Yeah, SFV feels significantly faster. Not just in terms of movement and animations, but just how much more aggressive and rewarding the neutral is.
Those JWong frame traps had me gushing. Tell me SFIV could have anything like that without using cross-ups.
A lot of people don't feel that way. The comparisons to SF4 from people who have spent time with the game are pretty scarce from what I've heard / experienced so far (this week). SFV is a bit quicker on the most basic possible level (think: Desk's video), but there's a lot more to it. The pressure and pacing in the game are simply beyond SF4.
Precisely. In SFV you are always in danger of stun, there's intense ground game, not mix-up city on knockdown, since there's only a few hard knockdown moves.
I'm not a fan of the stun, but I'm not hating it in this game, don't know exactly why tho.
Also, the fact that they are significantly lowering down the execution requirement and at the same time making the game more footsie-based says a lot to me, in a very good way
Yeah I'm fucking loving the pace.
So happy Combofiend is helping with development.
Also, the day they announce MVC4 with Combo helping to make it is the day I cry tears of joy.
SFV + MVC4 = Kreygasm all over the place.
Not even a Mvc4, a Capcom all starts game would already have an AMAZING potential with Combofiend there (way more possible as well). And I think Capcom knows that, they just don't have the money to do a big game atm, we have to root for SFV success so they can grab some cash and make some new games