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Fighting Games Weekly | May 25-31 | Marvel vs. Comcast

why Juri all of a sudden?
I'm always reflecting on games I don't play/like to figure out if I'm missing someone I might like. Juri has an interesting fireball game, I think. A year ago, she would have been to hard for me because of the negative edging being beyond my execution, but after playing a lot of Zato, she might be manageable. I revisit my decisions like that. I didn't play Morrigan until the end of vanilla MvC3 because her fireball cancels were too much for me to do consistently at the time. I ended up dropping her because she's infuriating to play in some matchups without Hidden Missiles, but I still enjoyed my time with her overall.

Is there a good, ~10 minute tutorial out there that would help me decide whether Juri might work for me?

I have the next 9 hours at work with nothing to do. :-/ The kids have left for summer, my grading is all done, classroom is organized...yeah.

I hate Juri's voice.
I like her voice, but dislike the sounds she makes. "E heh eh!" Not my favorite. I think the worst I've found is UMvC3 Trish. "YA HA HA!" Gah.


Juri's fireball kinda sucks. It's not really a great zoning tool unless you are trying to zone out a grappler/slow character. You will just end up mixing yourself up with the fireball cancels while some dive kick character just rushes you down.
How to play Juri against divekick characters and Akuma:

1) Charge HK fireball
2) Hold HK fireball
3) Stay at a range where HK fireball will catch neutral or forward jumps
4) Release on reaction to a jump

5)... all while playing footsies with HK, crMK, and LK fireball

Juri is actually tough. Mandatory tough links for her BnBs, 950 life, need strong footsie knowledge when HK and fireballs aren't enough. Too much work for most people in a game like SF4.

Ultra 1 is cool but if you can't back it up with strong footsies it's irrelevant. Just helps you win her even or good matchups more.


But seriously, fireball game-wise, I think Gouken is the coolest fireball character in the game. Like Dahbomb said, Juri's fireballs suck
Yeah I suppose its what Juri says especially with common moves or specials is what annoys me.

Are you thinking about a new character since SF4 is on a new console? I am thinking Elena or Yun might be fun to learn.


How to play Juri against divekick characters and Akuma:

1) Charge HK fireball
2) Hold HK fireball
3) Stay at a range where HK fireball will catch neutral or forward jumps
4) Release on reaction to a jump

5)... all while playing footsies with HK, crMK, and LK fireball

Juri is actually tough. Mandatory tough links for her BnBs, 950 life, need strong footsie knowledge when HK and fireballs aren't enough. Too much work for most people in a game like SF4.

Ultra 1 is cool but if you can't back it up with strong footsies it's irrelevant. Just helps you win her even or good matchups more.
Pretty much this. Interesting and fun character (strong as well) but too hard to play at a basic level especially against what you usually play against online.
Juri's fireball kinda sucks. It's not really a great zoning tool unless you are trying to zone out a grappler/slow character. You will just end up mixing yourself up with the fireball cancels while some dive kick character just rushes you down.

i actually think they're really good. Especially since all of them technically have 2 durability.
When I watch Triox play I see the same guy I saw 2 years ago. His footsies haven't improved and he still gets randomed out.

Most Juris are like that.

Same with a lot of Abels, too...

So I just assume no one has improved at all since Super, really.


i actually think they're really good. Especially since all of them technically have 2 durability.
On paper it's good because they can cover various angles and you can fake out opponents with them.

In reality you have to make a lot of decisions, reads and guesses to predict what the opponent may or may not do. It's a great fireball option when you make the right decisions but it's a terrible one when you use the wrong one because the opponent did something unexpected. Too much start up on the regular ones as well.
Yeah I suppose its what Juri says especially with common moves or specials is what annoys me.

Are you thinking about a new character since SF4 is on a new console? I am thinking Elena or Yun might be fun to learn.
Haha, I'm not buying USFIV on PS4. If they fix it, I'll think about it, but I'm not playing a broken game. I just have a ton of free time right now.

How to play Juri against divekick characters and Akuma:

1) Charge HK fireball
2) Hold HK fireball
3) Stay at a range where HK fireball will catch neutral or forward jumps
4) Release on reaction to a jump

5)... all while playing footsies with HK, crMK, and LK fireball

Juri is actually tough. Mandatory tough links for her BnBs, 950 life, need strong footsie knowledge when HK and fireballs aren't enough. Too much work for most people in a game like SF4.

Ultra 1 is cool but if you can't back it up with strong footsies it's irrelevant. Just helps you win her even or good matchups more.
Damn, lots of work? :-/

But seriously, fireball game-wise, I think Gouken is the coolest fireball character in the game. Like Dahbomb said, Juri's fireballs suck
Gouken is pretty cool.

Here, you can have a 5 hour-long tutorial! The value.

And some matches to watch as well.
ThankEw. :-/


Aye I'm alive. I'll keep it short what happened. School ending+stress+a bunch of other things were piling up on me, and I've deal with depression for awhile, and I'll openly say I have PTSD from childhood trauma. I've actually been doing really well in therapy with only a few setbacks, but a group of people decided they wanted to "trigger" me, and well, they did. I started to seclude myself and went on about self harm and wasn't in great shape, so my friends got concerned when I passed out one night and the police came and got me.

Since I was deemed a suicide risk, I had to stay in the hospital for 72 hours. I kinda panicked and freaked out on the way there because they wouldn't tell me where I was going, all they sad was "this will be a better place" which was the least comforting thing ever at the time (the police terrify me, I don't trust anything from them). Once I got through the panic, it was honestly just a really long and boring hospital stay. I was pretty safe, we set me up with my therapist, balanced out my antidepressants, and we're golden.

And I mean, that's it really haha Everything is totally fine, just be mindful of people who deal with mood disorders and the such.
Aye I'm alive. I'll keep it short what happened. School ending+stress+a bunch of other things were piling up on me, and I've deal with depression for awhile, and I'll openly say I have PTSD from childhood trauma. I've actually been doing really well in therapy with only a few setbacks, but a group of people decided they wanted to "trigger" me, and well, they did. I started to seclude myself and went on about self harm and wasn't in great shape, so my friends got concerned when I passed out one night and the police came and got me.

Since I was deemed a suicide risk, I had to stay in the hospital for 72 hours. I kinda panicked and freaked out on the way there because they wouldn't tell me where I was going, all they sad was "this will be a better place" which was the least comforting thing ever at the time (the police terrify me, I don't trust anything from them). Once I got through the panic, it was honestly just a really long and boring hospital stay. I was pretty safe, we set me up with my therapist, balanced out my antidepressants, and we're golden.

And I mean, that's it really haha Everything is totally fine, just be mindful of people who deal with mood disorders and the such.

Good to hear you're better now

Were the antagonists FGC-related or just general douchebaggery?
Haha, I'm not buying USFIV on PS4. If they fix it, I'll think about it, but I'm not playing a broken game. I just have a ton of free time right now.

What is that? I have to go home and be a family man so I get only a couple of moments in the evening to game. I rarely get play games in the daytime especially on the weekends.

I got PS4 version with the thought of if people wanted to play a couple of rounds for fun. Jeebies.

Glad you are okay Anne.


Aye I'm alive. I'll keep it short what happened. School ending+stress+a bunch of other things were piling up on me, and I've deal with depression for awhile, and I'll openly say I have PTSD from childhood trauma. I've actually been doing really well in therapy with only a few setbacks, but a group of people decided they wanted to "trigger" me, and well, they did. I started to seclude myself and went on about self harm and wasn't in great shape, so my friends got concerned when I passed out one night and the police came and got me.

Since I was deemed a suicide risk, I had to stay in the hospital for 72 hours. I kinda panicked and freaked out on the way there because they wouldn't tell me where I was going, all they sad was "this will be a better place" which was the least comforting thing ever at the time (the police terrify me, I don't trust anything from them). Once I got through the panic, it was honestly just a really long and boring hospital stay. I was pretty safe, we set me up with my therapist, balanced out my antidepressants, and we're golden.

And I mean, that's it really haha Everything is totally fine, just be mindful of people who deal with mood disorders and the such.

Thanks for sharing. It's good to have you back.


Apparently USF4 on PS4 is hot garbage? What'd I miss?

Thanks for the well wishes btw. It's really nbd.
The port is booty buns butt cheeks/10.

2-3 frames of extra lag over the PS3 version, laggy menus, no AF implemented, projectiles turning invisible, weird character changes (Decapre teleport being slower), weird sound bugs, characters spazzing out and duplicating, awful netcode etc.

Capcom has given TOs full authority to use whatever system they want.


I saw "8 frames of input lag", invincible sonic booms, invisible fireballs, sound bugs etc

l m a o
It's not that bad. The same testing methodology says the other console versions (and most other PS3 fighters) are only at 5 frames! So really, it's only 3 frames worse!

(glad to hear you're okay)

El Sloth

Apparently USF4 on PS4 is hot garbage? What'd I miss?

Thanks for the well wishes btw. It's really nbd.
Xrd Revelator announced with screens of Johnny and black silhouette of a mystery character. Bridget fans begin to hope again.

CEO not using PS4 version of USF4 anymore. EVO and other CPT events might not use it if things aren't fixed in time. Capcom throws up their collective arms and points at Sony


FGC Waterboy
Good to hear you are back.

It sucks that the police didn't tell you where they were taking you at first

They don't tell you generally for good reason - it tends to end poorly when they do so. :/

Glad you're back and in snarky, making fun of terrible Ultra ports shape. :)
I should invest in a monitor but my consoles are set up in my living room and I do not want to be lugging around a monitor just to play certain games in my home. I do not play competitively so I have never really put much thought into it.

Does anyone here play on a TV in their living room that is 50"+ with good results? I plan on getting a 60" somewhere in the near future. I looked up my TV (it's a 46") and it says it has 28ms of lag. I'd rather put the money towards getting a new 1440p g-sync monitor for my rig instead of dropping $250-$300 to get yet another monitor I will only use for one genre of games.


I have the next 9 hours at work with nothing to do. :-/ The kids have left for summer, my grading is all done, classroom is organized...yeah.

You need a Vita for such dire situations. So many fighting games...a great version of UMVC3, and Skullgirls coming soon!


I used to bring my vita to work to play +R and CSEX to pass the time. I should probably track down a copy of UMVC3 even if I am ass at it.

It's a very good version, and possibly the more responsive than any console version since it's playing off the Vita's low-lag screen. The online play is actually pretty decent most of the time, though it's prone to random disconnects which is really aggravating. On the system there's also Divekick, Street Fighter X Tekken, BlazBlue (both CS and CP I think), MK9, Injustice, and who knows what else. Also old PS1 fighters are compatible with the Vita.
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