Well I can't donate because I have no moneyMan...shit sucks.
do gaf. Most people buy stuff >_>
this thread > BST > ebay
Well I can't donate because I have no moneyMan...shit sucks.
Got to be a bad photoshop image enhancement.
She's finally here!
*bad cell phone photo warning*
There are so many optional parts and accessory, I counted like 8 arms.
I do want to keep January super-light, though. All I have at present is that adorable Yasuna + Sonya figure from Phat. I anticipate Batwoman bishoujo in February. All my hhhnnnggg and want. Juri isn't until April. I has a sad.
Also, this is adora----AAAAAHHHHHHHHH Griffon....
Well I can't donate because I have no moneyMan...shit sucks.
What is Griffon miraculously got better.
do gaf. Most people buy stuff >_>
this thread > BST > ebay
True! I had a lot of unexpected bills that I helped my parents with so I had to give them a few grand so I guess that put a wrench in everything.You had money. You spent it all on figures.
I hate it when I am considering buying a figure and then make up my mind to find out it is already gone, argh.
I have started to accept those as a sign. A sign that I really didn't want it in the first place and to not worry about it lol.
Was it AmiAmi that rated box and figure with an A B or C?
The pace of announcement is crazy XD
One thing, how do I even browse AmiAmi pre-owned, I don't seem to be able to search through pre-owned items. I can use Mandarake but it does not seem to have any good indication of a products status other than some english in the subject description.
I really like this Snake Nendo, definitly on my wishlist, I hope they add other MGS characters like Meryl too.
I want it just for PS1 face lol. Amazing
Random Q. for LEWD Figure GAF
For those with cast-off figures... How many of you actually display any in full cast-off?
I think only 1... and its because it was bothersome to cast on (and stay on).
I want to see that Ryuko painted...looks great.
Random Q. for LEWD Figure GAF
For those with cast-off figures... How many of you actually display any in full cast-off?
kind of unfortunate supporting rod placement if you ask me.
0. Only creepy pervs display bare pvc boobies.
I like the option for cast-off, but yeah, I only display them with their clothes on. Often-times, it's a lot more seductive/appealing that way.Random Q. for LEWD Figure GAF
For those with cast-off figures... How many of you actually display any in full cast-off?
I was disappointed in GSC's Ryuko. In fact, I still am.I want to see that Ryuko painted...looks great.
That Medicom Girls und Panzer tank depresses me, I remember the days you could walk into ToysRUs and buy 1/6 scale tanks for $100-$200.
I was going to cancel Phat's and go with GSC, since they image they used was of Ryuko in her school outfit. That's all I wanted. Instead, we get the Senketsu Kisaragi Ver. :/
Oh well, it'll save me money at least. I'm sure GSC's version will easily be in the 12000+ yen range. Phat's version is less crazy, will likely demand less space [at least vertically], and cheaper. I can't argue with that.
Dat Vita.... well if I ever get a 2nd vita that would be a good option. However, if I do it will be after release.
I like Phat! version's pose more but either way it's nice to see more Ryuko figures.I think I prefer GSC Ryuko to the Phat version. Probably not buying either, though. Cutting down hardcore for 2015, yo.
I like that one, want to see it painted. I didn't get Alter's Vita from the StrikerS scale set, never pulled the trigger on it since the face is a little weird but I might get this one as a non-preorder depending on price and painted look.
Two for the price of one!
Two for the price of one!
Nendo Snake is already up for preorder.
Holy shit, that Shinji face. Hahahaha.
Just finished watching Hanneko, and now I want that Koto Tsukiko figure.
I heard you guys like GK.
god I saw that at WF and wanted it so much. Loved that it was even on an automated turnatable.I heard you guys like GK.