I'm starting to empathize on how the sane Sonic fans feel among their entire fanbase.
Capcom not putting Megaman in MVC3 because they were butt hurt over Inafune leaving is some tin foil hat conspiracy shit.
How was it mocking it when even Inafune loved it? You're starting to sound like one of those insane, entitled Mega Man fans now.
LMAO. Wow, never thought of it like this before. Also, I just realized that Shao's also saying that Makoto's a boring design too.
There's just something communicated through the movement of herself and the rippling of her gi while sailing through the stage to apply fist to face that makes the "simplicity" of the design work and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
People still don't get that they knew classic Mega Man was going to be in Smash 4 at the time SFxT was being made. They weren't going to steal the thunder.
Lol...yeah I don't do simple. I was a Mcfarlane and Silvestri based artist.
Ikeno did some of the art. Akiman and Kinu Nishimura did a lot of it. Their designs (Necro) and concepts (I think there's some Akiman sketches in the secret file booklet) were far more out there and original than anything here.The Daigo Ikeno who did the art of Third Strike drew stuff for SFIV actually and there were a lot of different outfits for Ryu. Some made it in.
I'd like to actually see either bottom lefty or bottom righty used to grow the character's look in the future as a more permanent design but like whatever you like. He needs work though. He has too little with just the gi and bandanna.
Capcom not putting Megaman in MVC3 because they were butt hurt over Inafune leaving is some tin foil hat conspiracy shit.
Lol...yeah I don't do simple. I was a Mcfarlane and Silvestri based artist. I go in I go in hard. Simple bores me.
All I know is it did not have the reaction they'd hoped. Folks were very upset over it for why ever it was kept.
I'm starting to empathize on how the sane Sonic fans feel among their entire fanbase.
Smash threads are like this weird frenzied thing about some shit that is completely alien to me. Every time I go in I get weirded out.
Prepare to learn a second language and prepare to feel like you are learning video games all over again.
I was doing this a few weeks ago. The grind is real. I felt none of my other FG knowledge carried over to Smash.
How do I get good at Street Fighter?
What stream are you all watching?
Ryu's smash theme is so nice
The same way you get good at other things in life, lots and lots of practice.
I'm starting to empathize on how the sane Sonic fans feel among their entire fanbase.
Do you not understand what I said? Yes or no? I said robot templates are different every time you say "draw me a robot". You say karate guy and its Ryu's white gi and black belt with or without a bandanna.
What I said was your comparison makes no sense and that Zero didn't make it in because he was more visually appealing than Megaman. Your argument of "ooh hey I got that shaowebb with this one" makes no sense. I say yes and you say then why did we miss Megaman who was less elaborate? I say no and you say "see you want the original less elaborate design".
I say, you are making a thin argument that anyone can see through. Megaman didn't make it in because he was Inafune's baby and they were butthurt over him leaving and began cancelling anything with his name on it. Inafune left oct 29 2010 and Zero was announced Nov 15 2010. Given that Zero was 2 weeks from being completed and out the door with a trailer he couldn't have been cut if they wanted to reasonably and of course he was chosen because he likely only needed a subdivide and slight model touchup of texturesfrom TvC to have him ready to start animating in the new engine. Tron Bonne was announced sep 16th 2010 back when Inafune was still on board and Mega Man Legends 3 was still in the works and getting pushed.
Could Megaman have been coming? Don't know, but since Zero was very little work to get ready and Bonne was there to promote an upcoming title they took priority first. Do I think had Inafune not left he would have made it in? YES.
So my answer to you is they DID NOT put Zero and Tron in over Megaman. They had them done first and Megaman was vetoed after Oct 29th IMO. Your argument of yes/no is invalid because it was never a question of did one get chosen over him. But hey convince yourself its a yes/no question when all it is a thinly veiled attempt to gotcha me. I know my facts. Apples and oranges here. Megaman has way more distinctiveness than a karate gi. Trying to act like he didn't make it in MVC3 though because more elaborate designed Megaman characters existed though is silly and makes no sense.
This looks like Dragon ball z characters my nephew tries to drawalternate history where we got this SF3
Superman has less appeal to the masses than Ryu? Really now?The Superman = Ryu comparison is off. Superman's character doesn't have any appeal to the masses.
Superman has less appeal to the masses than Ryu? Really now?
Superman is a much bigger icon than Ryu.
I'm going to play Devil's Advocate against my own argument for a sec and admit that, although I want character design revamps in SF, not every one done in other franchises has been an improvement.
In these character's cases, I prefer the classic/iconic looks (Left), which have more simplicity and in Sonya's case makes less real world sense for her job, but I prefer them to the new ones.
alternate history where we got this SF3
when will ryu get his own "man of steel"
when will ryu get his own "man of steel"
You said Superman has no appeal to the masses.That's not what I said.
I disagree about Raiden, but I haven't seen the classic skins for the other two. They look good.
You said Superman has no appeal to the masses.
You need to explain that because that makes absolutely no sense to me.
Raiden looks dumb with all that extra shit on him.
He should look plain and humble, and surprise you with his power and status.
He doesn't need to go around showboating his god status like he's compensating for something.