KidA Seven

See you in Final Round Momochi, DaiGoku will be back breh. The Daigoat train rolls on.
So far the strongest players right now look to be
and in no order: Daigo, Infiltration, Poongko, Kazunoko, Eita?
Koogy is looking for a SF player for BT:
It's for beginners that want to become intermediate, not how to play the game from scratchI heard the first episode was about option selects
No love for the West? I think Sako deserves mention if your going to include Eita. Poongko beating Infil at Cannes was due to him withholding his Akuma and paying the price. But Sako put Infiltration into a corner where he had no character options left.
Koogy is looking for a SF player for BT:
かずのこ ‏@kazunoko0215 5m
I want to attend a tournament which Momochi isnt here .lol(-_-)
かずのこ ‏@kazunoko0215 26m
Momochi is monster...
poor kazunoko
poor kazunoko
かずのこ ‏@kazunoko0215
Momochi is Monster...
7:47 PM - 8 Feb 2015
I can see a player like Nemo taking out Momochi. Same with Shiro who actually did so in January.
I'm really bad at comboing into BC into KoF 02UM. Not that my characters really need it.
Only BC combo I've messed around with is K'.
What makes Ken competitive with the other shotos? He seems to lack mixups in comparison.
I'm really bad at comboing into BC into KoF 02UM. Not that my characters really need it.
Only BC combo I've messed around with is K'.
Koogy is looking for a SF player for BT:
Throws, step kick, a decent kara uppercut, got some good buffs in ultra and the rest of his shoto tools are pretty good.What makes Ken competitive with the other shotos? He seems to lack mixups in comparison.
What makes Ken competitive with the other shotos? He seems to lack mixups in comparison.
Kula, Orochi Chris, Iori, and learning K' and others right now.Who are you playing?
Is it the need to dash in after BC or the cancels themselves that give you trouble?
I suck at HD combos in XIII too but man that auto dash when activating HD was a godsend
He's dangerous from a further range than any other shoto, or perhaps any other character save for zangief.
He has that Chun Li 3rd strike level mixup of kara throw or counter hit step kick / low forward.
I'm really bad at comboing into BC into KoF 02UM. Not that my characters really need it.
Only BC combo I've messed around with is K'.
I wish more folks would play 98. 2k2 is a little unbalanced for my taste. K' and Kasumi are really strong in this - feels like UM Krauser (not FE Krauser who got rightfully nerfed)
98's still my favorite. Just feels like a faster paced ST for me which works great. A lot easier to just pick up and play different characters too imo.
Any noteworthy attendees?Customs tournament on Spooky stream
DaBuz, DKWill, 6WX, Vinnie.Any noteworthy attendees?
What makes Ken competitive with the other shotos? He seems to lack mixups in comparison.
Kula, Orochi Chris, Iori, and learning K' and others right now.
The need to dash, accidentally getting an unwanted normal right after BC, and also hit confirming.
02UM's probably one of the big KoFs that I least played. I mostly played 98 which feels less demanding imo.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh shit! Guess who just found a weekly near them? Dis guy!
Apparently in Morgantown WV at the local comic book store they host a ton of shit...from daily tabletop stuff, battle dice, to magic the gathering, to having a daily PC game gathering for DOTA, LOL, Hearthstone, and other stuff.
Well a dude there does something called Saturday Night Scuffle. He doesn't stream yet, but he plays anything and everything fighting game at it. I'm gonna start attending to see what its like and see how the scene is each week. If its got a good crowd here's hoping there'll be a new weekly to shoot your way. Be great if I could brainwash them into having a retro title of the month to compete in. Be great to see more KoF11, TvC, CVS2 and other shit make more stream appearances.
Oh well, baby steps and all that. My career will interfere often but for now I got a weekend and a scene to check out which is more than you have any right to expect in West Virginia on top of a fucking mountain. Looking forward to this.![]()
KoF XIV is the Last Guardian tier st this point
Just cancel into BC after the first hit of cl. C, then walk forward. The hitstun in cl. C is enough to connect do another cl. C after the walk in. Good luck in doing the (dp+A, qcb+k, qcb+k)x2 or x3.
Whenever I lose a round in GG I feel like I suck
Whenever I lose a round in GG I feel like I suck
Of course he's my student! I dont count him when I say that. A lot of stuff I do when I lose vs him I do to teach.Dude if you are playing Prototype's Millia you shouldn't feel that way. Dude's a fucking psychopath...
Hmm how so? A lot of things you can lose to in GG are reactable. That feeling stems from thatI really hate when people talk like this.
I finally got those (in training mode)! And I'll try doing that.
Also what's the main cause of me getting random normals right after activation?
Is this common for people?
Hmm how so? A lot of things you can lose to in GG are reactable. That feeling stems from that
A lot of things you can lose to in GG are reactable.
I used to be able to block eddies set up half the time back in the day. So i feel like shit when i rarely do it now. But that's not what I'm referring to.I take issue with this statement lol
Whenever I lose a round in GG I feel like I suck