Not by much, lololololololol.
Legs + Face = W-T-F
Matches up to the artwork really nicely:
Bravely Default follows the Fire Emblem Awakening school of "What are feet?"
Scales of Kate are so lewd. My elin sorc had a dress like that and didn't even look as lewd as Kate.
Indeed. Something about her screams Super Lewd...
Her legs look broke as fuck, though.
Matches up to the artwork really nicely:
Bravely Default follows the Fire Emblem Awakening school of "What are feet?"
Looks like this lovely lady is getting a January release:
We're suppose to be getting Cordelia first, so don't hold your breath till then ;__;
why the balloon tits. looks perfect otherwise.
Conveniently not the one full of all the figures I bought, so I have them ready to be added to my collection display, just the suitcase full of ALL MY CLOTHES
Looks like this lovely lady is getting a January release:
I return to Canada from my trip to Tokyo, and one of my suitcases of luggage wasn't put on the plane apparently...
Conveniently not the one full of all the figures I bought, so I have them ready to be added to my collection display, just the suitcase full of ALL MY CLOTHES
I return to Canada from my trip to Tokyo, and one of my suitcases of luggage wasn't put on the plane apparently...
Conveniently not the one full of all the figures I bought, so I have them ready to be added to my collection display, just the suitcase full of ALL MY CLOTHES
I like Vanillaware art, but I'll probably skip it since I never got the chance to play the game.
No one did. I don't think it was released outside of Japan.
So what? You'll just be naked. Who needs clothes?
Ugh...sorry to hear that.
It's ok you can always buy more clothes hehe
Wow that's shitty. They're not going to reimburse you or anything? What would have happened if you have had expensive things or family heirlooms in there?
Well if it arrives via the next flight, they'll ship it right to me. If not, then I'll have to deal with travel insurance... Hopefully the former.
Don't even have the energy to unpack my figures, lol. Need to set up all the nendos a certain way now...
Sorry to hear that.I return to Canada from my trip to Tokyo, and one of my suitcases of luggage wasn't put on the plane apparently...
Conveniently not the one full of all the figures I bought, so I have them ready to be added to my collection display, just the suitcase full of ALL MY CLOTHES
Well that's disappointing.Her nose seems to have disappeared between prototype and production. I have a feeling this is going to be another max factory bomba.
Thanks all
At the least, crappy cell phone pic of my pick-ups
Naturally the biggest win for me was finding Luci.
I think she'll be a work figure
Greetings, all. After a lengthy absence from this thread, I return with joyous news! My Snow Miku finally arrived at my PO Box! I will be picking it up tomorrow. I think she'll be a work figure; depends on how much room I left on my desk...
Oddly enough, it says it was shipped from Gardena. If that's true, I could've just drove over to the warehouse and picked it up myself.
Anyway, time to abandon thread before the addiction rears its ugly head. Hopefully my drama will be over soon so I can start indulging again.
Well that's disappointing.
It could just be the angle/lighting, though.
Got to be a bad photoshop image enhancement.
She's finally here!
*bad cell phone photo warning*
There are so many optional parts and accessory, I counted like 8 arms.
Very nice.Got to be a bad photoshop image enhancement.
She's finally here!
*bad cell phone photo warning*
There are so many optional parts and accessory, I counted like 8 arms.
Very nice.
Speaking of, my Snow Miku + Armin Figma STILL hasn't shipped. Why, GSC? Why? You charged me early in July for these. ~_~
Maybe it's a problem with Canadian orders? I've heard of a couple people on MFC getting theirs, and I believe they're also from the US.I ordered from GSC also, got a tracking number yesterday and received it today. It is shipped from California, I never expected it to arrive so soon.
She's got nothing on Sorceress, although both are Vanillaware ladies.
Grand Knights HistoryLoving that artwork. What game was she from, again?
It would have been better if the figure replicated the...assets....of this artwork more, and not so much "balloon-boobs". :/![]()
Muse's original artwork. The sculptor (this was a GK before being picked up for PVC release) took some serious liberties.
It would have been better if the figure replicated the...assets....of this artwork more, and not so much "balloon-boobs". :/
It would have been better if the figure replicated the...assets....of this artwork more, and not so much "balloon-boobs". :/
Well, I did purchase Kongiku [and recommend her to everyone], so it's not as though something like that would necessarily stop me. I'm just not sure if it's worth the purchase since I don't know anything about where she comes from, aside from it being a Japan-only release. Of course, that hasn't stopped me before...oh, definitely. But the question is, are supergiant boobs a reason not to buy a figure I otherwise really dig?
I just wish she was a bit more moderately-sized, especially considering that in the original artwork she wasn't as exaggerated.
oh, definitely. But the question is, are supergiant boobs a reason not to buy a figure I otherwise really dig?
Personally, I think that new witch figure from Alphamax will end up being a much better sexy witch option! This one is so simplistic and lacking in fine details. Combined with the unnecessary inflation, unless she were incredibly cheap, makes her a far less attractive buy.
I'm trying to keep my January free too. As of now, I have nothing for the month, but I know there will likely be a figure or two that will tempt me. That is, of course, one of my many pre-orders for 2015 aren't delayed into January, which is a definite possibility.I do want to keep January super-light, though. All I have at present is that adorable Yasuna + Sonya figure from Phat. I anticipate Batwoman bishoujo in February. All my hhhnnnggg and want. Juri isn't until April. I has a sad.
Also, this is adora----AAAAAHHHHHHHHH Griffon....
She's definitely going to be pre-ordered by me, unless she's ridiculously over-priced. I love everything about her.Sometimes? lol
Personally, I think that new witch figure from Alphamax will end up being a much better sexy witch option! This one is so simplistic and lacking in fine details. Combined with the unnecessary inflation, unless she were incredibly cheap, makes her a far less attractive buy.
Edit: This one:
More out of nostalgia than anything else. Way before I was into collecting figures, I remember seeing her online and being like "oh man, awesome!" This was years and years ago.