Those two words should not be discussed in here. /shudder
@Freezasaurus Sorry to hear about your grandma. Maybe all these boat and castle girls will cheer you up.
figmas are widely considered some of the best action figures out there. They're reasonably robust, and the joints aren't overly fragile like some of their competitors (Figuarts/D-Arts). They generally have highly accurate likenesses to their source material, and come with nice extras, alternate faces, and props. Unfortunately, their price has gone up a lot in the past couple years, with the typical release moving up from about 3000-3500 yen into the 4000-4500 yen range. The Ironman figma w/ all of its extra parts was 8000 yen!
There's something of a sub-culture, I guess, where people enjoy masturbating on their figures and tnen taking pictures to share with everyone. And now you have to live the rest of your life knowing that. Fufufufufufufufufu
I'm sorry, I could not resist.
Sorry to hear about your grandma, Freeze.It takes some deaths to put life into perspective sometimes. It's best that we make the most of it!
On a completely different note: Boat Girls are wholly superior to Castle Girls!
Probably, I didn't get the reference.
Well, that was kinda unexpected. And even though I'm new here, I'm sorry about your loss.
And it confused me because one female friend of mine told me about using hot glue, and that it ruined her figure, that's why.
So did your friend try using hot glue after someone else suggested it? Because they may have just been being pervy.
He was being gross
you should share that with the gamestop girl
I would have to ask her, I'll be discreet and try not to actually tell her what it is, but IIRC it was her doing, the cleaning lady broke a figure's hand and she tried to fix it.
If you started collecting Disney infinity you'd have more excuses to see her!Oh man, she wasn't even there last time I went. I'm over her for now, at least until I see her again.
If you started collecting Disney infinity you'd have more excuses to see her!
By all means, tell her what it means, just not until you have your phone ready to film her reaction. You can then make it into a FigureGAF-original reaction .gif
I'd also be a man in his 30's buying children's toys.
I dunno, maybe she's into that.
Would be? Bro. You already are. What do you think this thread is about.I'd also be a man in his 30's buying children's toys.
I dunno, maybe she's into that.
Would be? Bro. You already are. What do you think this thread is about.
Your funko pops and figmas and nendos are already toys.
What is the consensus on figmas? Are they well built or the moving parts are a nuisance? I only have static figures, so I don't know anything about them.
2 out of 3 ain't bad.I have no figmas. Ha!
I love them! Besides gunpla and a single Nendo, all my figures are currently figmas.
I know the joints can be a bit garish, but if you can look past that you'll be fine.
Some of them come with tons of props so if you get tired of a pose you can always just change it up, which is a reason why I tend to avoid scales (besides the price).
2 out of 3 ain't bad.
I would be.
Though I'm not sure if that means anything in this context.
Figmas are awesome. Poseability, accessories, compatibility between figmas, generally lower prices (though they have gone up somewhat).Thanks! I'll probably get some in the near future, judging by the good responses.
Snow Miku is my only nendo.
Sorry to hear about your grandma Freezasaurus, 93 is a damn good age to make it to...
Hot damn, is this gonna come to international Amiami or is it Japan only?
My condolences, Freeza. Thoughts with you and your family.
Thanks for the info about figmas, I guess that just made my decision to ignore that Sinon figma just got harder.
Well, that was kinda unexpected. And even though I'm new here, I'm sorry about your loss.
And it confused me because one female friend of mine told me about using hot glue, and that it ruined her figure, that's why.
Aww your other reaction gif was better lol
Very sorry to hear about that, man. At least she lived a long and full life. And don't worry about posting your thoughts. We're here for more than just discussing waifus.My grandma died today guys.
It wasn't a surprise, she was 93. She'd been in a nursing home for the past six months or so, and ended up in the hospital last weekend due to shallow breathing and whatnot. They had her on a breathing tube which she never would have come off of, so my dad went down to the hospital Monday to sign the DNR papers. That was in her living will anyhow. I guess what freaks me out is that it drives home the fact that life is so impermanent. I also have no more grandparents. Not fishing for sympathy, just thinking out loud.
Okay, back to castle girls and boat girls. Clearly, castle girls are superior.
considering its 2 figures? 17.8k before DC? so maybe 16k~ so thats 8k a pop?
considering its 2 figures? 17.8k before DC? so maybe 16k~ so thats 8k a pop?
A steal for any IS fans of best girl and not worst girl.
Wait, if Cecilia isn't worst girl, then who is?!
The flattest.
Actually I was thinking of China but Laura is same tier anyway.You best not be talking about Laura. >:O
Actually I was thinking of China but Laura is same tier anyway.
Once again, sorry about the death in your family, Freezauraus. My condolences go out to you all.
To help cheer you up somewhat [I know, it's impossible], I have news! The Muse of Range Murata will be releasing October 14th!
Oh, Asuka too!
[Damn, October will be hell on my wallet...]
It's true. Probably not exactly "good" news [when you factor in the cost associated with it], but I'm happy/relieved to see her finally being released [Asuka, as well]. I'm sure you are too.I thought you said good news. This is like "Surprise! You'll be spending $200 more than you thought this month!" XD
It's true. Probably not exactly "good" news [when you factor in the cost associated with it], but I'm happy/relieved to see her finally being released [Asuka, as well]. I'm sure you are two.
But yes, the cost. ;_;
Let us hope the items delayed from September into October are delayed further into the year, otherwise we will all suffer.
It's true. Probably not exactly "good" news [when you factor in the cost associated with it], but I'm happy/relieved to see her finally being released [Asuka, as well]. I'm sure you are too.
But yes, the cost. ;_;
Let us hope the items delayed from September into October are delayed further into the year, otherwise we will all suffer.
I'm aiming for the same, but you know how I can be. >_<The number of figures I have ordered will drop off dramatically next year, so I just have to weather the storm for now.
Mammon is fine to be released for me, since she's paid for.Hell no, I want my Mammon.
I'm aiming for the same, but you know how I can be. >_<
To help cheer you up somewhat [I know, it's impossible], I have news! The Muse of Range Murata will be releasing October 14th!
Yeah, she's scheduled for October 14th as well.Playing fast and loose with your wallet? XD
Is Asuka coming out mid-month too? I may scrounge together a mid-month shipment so I don't get the end-of-month anal rape. My November is pretty light. Just Psychic (LOL!) And ArtFX 1/6 Batman. You don't have to be a psychic to know Psychic is getting delayed.