Passive Assassin
When did Superman start spamming somersault kicks?
What you do then is try to find a game they both don't play. Vanguard Princess to the death?
League lol.
When did Superman start spamming somersault kicks?
What you do then is try to find a game they both don't play. Vanguard Princess to the death?
They just hurt, sore, twitching. I need to find a good specialist because I think I have Carpal Tunnel. I can play tonight since they aren't terribly bad.
(It's also why I'm on netflix so much more now. Can't practice.)
My wrist has been getting bad, too. Team cripples...
needs more sparks
Using your analogy, do you think it is more appropriate to call a minivan "vastly different" from a ferrari, or from a rocket ship? The context is the fighting game genre; it's appropriate to look at how diverse Tekken characters are compared to other fighting games.
The entire reason games are put within genres is to allow comparisons. What doesn't make sense is comparing an RPG to an FPS. But we put multiple games in the FPS category because that designates them as similar enough to one another for comparison. That's why I can say "I like fighting games", and as a result someone can recommend me a game within that genre with the expectation that I will be interested in it. If the games aren't comparable, then they should really be in different genres.A ferrari is more appropriate because a minivan vs rocket ship comparison isn't worthwhile The only thing they have in common is the fact that they're a vehicle. However, that ignores any sort of context when it comes to who can use it or how or for what purpose. Minivans can't fly or have rockets attached to it because it's not intended to do so. There will be similar points for rocket ships.
The same can be said of fighting games. Simply comparing them because they're the same genre is pretty silly because the type of game and series dictates what can and cannot be done by the characters.
You should try the next step:I can combo in ASW games. My Elizabeth combo in P4A:
The entire reason games are put within genres is to allow comparisons. What doesn't make sense is comparing an RPG to an FPS. But we put multiple games in the FPS category because that designates them as similar enough to one another for comparison. That's why I can say "I like fighting games", and as a result someone can recommend me a game within that genre with the expectation that I will be interested in it. If the games aren't comparable, then they should really be in different genres.
I agree that minivans can't do half the things rocket ships can - that's what I was going for. If you don't like the comparison between vehicle types, then I'd say that Tekken is a minivan, and this is Marvel:
The entire reason games are put within genres is to allow comparisons. What doesn't make sense is comparing an RPG to an FPS.
There won't be tripping in the new smash apparently
Sadly, they probably will still ban items in competitive play.There won't be tripping in the new smash apparently
Shouta has more patience than Justin Wong, I swear.
This is why Kuma is so awesome. Just do anything, because odds are they'll have no idea how to react to it! #PUTKUMAINSF4AE2013 !!!Buttons. Also, who needs patience in fighting games. It's best saved for where the real CPM is, a career.
He's been perpetually crapped on by Capcom for a long time, so its more just pure elation.Just curious, why is mega man being in smash such a big deal?
Is it because ppl have been asking for him to be in smash for so long?
Or is it cause its just a major shock? Like, holy shit, mega man is in smash and we haven't seen his ass in forever?
Arguing about the "purpose" of groupings won't get us very far, since they weren't created by any one group or individual for a shared purpose. I like I said to GB, a lot of this stuff arose organically. However, the basis of making comparisons is the presence of similarities. That the games are similar is what makes them comparable. Is it more difficult to compare Tekken to Marvel than it is to compare Tekken to Soul Calibur? Absolutely. But they're still comparable to a high degree. Like I said, TES games are not RPGs. They're FPA games. It's a bit ridiculous that "RPG" has come to mean any game where there is character progression. As a result, people are saying ridiculous things like Borderlands is an RPG. Is Tekken Revolution an RPG now? You can level up your character (right? - that's what I've been reading). If I could customize my Tekken character's moveset, would it be an RPG? What if it had a story mode where I could get new gear to fight with? Would it be an RPG then?Groupings aren't created for the purpose of comparison but for the fact that it has basic similarities. However, that doesn't speak to how varied or different they are within that environment. You can't compare RPGs to FPS because they only have very basic elements that are similar to each other (graphics, sound). However, within those genres, you can get some significant differences between them despite being similar. Call of Duty is vastly different from Deus Ex or System Shock despite being FPS. Final Fantasy is totally different than Elder Scrolls despite being RPGs.
Comparisons are based on similarities, and that means you can only make comparisons when the games have shared attributes. I'm sure you agree that we can compare Marvel and Tekken character designs, right? Both games do have this trait. Similarly, both games do have character movesets, and moveset diversity. I find those to be comparable as well. Now, what would be difficult to compare is balance, since Tekken and Marvel have to deal with two entirely separate concepts of game balance (team fighting vs. 1v1; still using T6 here since I've played it, and I haven't played TTT2). It would also be hard to compare projectiles, since the 3D vs. 2D setting fundamentally changes the roles projectiles have. I don't see character movesets as being difficult to compare when the context is diversity, though.The same thing works for fighting games. Marvel and Tekken are fighting games sure but they're vastly different because they belong to several subgenres within fighting games hence making the comparison less realistic. Comparing Tekken to say Virtua Fighter or Soul Calibur is fairly valid because they have the same subgenre like comparing Marvel to Blazblue or Guilty Gear would be good. But comparing VF to Blazblue wouldn't work because they don't have the same style of gameplay.
You can still compare the minivan and the delorean, just like you can compare the minivan and a modern vehicle with a bunch of digital tech put in (I rented a car in CO, and it was a 2013 with all these computer displays for MPG, distance traveled, route settings, dialing my phone through the dashboard, etc.). One vehicle having more advanced technology and purpose does not make them uncomparable. I assume, for example, that you think older, traditional phones are comparable to cell phones/smart phones. This roughly parallels the minivan vs. delorean comparison.The minivan vs delorean would be a more valid comparison than a rocket ship but it has problems. a Minivan is constrained by the fact it's just a real world vehicle meant to transport people. the BttF Delorean is meant to break the travel through time and space. Now, if the Minivan was supposed to travel dimensions then we'd be on to something.
I said this in the PS+ thread, but if Sony offered me the entire backlog for a 1 year subscription right now, I would get it. There's some good stuff there. Can you re-use timed trials over and over? I'd consider abusing the P4A timed trial to learn a character for my locals.You should try the next step:
It's quite a big gap from the first one, but maybe after a year of intense training you'll be able to make it. Like I did. Kind of.
How could Megaman being in Smash not be a big deal? He has been Capcom's mascot until this generation, and was one of the most wanted characters in Brawl. He got skipped over in Marvel and has had numerous canceled games. It's a big deal on several levels.Just curious, why is mega man being in smash such a big deal?
Is it because ppl have been asking for him to be in smash for so long?
Or is it cause its just a major shock? Like, holy shit, mega man is in smash and we haven't seen his ass in forever?
Just curious, why is mega man being in smash such a big deal?
Is it because ppl have been asking for him to be in smash for so long?
Or is it cause its just a major shock? Like, holy shit, mega man is in smash and we haven't seen his ass in forever?
It doesn't have to be turn-based, otherwise Chrono Trigger wouldn't be an RPG. Just menu-based combat. And I wouldn't say that all menu-based combat games are RPGs, just that menu-based combat is a defining feature of RPGs IMO (RPGs are a subcategory of menu-based games). The word "menu" isn't perfect, either, since I would consider most classic MUD games to be RPGs. Neverwinter Nights is also an RPG, since you select your spells and such from a menu. A game becomes an RPG hybrid when menu selection is part of your combat experience, but other factors are involved as well (Mass Effect, Diablo). There is a kind of dangerous slippery slope here where someone can argue that cycling through your guns is going through a "menu", but I'd rather not get into that right now. I don't have the particulars of RPG hybrid standards worked out yet.Menu/Turn based is just a subset of RPGs. RPG just means Role Playing Game which is a very broad definition really. If the criteria for an RPG was just menu/turn based game play then this is an RPG:
However on the flip side, anything with some sort of stats or character build up is considered an RPG these days which is also a bit incorrect. On that notion I can fully argue that the DMC games are action RPGs like Demon Souls/Dark Souls.
BTW Karst what do you think the new FFXV is? Is that an RPG?
To be fair, they've only had to press one button to win this entire generation. Two buttons is like...double the difficulty of an AAA game.Even with two buttons fighting games are still too hard for the press.
Even with two buttons fighting games are still too hard for the press.
Even with two buttons fighting games are still too hard for the press.
First time I've seen mention of sticks (assuming 360) not being compatible with the X1, although I knew it wasn't going to happen.
Hahahahaha touche!I can combo in ASW games. My Elizabeth combo in P4A:
PS3 sticks won't work on PS4 according to
PS3 sticks won't work on PS4 according to
What about the 8arc?
PS3 sticks won't work on PS4 according to