 (WB8) tournament event, and I hereby grant to you, your successor, assigns and licensees the perpetual right to use, as you may desire, all motion pictures and sound track recordings which you may make of me or my child, and the right to use my name and/or child's name or likeness in or in connection with the exhibition or any other use of such video or recording.


GGPO can be a lot of fun, check out the nightwarriors community if you haven't ;)

I thought Ultra might reignite my love of SF more than it has, I still play fairly often but not nearly as much as I thought I would be. The most fun I have for online matches right now is Killer Instinct, although the ranked online has been broken lately (patch on the way last I heard.)

I play darkstalkers once in a while, but I rather not get bodied by dyne on repeat.


The same EMP that said to go to VXG over EVO? The same EMP that says year in and year out EVO will be irrelevant and Esports will take over? The same EMP saying this year will be another dynasty year only to have several key members leave finally? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

EMP will rise again. It has been foretold.


get some go again
Its Blood Red talking about how emp help build the evo brand and they deserve some of that cut. More of the players have the right to say to streamers "I don't want you to film me unless I get paid XYZ". Basically telling the high player as a whole to boycott streams until they get paid rofl

I wonder, has any Esports game done that and demanded "if I come to your event you have to pay me (in some way)"?
that kind of attitude is why triforce is in the shitter. dude wants to destroy the guys putting on events because there's some pennies to be made. in the end all the pros protesting would be quickly forgotten while new stars emerge.
That's so ridiculously stupid. How would anyone even know who they are if not for events and streams? Why not boycot, see how long it takes before everyone forgets who you are, and then see if it was smart to demand a cut for showing up.

In theory it isn't that bad. For example having Team EG at a major probably results in a lot more viewers, so they could potentially ask for a cut to send them.
Sure that doesn't apply to EVO and the cut for other tournaments would be like $4. But they could still put some pressure on. They could also ask for donations not to send team EG players to tournaments...this could also work.

In practice, since the money isn't there, it just comes down to "top player privilege" which I'm sure there is already lots of.



warning: on blast show

Its Blood Red talking about how emp help build the evo brand and they deserve some of that cut. More of the players have the right to say to streamers "I don't want you to film me unless I get paid XYZ". Basically telling the high player as a whole to boycott streams until they get paid rofl

I wonder, has any Esports game done that and demanded "if I come to your event you have to pay me (in some way)"?

Big E has a waiver before you sign up for his tournaments.

UFGT has a waiver that everybody who attends has to sign, even if they're just there to play casuals.

Most tournaments have this in place. It's fairly common. Not sure why Blood Red thinks thats an option.
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