The only marvel tournaments that matter!The next Curleh Mustache is July 7 back on the west coast, this gonna be good.
The only marvel tournaments that matter!The next Curleh Mustache is July 7 back on the west coast, this gonna be good.
The next Curleh Mustache is July 7 back on the west coast, this gonna be good.
The next Curleh Mustache is July 7 back on the west coast, this gonna be good.
KI sounds like a turd in the making, watch it get dropped faster than Darkstalkers and OG Skullgirls combined.
also, the sparkles are the most retarded thing i've ever seen in a fighting game.
look at that shit.
Norcal or Socal?
you can read more about it heerrreee http://www.brokentier.com/pages/curlehwest :3
I thought I heard someone say that they have only been working on the game for 5 weeks or something. Does anyone else remember hearing that, or another time frame?KI didn't look that impressive to me, but we haven't seen much so who knows how it'll end up turning out. The biggest thing it has against it is that it's an Xbone game imo.
Sounds awesome. Hopefully we get some international competition since its so close to EVO. Any more exhibitions being planned? Something like Justin Wong vs Apologyman would be pretty great to see.
I thought I heard someone say that they have only been working on the game for 5 weeks or something. Does anyone else remember hearing that, or another time frame?
I thought I heard someone say that they have only been working on the game for 5 weeks or something. Does anyone else remember hearing that, or another time frame?
I thought it was somewhere between 2 or 3 months? Still a pretty good job in that time frame.
Well either way, I think the game is an impressive achievement for that time frame.I think they said that about the demo.
But what do you do when a western developer makes a "JRPG"?I'm not a fan of misnomers.
And I'd like to know what the following games are under your system:
Knights in the Nightmare
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy Tactics
Demon's Souls
I like fighting games.
It's one thing when the title has been set in stone, it's another when it's fresh. French fries goes back to a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 according to Wikipedia. JRPG is...what, a year or two old? I'm not opposed to renaming french fries, though!I see what you're saying about JRPG, but it is not like I mind when I get a side of french fries in America. I also don't see it is an acronym (or rather, I see the acronym aspect of it as an archaistic), but if I did it would be Japanese-style, not Japanese.
Fair enough.As for the list, there are two things to keep in mind. One, some of these are in the same genre, but are separate by sub-genre. Second, I don't have exact names for these sub-genres because I'm more concerned with grouping them rather than finding a good name that sticks to be frank. Oh, and one more thing: I'm not saying these games can't be compared at all. Some of them can... to an extent. The way I see it some genres (and sub-genres) can be "closer" or "farther" to each other and that reflects the strength of the comparison. (You can compare a dog to a cat easier than you can compare a dog to a bird).
IDK, I'm just playing it right now so I tossed it in there (final dungeon!).Alundra: In the same vein as 2D Zeldas and Ys. Top-down 2D action games or pseudo-3D, not sure what is the most popular name for this.
I'm cool with this.Demon's Souls: "3D Action" or "hack 'n slash" or w/e. In particular it's the kind I would describe as "grounded", which basically means limited to no aerial complexity in combat or to get even more basic/generalized: no jumping. (e.g. Zelda, Monster Hunter).
MOBA is a dumb name, but I'm not seeing how Xenoblade is an MMORPG since it's not online.Xenoblade: This might take more effort explaining than I care to (or am capable of making sound intuitive), but what's important here for me is 1) auto-attack, 2) hotbar-like ability selection, 3) free-movement, but abstract/non-manual defense, 4) one controllable character at a time (note this isn't a checklist, but a shortcut without me having to explain how it isn't anything else). This all comes together to make a game that works a lot like FFXI, FFXIV, among other MMOs or beyond (thinking it over "auto-attack" can be replaced with "rapid mouse clicking" in some instances, although that could be another sub-genre in itself). One way to describe it is "pseudo-action" game. So as poorly I've might have explained it, I'm putting it along side MMORPGs, which isn't crazy for me, because I think making a genre based on the number of its human participants or the fake it is online is silly. (This is why I think "MOBA" is a dumb name... oh btw, MOBA games probably fit somewhere here too.)
TBS?Final Fantasy Tactics: SRPG or TBS, depending how you want to separate that (SRPG is a sub-genre of tactics games, if anything at all).
Why is this so different from Xenoblade for you? The only major difference is party control.Final Fantasy XII: This game is actually tricky for me. This might be due to the mindset I had when first coming up with how to break down "JRPGs": I basically asked myself what is the difference between FFX, FFXI, FFXII, and FFXIII. FFXII was the only one I couldn't pin down neatly. It has free movement and positioning, but they are hardly, if at all, factored into the game (IIRC enemies have to be way out of range to not be able to hit you). If space doesn't count at all, then I almost want to call it a JRPG (as I described in an earlier post), but it certainly takes on the appearance of a MMORPG-like game or even a fast paced, pausable SRPG (but a lack of importance in "maps" means it wouldn't be that).
Movement seems important to you, so I ask: where would you put Black Sigil? You'll probably have to youtube the game since it bombed hard.Chrono Trigger: JRPG, again as I explained it. I guess I should clarify one thing though. There are area attacks which take in account where enemies are standing, however there isn't any meaningful complexity in manipulating that. In way it is a random factor. So when I'm judging a genre, I'm considering the mechanics which matter to how a player plays it, which would not include mechanics which don't amount to any strategy. Similar to this both FFXIII and The Last Remnant occur in a 3D environment and area attacks have "hit boxes" which can miss characters, however there is no real way to change this, so I consider them JRPGs.
I think KitN might be properly defined as a shumps game with unique rules. The focus of the game is on your wisp and what it does, making it the "ship". The rest of the complexity surrounds the conditions under which you can "fire" and different kinds of firing methods. The characters are your weapons, and they degrade over time. Nothing about the game suggests that it should be an RPG to me, though it feels like one aesthetically.Knights in the Nightmare: This is tricky, which is not surprising given it is the most perplexing game I've ever played (though only a little). I haven't played it enough to be confident about it, but maybe it is a one of a kind game (no genre necessary until there are imitators) or a hybrid game (like multiple incompatible types of games happening at once, if that makes sense. An example of this is that Henry Hatsworth game or w/e which is both a 2D action game and a match-3 puzzle games).
I enjoyed reading it. Thank you. Fighting games seem pretty easy to define:Sorry I wrote a lot (and two or three of the explanations may be confusing). Honestly, I don't think I should write anything more about this... although... defining fighting games could be fun.
If I were an indie developer, fighting games are something I would stay away from. You really need to create a fanbase around your product for long-term support. It's easier to make some artsy-fartsy game that lasts 5 hours for people to swoon over.Fighting games
Fighting games
I'm glad to see come new things coming into the genre from the indie scene. Much like I begrudgingly give credit to SF4 for inspiring MK 2011's direction, I thank Skullgirls for getting a lot of money and inspiring confidence in other small devs to make their first fighting game and rescue us from being trapped in a cycle of the same 5 franchises that have existed for 20+ years.
Fighting games
Fighting games
I'm glad to see come new things coming into the genre from the indie scene. Much like I begrudgingly give credit to SF4 for inspiring MK 2011's direction, I thank Skullgirls for getting a lot of money and inspiring confidence in other small devs to make their first fighting game and rescue us from being trapped in a cycle of the same 5 franchises that have existed for 20+ years.
We're working on getting more exhibitions and possible international guests. Lots of things are up in the air, but we wanted to get the news out there. :3
you can read more about it heerrreee http://www.brokentier.com/pages/curlehwest :3
And SENOR TAXI!TRB has a 71 person marvel bracket including ChrisG, Kaneblueriver, Neo, and Noel Brown.
I like Bee to win
TRB has a 71 person marvel bracket including ChrisG, Kaneblueriver, Neo, and Noel Brown.
IMHO, Sony held back a lot at E3. Tokyo Game Show 2013 is September 19-22, and PS4 is expected to launch in November. It's the right time for them to show all the stuff they have, right before launch. They're already going to sell out just because it's a launch period, they don't need to show everything they have yet.It is so disappointing that the PS4 has been announced since February and no fighting game has been announced for it. Cmon Capcom, Namco and Atlus.
Thanks, tuning in.TRB has a 71 person marvel bracket including ChrisG, Kaneblueriver, Neo, and Noel Brown.
I was saving this beer for friday, but I might crack it open and pull an all nighter. I guess its technically been friday for 16 min already
IMHO, Sony held back a lot at E3. Tokyo Game Show 2013 is September 19-22, and PS4 is expected to launch in November. It's the right time for them to show all the stuff they have, right before launch. They're already going to sell out just because it's a launch period, they don't need to show everything they have yet.
The whole thing? Nah son you know I want a piece of that action.I like Bee to win
And SEÑOR TAXI!![]()
IMHO, Sony held back a lot at E3. Tokyo Game Show 2013 is September 19-22, and PS4 is expected to launch in November. It's the right time for them to show all the stuff they have, right before launch. They're already going to sell out just because it's a launch period, they don't need to show everything they have yet.
We are starting the age of brand new consoles and there has been no information on next gen fighters except for KI which is only on X1 and Smash which looks nice. This is disappointing. When I look into a new generation, I like to see how each genre is progressing. Isn't anyone here interested in how fighters are going to look and play on the PS4?
At the very least, I hope we see trailers for Street Fighter 5 and a next gen Tekken between now and TGS.
Like a punch in the gut.Tekken X Street Fighter incoming
Well, I think the question is: what fighters do people want to see? Sure, a lot of people here want more Marvel, but we also know that's just not going to happen. Are people really eager for another Street Fighter already? Ono says they haven't even started working on it. Tekken players here say they don't know what they could really want from another game in the series. Darkstalkers probably got canned by Capcom.We are starting the age of brand new consoles and there has been no information on next gen fighters except for KI which is only on X1 and Smash which looks nice. This is disappointing. When I look into a new generation, I like to see how each genre is progressing. Isn't anyone here interested in how fighters are going to look and play on the PS4?
At the very least, I hope we see trailers for Street Fighter 5 and a next gen Tekken between now and TGS.
No way will we see SFV that early. Deep Down has been development for some time and they aren't even going to show a playable version until E3.
Big Japanese companies lagging behind this gen again. Capcom had DR3.... that's it. Konami had MGSV (without PES and based Kojima Konami would be done by now). SE got fanboys hyped up over a game that has been in development for 7 years for the current gen consoles and another game with no game play. Namco didn't show diddly squat.
EVO will be very interesting.No way will we see SFV that early. Deep Down has been development for some time and they aren't even going to show a playable version until E3.
Big Japanese companies lagging behind this gen again. Capcom had DR3.... that's it. Konami had MGSV (without PES and based Kojima Konami would be done by now). SE got fanboys hyped up over a game that has been in development for 7 years for the current gen consoles and another game with no game play. Namco didn't show diddly squat.
DS4. Believe.Ono can say whatever he wants, but there is no way Capcom is not working on nextgen fighter. I am excited for new mechanics, new gimmicks, and new visual styles. Give it to me.
TWEWY!...and supposedly BDFF.Square Enix has completely forgotten how to make good games. People are hype for that? lol
I'm not counting their outsourced/international stuff. That's actually good.
He didn't say they have nothing next gen going on, just that SFV is not in the works right now.Personally speaking, I stopped playing SF4 in 2010, I stopped playing Marvel around a month ago and I stopped playing Tekken after Tekken 5. I am quite frankly bored with the stuff we have to day. And I am going to say something that I would have never thought I would say, Marvel 3 is getting boring to spectate now days.
Ono can say whatever he wants, but there is no way Capcom is not working on nextgen fighter. I am excited for new mechanics, new gimmicks, and new visual styles. Give it to me.
People are hyped because of Nomura. Its essentially empty hype. Aside from pretty graphics there is nothing to suggest FFXV will be a good game at this point in time.Square Enix has completely forgotten how to make good games. People are hype for that? lol
I'm not counting their outsourced/international stuff. That's actually good.
Ryan Hart 105 Hit Jago Combo
People are hyped because of Nomura. Its essentially empty hype. Aside from pretty graphics there is nothing to suggest FFXV will be a good game at this point in time.
People are hyped because FFXV, when it was called Versus, was going to have a world map and air ship. It felt like it could be a return to form. Watching that combat video really let me down, though. It looks like more flashy crap without substance, just like FFXIII. True story: I mashed "Auto" throughout the entire game in FFXIII and through the entire post game (until I got bored). So bad.People are hyped because of Nomura. Its essentially empty hype. Aside from pretty graphics there is nothing to suggest FFXV will be a good game at this point in time.
I don't think EVO will be interesting either from a new fighters perspective. Also wasn't there supposed to be an ASW game unveiled at E3?