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Fighting Games Weekly | Dec 15-21 | I did the math; it came out to 500,000

Last Activity: Today 08:43 AM

Will the bigger prize pot make people watch if they have no interest? Those MOBA tournaments have huge pots. I don't watch. IDK we shall see. I hope it gets the people who play online and don't go to tournaments or message boards. Maybe it will get the interest up there. Good for the scene though.

Maybe they should advertise it in game with a ticker at the main menu ;)

Viewers increase when:
-Money on the line (relative to smaller tournaments)
-The level of competition. People watch Evo because you know you will get a lot of really really good players competing.
-Tournaments with history build up a lot of momentum as the history does a lot of the advertising
-Production levels

Fan favorites bring in viewers. It's part of the reason why streams see an increase in viewers whenever Daigo gets on screen. He's such a big personality in the fgc. Find a way to get people interested in all of the players. The Ultrachen videos on players were a step in the right direction.

I personally would find it really cool for players to have a montage (showing their play and footage of them as they get older) on their capcom fighting game history if you were to have breaks. Can you imagine videos showing footage of 16-17 year old Daigo up to present day with highlights of his play from VS to USF4? Justin Wong as a kid playing Marvel 2 up to USF4? Ricky playing Marvel up until USF4? You get the point. A lot of people don't know about many players. Show the casual audience how much of a superstar these players are.


A rival did the zoop zoop thing tho right? Also sfxmm so he clearly talented...kinda feel bad everybody clownin on him.

Nyoro SF

A rival did the zoop zoop thing tho right? Also sfxmm so he clearly talented...kinda feel bad everybody clownin on him.

Bad timing and placement really. Plus everyone was still thinking about 3/5. Perfect storm!

I enjoyed the Megaman songs too, but I guess I was in the minority? I still would've preferred 3/5 over that though :p


tagged by Blackace
I didn't mind the mixes themselves, if I'm honest. It's just the camera angles and the iPad that just made it so comedic. And it looks like he was genuinely thankful for the opportunity and enjoying himself up there, which is a plus.

I think it's cool they always take people from the community instead of hiring some C grade artist they can get at the max of their budget. As long as it's not Red Rapper.


A_Rival also made (or at least had a hand in making) the Stick Chucker game. He's a really talented dude and super chill in person. Even though his set didn't go as well as he'd hoped, I felt really bad for all the hate he was getting, a lot of which was unwarranted, I think.

The iPad headbutt was pretty great, though. Can't lie.


Capcom wants to be eSports so bad but no one cares. It's tough when League casual streams hit 100k easy but the biggest SF tournament out there can't come close. I don't know what the solution is.
Playerbase. Moba's have a shit ton more players than fighting games. LoL has tournament feeds streaming in game when you wait for your next match I've heard. Playing the game will actually get you exposed to the tournament/competitive scene and they shove it in your face.

Street Fighter has none of that in-game exposure. It's all external exposure, meaning only those who are already interested will go out of their way to seek it out. Converting casuals/new comers into viewers is key. But you need to develop that player base first to have something to win over imo. The fact that moba's are better suited for online gameplay than fighters (who rely more on offline meets) probably plays a factor as well (i.e. online community building in-game. Every game you play in a moba is with 9 other people. Fighting games are only 1 at a time, not to mention the player pool suddenly shrinks when you take offline meets into consideration).


If a spastic, ipad playlist playing, smacking his head on his own equipment, out of place DJ isn't worth mocking then what is?

Oh wait...Snake Eye's performance.


I personally would find it really cool for players to have a montage (showing their play and footage of them as they get older) on their capcom fighting game history if you were to have breaks. Can you imagine videos showing footage of 16-17 year old Daigo up to present day with highlights of his play from VS to USF4? Justin Wong as a kid playing Marvel 2 up to USF4? Ricky playing Marvel up until USF4? You get the point. A lot of people don't know about many players. Show the casual audience how much of a superstar these players are.
I like this idea as well. It exposes people to the older games and can help keep their flames alive. Hella community building idea right here. I mean FGC arguably has one of the longest history for games competition out there, there's gotta be some way to take advantage of this.


Kumite in Tennessee (KIT) 15: January 9th-11th in Murfreesboro, TN (Nashville)

Frosty Faustings VII: January 23rd-24th in Northbrook, IL (Chicago)

APEX 2015: January 30th-February 1st in Secaucus, NJ

Personally, I'd consider KIT and APEX to be more majors and Frostys (which I'm helping to run) to be more of a regional. Still would be cool if you guys would tune in.


Slayer of Combofiends
It was done last year, and some people are suggesting that it should be done next year as well was my point.

screw voting.



You're right.

Rival, if you're reading this I hope your head is okay. Make sure to ice it and take some advil, buddy.

YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO omg, you murdered the poor guy nws

Ultra lobby later on?

Yup, we out to play some Ultra Kadey. Turtle better be in on this too, hopefully its on PC Kadey.


It was done last year, and some people are suggesting that it should be done next year as well was my point.
Last year they didn't have time to set up the Pro Tour route. Although it was a shame late bloomers like Pepedey didn't make it in this year.
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