Yep. From July 2014 to "TBD"
All preorders have been closed as well. Welp.
yeup, pretty much sign of doom right there.
Yep. From July 2014 to "TBD"
All preorders have been closed as well. Welp.
yeup, pretty much sign of doom right there.
Is it just because so few people pre-oreded it?
I hope not. I'm scared. Maybe just some production problems. *prays to figure god*
She was on my radar as a possible post-release pick-up. She looks pretty unique.
What if this starts happening to a bunch of figures as people stop pre-ordering due to prices and we get screwed out of some epic figures........nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, can't stand the idea, still cutting back, price trend is a no go for me. Its why Devil Homura is a no go, It was either her or Ciel and Homura was way way more costly which is saying something, cause Ciel was not a walk in the park either.
I'm still on the fence about preordering GE2 Ciel. I had her in my cart earlier but haven't pulled that trigger just yet, actually. I do want her, but even at amiami's 18% markdown that's still a pricy figure (and potential forced EMS with the size of that sword). What are you guys' opinions on where that one is going to go at release? Alisa is not GSC but that one has bomba'd bad and maybe it's just me but seems like she'd be a more, well, popular figure?
I know it really comes down to "will you be haunted by regret if you pass her up" and the answer is probably no, which is why I've hesitated, but if there's something of an educated guess consensus that she's likely to go up after release, I'd probably put in the order soon.
Yeah, I was considering what to do for December, too.
I've got Homura on preorder because I really gotta have that to go with my Madoka, but...
Quoting myself from a couple pages ago:because I was expecting at minimum some enabling from you guys but no one said anything
Hey Gaf,
What's the general opinion about P.O.P One Piece figures? I'm looking at Marco the Phoenix figure right now xD
I only own one because to get into P.O.P One Piece figures is a deep dark blackhole I do not want to enter. The one I have tho is awesome and I have seen many others in person and they also look fantastic.
Hahaha, I know exactly. It's one hell of a blackhole. I really like the new Marco POP, but is it worth it? Though what are alternatives to One Piece figure? I mean I saw the New Robin (Dressrosa Arc) from Figuarts Zero but where can I get that?
Marco POP:
I think the stuff is worth it. You can actually find a lot of it for reasonable prices still if you look due to soo much out there and its like the one line that megahouse doesn't fuck up on. It's also the only good One Piece line imo. Figuaarts zero is too small, Some of the figures they make are really cool but I don't like having different scales on my shelves. Same reason I don't buy 1/6 scale stuff. I only get 1/7 and 1/8 scale figures. I am always open to making exceptions but nothing has yet appeared that had lead to that yet.
Also, I am sure a whole new P.O.P. line of strawhat crew members will be made for Dressrosa Arc. The manga/anime prints money, no way will they not do it so I would just wait for the inevitable POP Dressrosa Robin etc at a nice scale.
Ah I see... Godamnit. The Marco POP looks so good. I might just break my wallet real fast haha. Yeah thats true it seems like POP is one of the better set of OP figures as you said, it sucks how much they cost per figure! Yah, I can't wait Robin figures are kinda scarce lol. Which set of OP figures do you collect?
Ah I see... Godamnit. The Marco POP looks so good. I might just break my wallet real fast haha. Yeah thats true it seems like POP is one of the better set of OP figures as you said, it sucks how much they cost per figure! Yah, I can't wait Robin figures are kinda scarce lol. Which set of OP figures do you collect?
The moment she pops up for preorder again, I'm going for it. Getting to paranoid considering I really liked her in the series she was in.
Dude, I told you HLJ still has her up. October release. Gogogogogogo.
Eww.... Never again.
I don't think it has so much to do with HLJ at this point as it does the manufacturer.
No, I mean I don't like pre-ordering at HLJ. Actually I refuse to ever again. I will just wait and see what happens. Pre-orders mean nothing if the figure was cancelled
Granted. But given that you can cancel at any time, what's the big deal?
I'm just not a fan of HLJ. That's all.
Why not? Never had any trouble with them.
Who elin here.
looks amazing. Hopefully this gets picked up and come out as PVC.
You forgot to add ''replacing the clothes with a school swimsuit".
Inb4 it gets PVC release but they decide to put her in a swimsuit.
Non-swimsuit? Of course it's a GK.
That's a beauty. And undoubtedly a garage kit
Non-swimsuit elin scales when![]()
Why not? Never had any trouble with them.
You forgot to add ''replacing the clothes with a school swimsuit".
Bought price figures from them, and they cancelled because they weren't able to get shipments. Don't put it up for preorder if you can't guarantee you'll ever get them. So unless they already have it in stock, I don't preorder from them. It was only prize figures, but still..
Why not? Never had any trouble with them.
...Bombless no read thread.
No one forgot the swimsuit.![]()
But what if Mushibugyo does come out in October? And pre-orders never open up again? And even HLJ gets their allotment? And they make so few that you don't manage to get one later? And then you sit there Mushibugyo-less and think "Boy, I should have listened to Freezie-kun."?
Sigh, FINE. But I already know it's only still up for preorder on HLJ becasue they're too incompetent to take it down already.
What do you guys think of the Figma Motoko Kusanagi? Here face doesn't really feel right to me.
I only have the Roronoa Zoro POP Sailing Again figure. Repeatedly contemplated getting all the strawhat crew post time skip Sailing Again line as most of them can be gotten for under 100 dollars...or at least could be when I last looked. However, Franky was an exclusive and costs a bloody arm and a leg plus on top of that huge shipping costs due to his scale size being scale to the other figures as he is in the anime/manga. Ultimately, I probably will never get another POP figure because it's just a hole I do not want to jump down with all the money I spend on Lego and the other figures I have already bought/am buying. I Have a 2nd bedroom that's completely a hobby room but its already full the the brim with LEGO and that hobby is not slowing down no way no how so I have to be selective on figures. Hasn't helped that every time I think I have cut down my orders a ton, they suddenly balloon all over again like they did earlier this month when I took a dark turn down the lewd route due to a nice sale. Used to be that lewd allowed me to ignore more figures and keep my interests narrow.
I am at 26 figures owned now and I started collecting figures in May 2013 with the plan of 12 a year. I have 6 (edit: MAKE THAT 9......) more still due to be released before the end of the year. So much for that rule. Nothing ordered yet due next year tho! (ha ha ha ha)
My pre-orders list is like cursed....every time I get it down to 5 pre-orders left, it grows again.
What do you guys think of the Figma Motoko Kusanagi? Here face doesn't really feel right to me.
Looks great to me, I preordered as soon as she went up.What do you guys think of the Figma Motoko Kusanagi? Here face doesn't really feel right to me.
As promised, some figure artists twitter worth following
Not gonna lie...I'd be tempted by a 1/3 Maou-sama.
Thanks =)
So apparently A-Toys is making a 90cm Female Titan and a 1/3 Maou from Maoyuu Maou Yuusha no images yet, but from the look of their past stuff their quality standards seem low.
Not gonna lie...I'd be tempted by a 1/3 Maou-sama.
Saruman is going down, Signum is helping the Ents!
some of the extra weapons
^ That's a very nice figure.
Anyone else just browse the pre-owned section of AmiAmi to look at figures with no intention to buy any? It's fun.