Is she actually from anything or just a fanart type thing?Not yet we haven't, we still need a Master Saber after all
Is she actually from anything or just a fanart type thing?Not yet we haven't, we still need a Master Saber after all
How much space do you guys think 6 sets of the Kirby Tsumu Tsumu figures would take up?
That's like, 60 kirby's
How much space do you guys think 6 sets of the Kirby Tsumu Tsumu figures would take up?
That's like, 60 kirby's
LOL I like this idea. I so want to add a set to my order this month but no...I just can't. It's to big as it is.
But it's just 2k! And the box is soooo tiiiiiinyyyyyy!
Shit, even Bombless is trying to enable people now.
But it's just 2k! And the box is soooo tiiiiiinyyyyyy!
Why you do this to me....you were going to buy the Wii U anyways! >.<
Don't try to change the subject, just order the damn Kirby mob!
Figures are a waste of money, but buying a Wii U is just flushing it down the toilet.
Figures are a waste of money, but buying a Wii U is just flushing it down the toilet.
Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, and Bayonetta 2 have more than justified my Wii U purchase.Figures are a waste of money, but buying a Wii U is just flushing it down the toilet.
Figures are a waste of money, but buying a Wii U is just flushing it down the toilet.
Figures are a waste of money, but buying a Wii U is just flushing it down the toilet.
Yes, yes, Bayonetta.
How unfortunate it is then that it's not a good game. In fact, I can't think of a single Japanese character action game I like. Sad, honestly.
Yes, yes, Bayonetta.
How unfortunate it is then that it's not a good game. In fact, I can't think of a single Japanese character action game I like. Sad, honestly.
You're a bad personYes, yes, Bayonetta.
How unfortunate it is then that it's not a good game. In fact, I can't think of a single Japanese character action game I like. Sad, honestly.
Yes, yes, Bayonetta.
How unfortunate it is then that it's not a good game. In fact, I can't think of a single Japanese character action game I like. Sad, honestly.
Yes, yes, Bayonetta.
How unfortunate it is then that it's not a good game. In fact, I can't think of a single Japanese character action game I like. Sad, honestly.
Yes, yes, Bayonetta.
How unfortunate it is then that it's not a good game. In fact, I can't think of a single Japanese character action game I like. Sad, honestly.
Just bought my refurbished Wii U. Bayonetta 2 is all I need.
Figures are a waste of money, but buying a Wii U is just flushing it down the toilet.
Why in God's name would you care about the story in a video game?
What games do you like, then?!
Why in God's name would you care about the story in a video game?
Normal is the tutorial. Non-stop infinite climax is the game.Hey, I played the game to completion. I'm not just blindly slamming it.
Tastes, etc. Character action games, specifically Japanese ones, have great gameplay...but that's it. The story is always either incoherent or awful and the characters, while usually interesting, are ciringeworthy and flat. I need more. If you don't, more power to ya. I wish I was in your shoes.
Oh, plenty. I think I'm just over Japanese games as a whole. Of course, I'm not just gonna dismiss all Japanese games because they're Japanese, that's stupid. I just played through both Danganronpa games and thought they were fantastic. But man, Japanese developers (as a whole) really need to step up their storytelling. I got two hours into the latest Ar tonelico game and had to return it.
I'm super stoked for Dragon Age II, Far Cry 4, and I'm playing Shadow of Mordor. Story is at least (hopefully) serviceable in these games. Just finished Dust and thought it was outstanding (character art aside).
The Last of Us actually had good gameplay. Haven't played TWD so I couldn't tell you.I dunno, why did The Last of Us win so many GotY awards? Why was The Walking Dead so popular and critically well received?
As much as you want them to. That's like a Kirby invasion force.
Mmmm...LOL I like this idea. I so want to add a set to my order this month but no...I just can't. It's to big as it is.
The Last of Us actually had good gameplay. Haven't played TWD so I couldn't tell you.
I can understand, a friend of mine went through a similar transition as well. Not many games with a heavy/good storylines on Wii U. Maybe Xenoblade Chronicles X but I have no idea how good the original Xenoblade's story was. There's also SMT X FE but being a crossover I don't think it will have good plot.
Okay! I'm gonna do it!
Sixty kirby's, that's like Mass Attack in real life! :O
By the way, there is that upcoming Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem game for Wii U. Hope we'll hear more about that in the next few months.
I mainly play RPGs (of all types), VNs and fighting games. Puzzles & LEGO games, too.
Blah blah...
Dark Souls is my favorite game of the generation and it arguably has less of a story then what you just used as an example, so yes I still would have played it.But would you play The Last of Us if it didn't have a story? If it was just "Hey, Ellie, we have to make it to X."
"Okay, Joel." and then the mission loaded?
Probably not. Or at least it wouldn't have been as influential/important/whatever as it was. So that's why story matters.
Dark Souls is my favorite game of the generation and it arguably has less of a story then what you just used as an example, so yes I still would have played it.
Playing around with my SHF Zangetsu Shin a bit.
God dang the quality of the SHF Gaim line is sooo good. Why can't the other figure lines I buy be this consistent? I've basically had zero QC issues with these guys. Some minor paint problems on Kachidoki arms, but it's so small an issue and there's so much paint on that guy that it's amazing that they can mass produce that figure with just one or two minor errors. The paint used and sculpts in general are amazing.
Wish Bandai's anime SHF were a bit better looking. Something about them feel a bit cheap compared to the Kamen Rider lines. Will probably be buying Char anyway.
apparently the miku is supposed to be horizontal, and not vertical? according to some people
On the topic of that new Max Factory Miku, I am sorely dissapointed to learn that she isn't in fact mid jump, she is falling.
Is she actually from anything or just a fanart type thing?
miku announced at miku expo by MF
Hey, I played the game to completion. I'm not just blindly slamming it.
Tastes, etc. Character action games, specifically Japanese ones, have great gameplay...but that's it. The story is always either incoherent or awful and the characters, while usually interesting, are cringeworthy and flat. I need more. If you don't, more power to ya. I wish I was in your shoes.
WAT?!Max Factory Miku looks cool based on the illustration, but I don't really need another Miku. NO ONE DOES.