I find it funny that there's people who are genuinely upset that mvc3s online is ruined because of the save editing shit. Like it was amazing before that.
There's a pretty significant difference between the quality of the online there. One is a playable state which at least two EVO champions got most of their matchup experience from, the other is a potential, perpetual waste of time. Nothing silly about that.
People nowadays blame business models way too damn much instead of focusing on the product. To put my example-cat-for-eternity, the Wii, on the table, most of the games industry was super busy figuring out new business models so they could make more money. Nintendo's model with the Wii and the DS was as traditional as possible: Discs and cartridges in a brick and mortar store, and a console that was just a box to play games. The success was all about having a good product, something others neglected. They blamed everything under the Sun and tried to invent new ways to sell their stuff, when the core problem was the stuff they were selling. Yet the product was never blamed.
I definitely agree. I gets annoying hearing [game I like] didn't do well because [blame other games here] especially. Just comes off as insecure. I have a tendency to try and rationalize things too, but it doesn't always have to require classifying every gamer that didn't support that game as being mentally deficient or something. Sometimes, products have problems. Even my favourite games have some pretty big problems, whether they're immediately apparent or not.
"Everyone" and "always" notwithstanding; I don't think that's naive at all and it's pretty deflating to hear someone in your position articulate this. It's not about getting people to play your game as much as its about getting them to understand it, so they have some appreciation for it. People only attack shit they don't understand. That's what initially inspired me to start FGC threads, here. I saw Smash/3D/2D game players attacking each other because they didn't fundamentally understand each other's games, making the most ignorant of comments. I'd like to think there's been progress on Neogaf (and the scene at large) since then, and I like to think this thread is proof. Hell, even the mods were pretty damned bigoted back then.
Well, perhaps I should have prefaced those comments by saying I'm a pretty big cynic; I think that's a losing battle that's only really remedied with age/maturity. It's like fighting shitposts, essentially, as people lack humility when they enter the discussions and do not intend to exit them with anything but more people cosigning their opinions. I had a really long discussion with a few of my best friends (who are on GAF as well) on this topic and at least a perceived decline in the quality of internet discussions in big communities, and I think it just comes down to a lot more younger opinions being over the 'net nowadays, as the internet has never been so accessible. That's sort of the idea behind GAF in general, gate out those types of posters, but more will get through nowadays. It is what it is.
I'm not trying to be high and mighty here either, because I contribute to a lot of the same shit I'm criticizing and I'm sure people can pull my card like anyone else's with a quick google. But shit, I try to do what I can to encourage some more of that positive discussion in these threads, especially considering these threads have grown a lot since being a place to talk about Guard Crush. Primarily, trying to make this community less inclusive and less of a haven to shit on people outside of this community by adding resources for new players, as I think that's toxic. I'm not sure what more you can do or other ways there are to promote that understanding and discourage attacking other games, but I'm open ears.
Nintendo better than FGC confirmed.
Damn WTF, I thought Q was like my age or something. Happy Birthday homie!
I can see Kimo's point but I think its actually one of the worst things that tournament players unconsiously do. Like for the bigger games they naturally have their community built up, strong players emerge, tournaments have interesting finals and there's a period of time where people care about who the best players are. And you have a chance to get to the top while the game is still relevant. But while I like SF4 and still play a lot, I really don't think it should be where it is at tournaments as a main event.
With some games you can just tell its not gonna happen and they won't be close to the top spot, so if you're competitive and dont want to be a big fish in a small pond, you can tell which games are a waste of time. But there's some that should be way more popular than they are, and for me thats pretty frustrating to see. Like I think Marvel should've been way more popular in Aus and Tekken should've been way more popular in the US.
The reason why I say this, is that the worst possible thing that could happen to the "FGC" is rejecting Capcom's next game and sticking with SF4. And I actually think there's a good chance that this will happen. That's why their next fighter shouldn't be SF5, it should be Capcom Allstars and play like Marvel because I think that game won't be rejected. But... Dimps is working on the next fighter so I think there's a high chance we're going to see another SFxT. And considering that, imo its probably better to move on to Xrd (series) or something else that looks like it could have a better future.
Yeah.. you are absolutely crazy if you think anyone will stick with SF4 when SF5 comes out. I don't see what Dimps has to do with it either. Like others have said, the game could be straight caca and it will replace it.
SFxTK was only supposed to replace SF4 if you had a Mike Ross shrine in your closet and bought Cross Counter's digital content to put in your porn folder.