I made that comment mainly due to the combination of the number of DPs that GamerBee ate and the number of reversals he went for that were blocked (this is from memory, so I could be way off). I would have figured that if he was aware of it happening, he would have tried to bait it in some instances (and maybe he did, just at the wrong times -- small sample sizes and all that). The flip side of that is they're hard baiting it, then they're basically conceding offense in an oki situation, which is a significant win.
Yeah, that's what fuzzy type OSes do, they basically let you say "no, this is the type of RPS you're dealing with." There were times he was doing delay DP/backdash on wake up and he was also delay teching and blocking, so maybe he was. There were tells he was doing defensive type stuff similar to this at least(especially with those mashed jabs), but it's always hard to say if he was just really RPSing hardcore like that or aware of it. Oh wait, I still have it playing and I saw an instance that def says he was doing this type stuff haha.
Considering Gamerbee is a world class player, and this info has been publicly available for awhile now and is an old concept, it's a safe bet he's aware of this and it looks like he was def playing around it. How much exposure he has to it and how well he's able to play around it is another thing though ;w;
Edit: On the flip side, Kazunoko looks hella adept at playing around ideas like this now that I watch, he sniffs it out stupidly hard and has good variance on his options depending on what people are doing. Momochi is just straight fucking savage lmao.