Galileo v Dogura ft30 is on.
So how do we feel about Ultras in Tekken?
Fox sounds like MODOK in the new Smash.
Unless things change I will probably be skipping out on console version of T7. Will probably still get it on PC (just to support FGs on PC) but I don't see myself playing it too much. It's basically Tekken Revolution with Ragearts and invincible moves replaced with hyper armored moves.
I am not too impressed with what has been shown thus far.
Fox sounds like MODOK in the new Smash.
Unless things change I will probably be skipping out on console version of T7. Will probably still get it on PC (just to support FGs on PC) but I don't see myself playing it too much. It's basically Tekken Revolution with Ragearts and invincible moves replaced with hyper armored moves.
I am not too impressed with what has been shown thus far.
Tekken community doesn't like the new Tekken already?
How am I not surprised.
Who said that?
He's just mocking something said earlier in the thread.
I actually liked most of the changes in Tekken Revolution so... I'm actually kind of excited for Tekken 7? Still a lot of question marks, though. The Rage Arts damage needs to get nerfed something fierce though, it seems crazy right now.
They would have to make a lot of changes to loctest to make me interested in T7.
*I really don't like the obscene hit sparks in the game. It's reaching KI level of insanity.
Neither do I. But Tekken fanbase is pretty much split on this. Half the people want bound removed. The other half don't. Only one side is going to win in the end. I hope the final version will have bound. Tekken 6 location tests also didn't feature bound as far as I know so it's not like mechanics like this can't be added later.*I don't really like them copping the Revolution Bound system.
This is really hard to tell at this point due to the actual players describing framerate issues.*I don't like the nerfed back dashes. I know that new players don't like KDCs and what not but there had to be a better way to change movement in Tekken.
*The new Ragearts system is awful. It was bad enough that T6 had Rage but now it will have Ultras too. Apparently they didn't think Rage was a big enough comeback factor so they had to add this too.
*I am not impressed by the graphics, visual design and art style... it's safe as hell and not what you expect in a brand new sequel to a game in a new generation. I know it's 50% visuals but I am just expressing my feelings on what I am seeing. I am not seeing anything in this game that tells me that it's a game only possible on next gen hardware. I would not be shocked to see this get the crossgen treatment.
I would not say that the Rageart system is something that has been well received by most people... I see very split opinions on it. In fact from what I have seen I would say most people don't like it.
My problem with the Rageart system isn't that it takes too long or is that it's too cinematic... my problem with it is that it's a pure comeback mechanic in a 1v1 fighter. I already had big problems with the Rage system in T6 and instead of taking it out they just expanded upon it. There's no reason why Tekken should have Ragearts, this is clearly just another SCV style attempt to appease the 2D audience. Stick to your game identity please.
Galileo vs Dogura FT30 BBCP1.1
Big set before the new version hits next week.
Edit: I was too slow
It's not that "adding 2D mechanics in a 3D game" is bad.
It's more like "what is the justification for adding this mechanic into the game?" I really see no justification to adding Ragearts other than to adding cinematic flair to the game and having another way to comeback with. Not only that but it's a 2D mechanic that a lot of people don't even like to begin with (Ultras).
And I have said this about a thousand times that a comeback mechanic in a team based fighter is inherently different than having a comeback mechanic in a 1v1 fighter. ESPECIALLY in a Tekken game where you can always make a pixel comeback as there is no easy way to chip out the opponent and you don't lose tools when you lose health.
I need scores, I was at the arcade playing our new shmup machine
Fox sounds like MODOK in the new Smash.
~18-16 Dogura, I think? Someone in twitch who knows Japanese is translating from the stream, but even the commentators have lost track of the score at least once.I need scores, I was at the arcade playing our new shmup machine
Competitive players at large accept a ton of games DESPITE having terrible mechanics in them. MVC2 had guard breaks, double snap backs and pseudo infinites but it was accepted at large by the player base. You can't just turn a blind eye to genuinely poor mechanics in games even if the overall game itself is good.
Rage mechanic, IMO, was a poor mechanic in T6 and thus I am disappointed that it's being expanded upon in T7.
Rageart is too similar to Ultras for my liking. They are powerful, limited use cinematic special moves that you only get when you lose health which is exactly how I would describe Ultras in SF4. They are for all intents and purposes a comeback mechanic which IMO are a superfluous way to get casuals to play Tekken (if you want to start adding statistics to the equation then you can easily see that adding comeback mechanics to Tekken didn't actually increase the playerbase of Tekken).
If you don't see the similarities or what they are trying to do with T7 then I am not sure what I can say more to make you see it. If all the discussion points are going to end with "oh it's a location test they will make it godly by release date for sure" then there is really no point in having discussion over the game at this point.
Should've just said this in every single post about T7 whenever something bad about it comes up.This stuff is bound to change and the game doesn't seem to be even anywhere near completion and only in the very early stages.
It's not that "adding 2D mechanics in a 3D game" is bad.
It's more like "what is the justification for adding this mechanic into the game?" I really see no justification to adding Ragearts other than to adding cinematic flair to the game and having another way to comeback with. Not only that but it's a 2D mechanic that a lot of people don't even like to begin with (Ultras).
And I have said this about a thousand times that a comeback mechanic in a team based fighter is inherently different than having a comeback mechanic in a 1v1 fighter. ESPECIALLY in a Tekken game where you can always make a pixel comeback as there is no easy way to chip out the opponent and you don't lose tools when you lose health. .
Should've just said this in every single post about T7 whenever something bad about it comes up.
I am not enforcing my viewpoints on anyone. All of these things are my opinion. You love Rage? Great however that is also your opinion on the matter. It's no more or less subjective than my own.
I also didn't say that Rage dwindled the fanbase... I said that it didn't increase it. Of course that is not the only factor that lead to worsening sales of the franchise but you don't really have a strong argument as to why Rage has been a net positive for T6. What was the point of adding Rage mechanic to begin with? To attract casuals? If the whole point of a mechanic is to "attract casuals" then that IMO is a poor mechanic. I am more tolerant of Netsu in TTT2 because it's a Tag fighter and has more factors to it that facilitate it but in a 1v1 you would have a really hard time justifying it.
No it actually makes ways more sense in a game like Marvel because every time you lose a character you are losing a ton of tools. When it's 3 v 1 situation that's a ridiculous disadvantage and the game favors snowballing. You get in a situation where you have Psylocke against Sentinel + Corridor assisted and the player with the Psylocke just keeps taunting so that Sentinel kills the character faster (shout outs to Yipes vs Sanford FT100 set).A mechanic that caters to strengthening anchors makes sense in a game like King of Fighters. Characters act separate rounds but unlike single character games you share resources and life totals between rounds. Additionally when someone secures a win their current active character gains life back so that furthers their lead. Even if you start to mount a reverse OCV, the characters positions are reset every round and by the time you're even character wise, you aren't even resource wise.
It makes less sense in a game like marvel where an anchor comeback amounts to someone going batshit and then doing 2 incoming setups. Shoutouts to flux.
You are again missing the point of discussion and circumnavigating the argument.
My "justification for constantly bitching" is that I want to point out the stuff I don't like in the hopes that it gets fixed by the time the game ships. Because otherwise if people just accept that things will magically get fixed on their own without feedback/criticism then nothing will actually get fixed.
Now as far as your question about what I wanted to see here today:
*Game play footage which I saw. Not the best quality of course but I got the general gist of it.
*Whether or not Bound was changed. It was but not to my liking so I expressed it.
*Whether or not Rage was changed. It was not only kept mostly in tact but it was expanded upon by adding Ragearts (Ultras from SF4 which I dislike almost as much as Rage) to my disappointment which I expressed.
*Whether or not combo/juggle length was changed. It was changed to my liking and I expressed it.
*Whether or not they made changes to the movement system. They did make changes and it was not to my liking so I expressed it.
*Whether or not they made changes to the wake up system. Didn't see many wake up options being used so right now I am not saying much on it. Harada did say they are making changes here so I am still curious to see what they are. If they are like Revolution then I would not really like that much either and I will express that as well.
You are again missing the point of discussion and circumnavigating the argument. You still have not given me any reason as to why Rage mechanic was a necessary addition or even a positive addition to Tekken. The only reason why I brought up the sales point was that some people have said in the past (not you of course) that Rage was added to get more casuals into Tekken because it's a comeback mechanic. If that is true then clearly that didn't work so then I ask WHY is this mechanic being expanded upon?
Welcome to the pains of discussing the merits/faults of a new game in an established franchise with excited people. If you're examining the Hype Train and its destination - you only serve to to spoil the ride.
I largely agree with you. After the new-game hype subdues and seeing more of the game, it doesn't look like anything to get too excited about, yet. For a lot of the reasons you mentioned.
If you keep talking about the sparks in a negative light, I'm going to choke you, though. Tekken desperately needs that kind of pizazz imo, and I think its capacity to distract is being way overstated by people.