Drawings aren't real.
I wouldn't have any of those things in my home, nor do I look at them, but it all comes down to the fact that absolutely no one is being harmed.
Better make a law prohibiting murder in films. Gotta think of those actors.
Yeah, you got me there, drawings aren't real...
Oh wait, if there's nothing wrong with it why don't you collect it then? I mean the guy arrested in the article you posted, when he gets out of jail should I ask if he can babysit my 3 year old son?
It's wrong... With or without the law, it's wrong.
When I was 16 I was a skinny ass kid who lived in Germany, I had a friend called Alex who was a 22 body builder, one day a group of us went down town skipping school and drinking beer, as army brats it's what we did, the laws at the time allowed us to do this. Alex buys a 6 pack of beer, and while we are all sharing ours he was keeping his for later. Later we end up in a park, Alex disappears, and we find him eventually chatting up 2, 12 year old German girls who didn't speak English, offering them the beers.
2 beers were already downed by that point, when I cottoned on to what he was attempting to do, I looked around and nobody else cared. So I was the only one who got in his face arguing with him over his attempt to drug an rape 2 little girls, I broke the rest of his beer bottles scaring the girl away and had a face down with Alex who kept threatening to kick my ass over it. Standing my ground I begged him to as I'd rather that then back down, no doubt in my mind that he'd beat me senseless.
He didn't, he left and as everyone else started to go away, a few older German kids came over calling us "American Shit" for leaving the broken beer bottles, and they started cleaning up the mess. I went over to help and told them what had happened and they still acted like it was a bigger deal that the beers were broken and left on the ground.
Done, I left with the one friend of mine that hung around waiting for me, he thought what I did was stupid and he feared that when I broke the beer I was doing it to use the broken bottle against Alex.
I was stupid see, 'cause Alex, he did that shit all the time...
While I'd never change what I did, I regret being a stupid kid 'cause all I did was stop hanging around Alex, not realizing that I could have reported him to someone even if it would have been swept under the carpet...
Point of my story is I ain't ever stepping off my high horse to say "your right, drawn child porn isn't hurting anyone"...
How about a little less hyperbole, and a little more figure talk...
Doesn't affect me, but it's still pretty stupid. Neil Gaiman had a few things to say on the matter years ago that informed my position.
Gaiman's got a point, laws are blunt instruments, and in this instance people needed bashed in the head with it, because they didn't feel collecting child porn, drawn or otherwise was wrong...
Yet if these were images of what we are discussing, we'd be banned from gaf at the very least.
My grandfather favorite saying was, "Laws aren't created for honest men...", I'll stick to that. Well, I'd change "men" to "people" cause it's the year 2014 and times have changed...