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Figure GAF |OT4| Witty Title Delayed

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Got teh figmas but too lazy to open, yo.

Maybe this weekend when I hopefully have some free time.


jk jk jk jk

I personally think the 1st one looks better but the 2nd has sharper details =(

I don't think izaya fits the bishounen look well. Shizuo...im up in the air but I don't have the original so I'll get the new one


I personally prefer Shizuo first release (at least it look closer to the anime character design) and Izaya newer release.


Little rant here. I don't understand why my local Kinokuniya is charging a premium compared to Amazon JP. It cost me 4200 yen (and that includes delivery to my hometown) while Kinokuniya is charging approx 4883 yen (excluding delivery of course unless I need to order more than RM500 for free delivery).

Sorry for the off topic to artbook instead of figure. Man I'm so bloody excited for Kuroboshi latest artbook since his last commercial artbook was released back in 2003.

My wallet am crying from going on spending spree lol


gahahahaha I just saw this on twitter.... Cannot wait to see my friends' reactions lol

“The products are quite affordable - RM35 per shirt, a mouse pad for RM34.90. The dolls, however, are more than RM100"

Malaysia police scratch head why kids today pay so much for PVC dolls.


“The products are quite affordable - RM35 per shirt, a mouse pad for RM34.90. The dolls, however, are more than RM100"

Malaysia police scratch head why kids today pay so much for PVC dolls.

Even Malaysian police know these prices are too damn high!
Nice selectiion.
What do you guys think will happen with Nagatos price and a what would be a good price?
I have no idea but it looks like many recent figmas prices have been going up right after they're released. That's how it was with the Saber figma I got, had to pay over retail since I missed out on pre-orders.

I wasn't planning to buy Nagato because I thought it was too late to pre-order Mutsu at the time, many places were already sold out. Then Ami-Ami had some extra Mutsu pre-orders open so I ended up pre-ordering both.

Nagato pre-orders seemed slow compared to Mutsu even though she was coming out sooner...maybe otaku are more into Mutsu's flirty look lol.

Oh god, I want that Miku, eBay prices are ridiculous. Wish I knew about that one sooner.
Just looked myself, WTF...?! Why's it so much? It seemed like more people were more hyped for the scale figure than the figma.

Even Racing Miku 2013 prices are up there too. Not so much for 2011 and 2012 though. I'll be pre-ordering 2015 soon when I have spare cash.


Hey guys,

I'm not sure if this is strictly the best place to discuss this, but are there any garage kit painters/modellers?

Myself and a friend airbrushed our first figure. There's a lot to improve, so any suggestions would be incredibly helpful.

Here's a link :)

Oh wow I'm surprised to see it 3D printed! The colour can be more vibrant since I do quite a lot of airbrush work for mixed media illustration during my college life. It looks slightly... muddy looking? Not sure if that is the right term.

I'm more of a illustrator/compositor/lighting artist with basic modelling skill but so my opinion is not the best lol.


Hey guys,

I'm not sure if this is strictly the best place to discuss this, but are there any garage kit painters/modellers?

Myself and a friend airbrushed our first figure. There's a lot to improve, so any suggestions would be incredibly helpful.

Here's a link :)
This is pretty rad for a first attempt. Sadly I don't have a very good critical eye for figures, so I can't provide any meaningful feedback. Keep at it though and feel free to post any other GKs!
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