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Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail rises to a mixed reception in its opening weekend


I love the expansion so far, I just wished that they had added 3 jobs instead of two. The mixed reactions in my opinion are just petty.


Quick question:

How long will it take from the final MSQ of Endwalker to the start of Dawntrail?

Still need to finish up the quests from the post-Endwalker updates.


Main complaints on Steam seem to have a recurring theme; bad story and pacing, stale game mechanics, and way too much focus on Wuk Lamat.
Pacing is the lamest, pretentious criticism ever for a game. Its a FF game ffs, they are mostly all over the place
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A lot of people seem to be upset that the story doesn't rise to the climactic, world-in-peril stakes that Endwalker had, which is odd because that's deliberately the point. Endwalker was the finale of the entire first story arc FFXIV has been building up for its entire lifespan, and Dawntrail is meant to be a summer vacation palette cleanser to give us a breather before the next major story arc.

For what it's worth, I personally think the storytelling in FFXIV has always been a glacial snoozefest, and Dawntrail feels about the same to me so far.
Same. I've played since day one. There's way too much filler, lore dumping, and dialoguing. It all feels very fanficy at times. The Japanese dialogue imo is far superior to the English dialogue but both will go full cringe whenever the chibi characters show up. At the end of the day, it is what it is. There's plenty of people who like these softer character bonding stories with little to no stakes or intensity.

It may not be the majority but it's still a sizeable and intrinsic portion of the community.
Here's 10+ years' worth of discourse regarding the toxic positive element of XIV's community for you to peruse (which you'll probably ignore):

Denying its existence is just sticking your head in the sand, as I implied in another post in this thread.

The fact that we're even having this discussion is evidence of its existence. Like, no one is saying Dawntrail is awful - they're mostly complaining that the pacing at the beginning of the expansion is just way too slow (and they're right). But even a milquetoast opinion like that is enough to raise the ire of Square Enix defenders lol. Some people just obsess over the game too much and consider it a slight against them, as a person, when someone criticizes the game. It's both absurd and sad, really.
It has started to come down a bit recently but a few years ago it was INSANE. You couldn't levy a single bit of criticism without certain forums freaking out. I think a lot people use the game as a kind of safe space or emotional outlet, so they take criticism a bit too personally. Don't every say anything bad about Daddy P. or Soken.
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I’m having a great time with the MSQ (lvl92), esp after the high stake EW. I love me some laid back time. FF used to be goofy and not taking itself seriously at times, like FF1-5 and 9. I’m getting that vibe again with DT so far, and loving it.

But it’s just me.
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It may not be the majority but it's still a sizeable and intrinsic portion of the community.
Here's 10+ years' worth of discourse regarding the toxic positive element of XIV's community for you to peruse (which you'll probably ignore):

Denying its existence is just sticking your head in the sand, as I implied in another post in this thread.

The fact that we're even having this discussion is evidence of its existence. Like, no one is saying Dawntrail is awful - they're mostly complaining that the pacing at the beginning of the expansion is just way too slow (and they're right). But even a milquetoast opinion like that is enough to raise the ire of Square Enix defenders lol. Some people just obsess over the game too much and consider it a slight against them, as a person, when someone criticizes the game. It's both absurd and sad, really.

Uh, I never said it didn't exist, I said it wasn't the majority. I've seen plenty of people who love the game unconditionally. There are problems with the game (see the "healer's strike" for an example), I just don't think the toxic positivity is really all that widespread is all.


I canceled my sub this week. Not over anything in the expansion, I just realized that the game has several integral design flaws that I can't ignore. Primarily, it's a single player rpg with light MMO trappings. Problem is, the single player stuff isn't all the great. The story is so slowly paced and even by Endwalker, the quests are mostly walk back and forth between NPCs.

The multiplayer aspect is really only there at end game. You see other people running around and you can interact, but there's really no reason to.

The UI is borked beyond all comprehension. It is amazingly customizable, but it should have to be. Combat classes should have default controller control schemes, but it takes an hour or more upon moving to a new class and constant fine tuning to find a control scheme that works. Then there's the general UI problems like too much screen space take up by inane text and things you don't really need to see. You can fix most of it by watching Youtube videos and customizing everything, but again, you should have to.

Back to combat--it's just boring. There's not much to it other then moving in and out of glowing areas and going through button rotations. Solo fighting monsters is a snooze fest. There aren't elemental weaknesses or any other kind of weaknesses in this game to exploit. It's stone simple. There aren't any real synergies with other classes. There's no talent system or ability to create a custom build or playstyle. Gear is for basic stats and looks only. You won't find interesting augments on gear or anything that can really make.

There's nothing to explore. The world is barren except scenery. You can collect aether currents, which let you fly in each new zone, but you don't really have to search for them very often. Almost all are the same path as the main story quest or the side quests to unlock other aether currents.
You can collect mounts and minions and clothes, and there are a ton of options for dressing your character up, but that doesn't appeal to me very much. I'm sure it's fun for the people who use the game as an interactive RP sex chat room (OMG don't go to Limsa after dark), but I'm just not into it.

I gave it my best shot hoping it would get good. It gets far better after ARR, but there are fundamental issues that will prevent it from being the kind of game I would stick around for. I might try again if they redo almost everything about combat and progression. I like some of the characters. Y'shtola is one of the coolest FF characters ever.


I canceled my sub this week. Not over anything in the expansion, I just realized that the game has several integral design flaws that I can't ignore. Primarily, it's a single player rpg with light MMO trappings. Problem is, the single player stuff isn't all the great. The story is so slowly paced and even by Endwalker, the quests are mostly walk back and forth between NPCs.

The multiplayer aspect is really only there at end game. You see other people running around and you can interact, but there's really no reason to.

The UI is borked beyond all comprehension. It is amazingly customizable, but it should have to be. Combat classes should have default controller control schemes, but it takes an hour or more upon moving to a new class and constant fine tuning to find a control scheme that works. Then there's the general UI problems like too much screen space take up by inane text and things you don't really need to see. You can fix most of it by watching Youtube videos and customizing everything, but again, you should have to.

Back to combat--it's just boring. There's not much to it other then moving in and out of glowing areas and going through button rotations. Solo fighting monsters is a snooze fest. There aren't elemental weaknesses or any other kind of weaknesses in this game to exploit. It's stone simple. There aren't any real synergies with other classes. There's no talent system or ability to create a custom build or playstyle. Gear is for basic stats and looks only. You won't find interesting augments on gear or anything that can really make.

There's nothing to explore. The world is barren except scenery. You can collect aether currents, which let you fly in each new zone, but you don't really have to search for them very often. Almost all are the same path as the main story quest or the side quests to unlock other aether currents.
You can collect mounts and minions and clothes, and there are a ton of options for dressing your character up, but that doesn't appeal to me very much. I'm sure it's fun for the people who use the game as an interactive RP sex chat room (OMG don't go to Limsa after dark), but I'm just not into it.

I gave it my best shot hoping it would get good. It gets far better after ARR, but there are fundamental issues that will prevent it from being the kind of game I would stick around for. I might try again if they redo almost everything about combat and progression. I like some of the characters. Y'shtola is one of the coolest FF characters ever.
Excited Celebration GIF by Slanted Studios

Dr. Claus

I canceled my sub this week. Not over anything in the expansion, I just realized that the game has several integral design flaws that I can't ignore. Primarily, it's a single player rpg with light MMO trappings. Problem is, the single player stuff isn't all the great. The story is so slowly paced and even by Endwalker, the quests are mostly walk back and forth between NPCs.
Fair. The quest structure really needs to be improved. It is an issue for the genre as a whole.

The multiplayer aspect is really only there at end game. You see other people running around and you can interact, but there's really no reason to.
Multiplayer is there from the outset. It is up to you to engage or not. Dungeons, housing, crafting, community events, RP, raids, etc.

The UI is borked beyond all comprehension. It is amazingly customizable, but it should have to be. Combat classes should have default controller control schemes, but it takes an hour or more upon moving to a new class and constant fine tuning to find a control scheme that works. Then there's the general UI problems like too much screen space take up by inane text and things you don't really need to see. You can fix most of it by watching Youtube videos and customizing everything, but again, you should have to.
I have never had an issue setting up jobs or classes. That is entirely a you issue, not an issue with the game.

Back to combat--it's just boring. There's not much to it other then moving in and out of glowing areas and going through button rotations. Solo fighting monsters is a snooze fest. There aren't elemental weaknesses or any other kind of weaknesses in this game to exploit. It's stone simple. There aren't any real synergies with other classes. There's no talent system or ability to create a custom build or playstyle. Gear is for basic stats and looks only. You won't find interesting augments on gear or anything that can really make.
Fair point. Not a thing I look for in MMOs, but I can see why some find that annoying. Materia does play a part in building your character, but like the vast majority of MMOs and RPGs you will just follow a guide to get the maximum output possible. Whether it is WoW or PoE, the idea that there is “experimentation” doesn’t exist these days. You follow the guide that did all that work for you.

You also have the ability to change jobs on the fly to any in the game at the press of a button. That also adds more “character” to your character and choice in how you wish to play.

There's nothing to explore. The world is barren except scenery. You can collect aether currents, which let you fly in each new zone, but you don't really have to search for them very often. Almost all are the same path as the main story quest or the side quests to unlock other aether currents.
Hunts, treasure maps, fates, etc - plenty of life in every zone. Hardly can call them “barren”.

You can collect mounts and minions and clothes, and there are a ton of options for dressing your character up, but that doesn't appeal to me very much. I'm sure it's fun for the people who use the game as an interactive RP sex chat room (OMG don't go to Limsa after dark), but I'm just not into it.
So the only people who do collecting are perverts? That is a painfully retarded thing to say.

gave it my best shot hoping it would get good. It gets far better after ARR, but there are fundamental issues that will prevent it from being the kind of game I would stick around for. I might try again if they redo almost everything about combat and progression. I like some of the characters. Y'shtola is one of the coolest FF characters ever.

It is definitely clear the combat and character choice isn’t for you. However you also have some misunderstandings of the game and genre as a whole. MMOs are only MMOs if you engage with the community. If you dont, the world will feel lifeless, empty, and like you are playing a single player game.


°Temp. member
Typing this as I wait for the credits to finish rolling but Dawntrail is fantastic and I urge everyone to reserve judgement until you finish it. Yes it has a slow start but EW did too.
Finished Dawntrail MSQ today.

Things I liked:
  • It looks fantastic. The cities and zones all have excellent art design (with the exception of maybe the fifth zone), and the graphics update makes everything look nicer overall.
  • The second half of the story overall, and in particular the story in the final zone, along with the ending.
  • Galool Ja Ja. He's a really fun character, and easily the standout among the newly introduced characters.
Things I didn't like:
  • The pacing and overall quest design of the story's first half. Doing menial tasks for the sake of gaining cultural insight is all well and good for the purpose of building up the characters, but as the player, the fact remains that I still have to do all of those menial tasks.....and it's not very compelling. I really would have liked to see the devs be more creative in mixing up the gameplay and giving the player some kind of agency.
  • Wuk Lamat. I don't mind the "bumbling doofus with a good heart" archetype in small doses, but she is the exclusive focus of Dawntrail's story 90% of the time, and I really got tired of her whole schtick after a while. She's also a terrible choice of protagonist for the story's second half and the complex issues that it raises.
Overall I think it's decent, but one of the weaker expansions......I think its finale gives it the edge over Stormblood, but it's not as good as Heavensward, Shadowbringers and Endwalker.


Who wrote the story for this expansion? Is it the same person from the last one?
Same peeps as EW and XVI. From what I've read it has similar issues with story pacing. Based on what I know I think it's because at least for the first half of the expansion the story comes off more as Anime Filler and prioritizes Wuk Lamat as a Protagonist then it does the player. In a similar notion like it was with Zero in 6.X 13th Shard arc.

Largely that the story is boring but the gameplay is fun. At least for the new jobs.

There is of course division on the treatment og Healer jobs and the pruning of other jobs to make them more rigid like Monk or Black Mage.

Ishikawa who wrote previous expansions became a supervision role for the new writers but they either gave up trying to write given most of their characters were killed off or they have limited say in what the new writing staff does.

different person. new writer.

A Realm Reborn and Heavensward is by Kazutoyo Maehiro and he is same guy behind XVI

while Shadowbringers and Endwalker is by Natsuko Ishikawa

post Endwalker 6.X quest and Dawntrail is by Daichi Hiroi. it is basically his debut as main writer. which is why people can see similliarities in term of talk no jutsu Zero and Wuk Lamat.

Natsuko Ishikawa merely act as supervisor thats all. same way as Maehiro act as supervisor for Shadowbringers.
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As disappointed as I was by some aspects of the Dawntrail MSQ, so far the post-MSQ content is fantastic: the expert dungeons and first wave of normal raids are all really good. Not only do they have interesting mechanics, but they're actually kinda challenging....not so hard that your average Duty Finder party can't complete them, but difficult enough that you'll probably wipe a few times, which is an improvement over the way-too-easy Endwalker raids.


doing hunt train in these past few days.

Wuk Lamat already become a major meme joke by community.

some major stuff i see on chat :

"Wuk LMAO"

"pray return to Wuk Lamat/LMAO"

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