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Final Fantasy Binge - What is wrong with me?


Like a lot of us here, I went through the 'RPGZ ARE TEH GREATEST' stage when I was in Junior High and soon after. I used to worship Final Fantasy as the greatest games ever, and FF6 & FF7 still have a soft spot in my heart as a couple of my favorite games. But really, I hadn't played them at all since I got pissed off and quit halfway through FFX, I've all but ignored FFXI and I'm not terribly excited about FFXII. Then, it started...

I guess it was the FF7: AC trailers or something, but I played through FF7 for my third time since getting it, but this time in only a week. I mean, it's not like I don't have better things to be doing right now, I just got my ass hooked on it again, it was such a nice trip down memory lane. Now I've been playing FF4 (or FF2, I'm playing the US cart after all) non-stop, I just got Edge to join my party. My dad's making fun of me for playing such a cheasy old game, and I almost went berserk when my dog walked by and knocked off the power and 30 minutes of my trudging along in a hard dungeon :|

Not only that, but the ePSXe thread has me ripping my FFVIII and FFIX, I played 2 and a half hours worth of FFIX last night :(

BUT WAIT I ALSO STARTED A NEW GAME OF FINAL FANTASY ON MY ORIGINAL NES. It's only a matter of time before I've beaten or am currently playing every game in the series. Well, except FFX, I don't even know where that piece of shit is...

So I went from FFFanatic to 'meh' on the whole series, to a serious regression back to my old ways. WTF happened and WTF can I do about it?


If your life has gotten mundane or repetitive, maybe you're more inclined to embrace RPGs (immersive games). Especially nostalgic ones.


Socreges said:
If your life has gotten mundane or repetitive, maybe you're more inclined to embrace RPGs (immersive games). Especially nostalgic ones.

Well hey! That explains my summer pretty well!

All hail my return to college!


mac said:

heh, whenever I read one of your replies, it's in a slow, bad asian accent. I'm playing through GTAIII, again, btw.

And really need to go back to my ff roots. Count your blessings!


Meh. There's nothing wrong with RPGs, it just seems you got burned out on 'em. People can even get burnt out on things they like if they play them TOO much. Sometimes its good to take a break, too, but its not worth forsaking an entire genre. :)
Between the monotonous battles and fun but weak plot of Skies of Arcadia and the soulless(if pretty) Breath of Fire 4, I played no new RPGs for about a year. Granted there wasn't much worth playing during that time, but I played Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger on Chronicles over a long period of time and replayed a few games I liked and probably only returned because those classics were so good.

Bad RPGs will burn you out. I actually liked those two somewhat (the only RPGs I own or have owned that I have ever truly disliked are Unlimited SaGa and Legend of Dragoon), but they really took some willpower to play because much of the time spent playing them was not fun, but monotous work.

In High school, I probably played Final Fantasy III (VI) about five times and Chrono Trigger about three.

I read the thread title as Final Fantasy Bingo originally.


Ain't nothing wrong with playing a lot of Final Fantasy once in awhile... Though I'd recommend waiting for the GBA remake of FF1 instead of playing the NES original.

Hell, I just started playing FF: Mystic Quest and I don't care what y'all say.


As someone who's completed FF-FFX, plus FFX-2 (yeah I pimp that when I can, pride I guess), all I can say is I'm really starving for another. The fact that Before Crisis is on a cell-phone saddens me...cause I'll probably import it just to play....unless its released elsewhere, I didn't read the article well..anyway.
What I'm actually craving myself is some turn based RPGs, everything is just strat or action now, kinda saddening.


RevenantKioku said:
What I'm actually craving myself is some turn based RPGs, everything is just strat or action now, kinda saddening.

Shadow Hearts 2 comes out the end of this year I think and it's great :D

Wild Arm Alter Code F also.


Teddman said:
Ain't nothing wrong with playing a lot of Final Fantasy once in awhile... Though I'd recommend waiting for the GBA remake of FF1 instead of playing the NES original.

Hell, I just started playing FF: Mystic Quest and I don't care what y'all say.

Hope you got that Mystic Quest for less than twenty bones.


jiggle said:
Shadow Hearts 2 comes out the end of this year I think and it's great :D

Wild Arm Alter Code F also.

I sure held WA:ACF in my hand a few times recently, considering it, but I think I'll wait for the US release. I never finished it originally, but I loved it to death.
Maybe I should plop in SH and play that a bit....after not being able to play games for a while, I'm starving for an RPG to plow through.


Unconfirmed Member
RevenantKioku said:
The fact that Before Crisis is on a cell-phone saddens me...cause I'll probably import it just to play....unless its released elsewhere, I didn't read the article well..anyway.
Speaking of which...


I took this pic in Tokyo Station last night. I had to drop the quality a lot for my cheap ass image host to accept it, though, but I think it still gets the point across nonetheless. Such a cool poster for a cell phone game.


DJ_Tet said:
Hope you got that Mystic Quest for less than twenty bones.
Yeah, complete and near mint for $15. Mostly wanted to give it a quick run through because the music is some of the best in the FF series...


That poster is awesome, and Mystic Quest does have a rockin soundtrack.

I guess my problem is that I'm sitting on my ass all day long to play these games. I'm working construction this summer so work isn't all that consistent and I've got days off here and there. But I still have trouble justifying 5+ hours of Final Fantasy these days...I'm not a 12 year old anymore...

Speaking of construction, they just dropped the material off on my roof, so I better get roofin...No FF today!


Thanks for posting the pic, Metatron. Is that Cloud holding that assault rifle under Sephiroth?

God damn it, why couldn't this have been a major release? :(


Takuan said:
Thanks for posting the pic, Metatron. Is that Cloud holding that assault rifle under Sephiroth?

Appears to be. I wonder if him being depicted in such a fashion will mess up any of the plot elements in VII, though


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, that appears to be Cloud. It's a little hard to see with the glare, but that is Zack wielding the Buster Sword right above him and directly under Sephiroth.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
The Turks never looked more stylish before. The way the poster is arranged kinda reminds me of the crazy 88 from Kill Bill. Are there any phone-emu's around already? :D


All I want to add to this thread is that Mystic Quest is a good, fun game, if a bit easy. The soundtrack kicks all kinds of ass, too. Damn the haters! :p


Unconfirmed Member
Rei_Toei said:
The Turks never looked more stylish before. The way the poster is arranged kinda reminds me of the crazy 88 from Kill Bill. Are there any phone-emu's around already? :D
Well, it only works on one specific phone, and I'm not sure whether or not that phone has been released yet.

That said, it's difficult to read because I had to cut the image quality so much, but it says that beta testing begins in August.


I actually did the Final Fantasy binge thing last year:

I finished I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and X-2 (twice) within the span of April to December (all PSOne & PS2, btw), starting with the release of Origins. I broke up the (potential) monotony of it by throwing games in-between every one or two Final Fantasy titles, and it did end up helping keep things fresh; I don't know if that will matter to you or not, but it's something to think about.

Anyway, I was just planning to play through all of the games I hadn't completed yet, which were II, IV, V, and VI, in addition to playing the Origins remake of the original. At that point I just figured I'd keep going, as it had been years since I played VII-IX as it is, and FFX was planned as a refresher for X-2 anyway... So it just ended up working out perfectly.

I don't know if I'll do something like this again, though, as that's a bit too much Final Fantasy. ;)
belgurdo said:
Appears to be. I wonder if him being depicted in such a fashion will mess up any of the plot elements in VII, though
Well, it actually fits in line with his role in Shinra/Soldier if you think about it... I mean, in the flashbacks you see him dressed up like Nameless Soldier #8393, and they used assault rifles all the time, so it would fit the backstory. So long as they don't do something stupid like give great importance to his character (because, let's face it, he was basically a nobody in Soldier), I think it'll line up perfectly with the existing plot.


It's been years since I played FFVII. Whenever I hear anything about the game, I really feel like playing it...like now, for example. So many memories I want to relive...even though I didn't exactly think of the game as 'BEST EVAR' back then. I never do take my time to play it though...too many new games, not enough time. :/


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I can't even play it anymore...

Disc 1 of my PSX version has a bite mark, so I can't even complete a certain section (thanks to the videos crashing). If anything ever taught me to hold onto my games, it was that...

I also have the PC version, but it just isn't as good of a solution...


Socreges said:
If your life has gotten mundane or repetitive, maybe you're more inclined to embrace RPGs (immersive games). Especially nostalgic ones.

That would explain why I enjoy RPGs so much.
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