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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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Hey ExviusGAF! My brother started playing the game a week ago and is having a lot of fun.
I'd appreciate it if some of you could add him to your friend lists.
His name is Slevin and his ID is: 145 608 360

He has GAF in his message.

Added both! Added 10 slots (thought 100 was hard cap, apparently not).

My ID is 737,150,495. Have a freshly-leveled Noctis, only TM is Dual Wield so far and no great equipment so far but using FREP to gradually get other TMs -- not as quickly as many here!

Apparently I maxed my friend points. How many friend gifts can you bank at a time? May switch to another gift type (maybe gil) to get that darned number off the corner of my screen...

Dunno how I didn't have you but added haha

Added you guys too!

I think I have everyone here but not sure, have a few slots left, add me if we arent friends yet! My friend id is:



In case someone still have spots, add me 340 155 644.


Where is Valentus today? I was going to ask him his opinion on Champion Belt versus Bracer for Noctis. I have two of each to farm. Or maybe equip one of each?

The champion belts are top notch for snow itself and bartz. Its not very good for units that cant reach 5k HP without bracers. The 15% HP of the bracers are really good for survival, but the 60 DEF of the 2 champion belts helps your unit to not be glass canon.

Its a matter of what you need to have in your unit besides atk: More HP or more DEF. I personally prefer more HP, because there are attacks in the future that ignore defense.

The champion belt shines with a kaiser knuckle equipped.


Champion Belts are 30 DEF aren't they? Or did that get changed for Global? I'd go with Bracer for Noctis. In the grander scheme of things, HP is a bit more important than DEF especially because HP works against against Magic as well while DEF is only physical attacks.


Whew, busy day today! Time to catch up on all of these replies.


Congrats! I knew with all of the .gifs surrounding this post, that it was going to be good, haha. Nicely done!

Well it took......more 11 pulls than I care to admit, but I finally got Noctis last night. Along with Zidane for my first DW.

Should have decent TMs to make him something. 2xGaff, Chiz, Hayate, Miyurki, Zidane.

Congrats to you too! Noctis + Zidane, you can't ask for more than that! Well, maybe a Chizuru or two, but that would just be greedy. :)

Daily + bundle tickets:
- Cecil #5
- Blue. No, wait... Gold. No, wait...



Wow, insane. From blue to rainbow to Noctis. That rollercoaster of emotion. Congrats man!

I won't be next, as I'm not doing a 10+1 pull on a banner I need nothing else from (aside from Noctis). My day will (hopefully) come eventually, but it won't be today. :(

Fuck it, one more 11 pull.


Fucking DKC, go take a long walk off a short pier.
Hey, at least it's a new character! I know it's not Noctis but at least it's not a Gilbert.

Noooooooo game crashed so not much progress in TM farming again :( Why oh why? I need some super macro that can re-launch the game. If I could just get this to be stable, I'd be able to farm virtually around the clock and make so much TM progress but instead I just get little bursts.

The champion belts are top notch for snow itself and bartz. Its not very good for units that cant reach 5k HP without bracers. The 15% HP of the bracers are really good for survival, but the 60 DEF of the 2 champion belts helps your unit to not be glass canon.

Its a matter of what you need to have in your unit besides atk: More HP or more DEF. I personally prefer more HP, because there are attacks in the future that ignore defense.

The champion belt shines with a kaiser knuckle equipped.

Champion Belts are 30 DEF aren't they? Or did that get changed for Global? I'd go with Bracer for Noctis. In the grander scheme of things, HP is a bit more important than DEF especially because HP works against against Magic as well while DEF is only physical attacks.
Thanks guys, I ended up coming to the same conclusion myself. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't overlooking how important defense was against strong bosses but I too saw HP to be more useful in more situations.


Talking about her, when does she get her 6*, she's a 4* base after all!
I think I have 2 Garnet, not sure, but I have at least one, seriously need to level her for the trial missions.

My friend was asking me about this today as he's a huge FF9 fan. I said to him probably when the other 2 ps1 titles come to game lol.


You mean 7*?

Most likely he'll be the first 7* unit and a base 6* lol.

And many people will go bankrupt pulling for him not knowing his pull rate is 0.01% on banner.
Heh, true enough. If they ever do release a 6* base/7* character, he's definitely the one to do it. Maybe I'll get him with my first daily to make up for the lack of 5* base characters!

Probably not. ;_;

With the introduction of 6* base, they'll probably add a guaranted 5* for every 11 pulls!
Too good to be true
Now we're talking!
Let the TM farming commence!

It's been going for a while without any issues. I... may actually spend lapis to get Genji Glove, another DW, PoC, 2x BM and 2x Sakurafubuki. I really want to clear out backlogs of the "necessary," premium TMs.

Do banners repeat? I really want a Refia and an extra Zidane..

I don't think they repeat, but characters might be featured on other banners. On the other hand, with the 3* rate normalized now (https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExv...o_hey_guess_what_the_gacha_rumors_were_true/?), Zidanes should be way more common.


Did two ticket pulls just for fun...

Blue... Firion! Completely new, so happy to have, especially since he gets good soon
Gold.... Lani... I don't do good on Golds at all ha

Should have 30 tickets to try at end of Noctis banner, so maybe lucky
Are there 6* base in Brave Frontier? They will have to severely modify the pull scheme if this becomes a thing.

1-7* base in Brave Frontier and then Omni which is 8* but I don't think any unit is a base Omni. Of course it also isn't hard as shit to pull good units in Brave Frontier either.
Rage quit is going to hit critical ma$$..

I mean, if you think about it, stuff like the gacha change (no more troll rainbows) isn't going to happen until Gumi notices decreasing revenue. So basically, everyone whaling for units is screwing over everyone else.

The business model is basically: bleed the current set of whales dry, then cultivate another set of dolphins with gradual player-friendly changes.


so if one wants to pull noctis, would tonight the night to do it? or will i have an equal chance tomorrow when the new banner is out?


so if one wants to pull noctis, would tonight the night to do it? or will i have an equal chance tomorrow when the new banner is out?
Odds are the same, but starting tomorrow you can't do the half-price pull for the Noctis banner anymore.
You might even get Santa Roselia/White Knight Noel as Noctis's off banner.


Legit tears would be shed, and phones would be broken

I'll probably be done with the game by then.

I mean, if you think about it, stuff like the gacha change (no more troll rainbows) isn't going to happen until Gumi notices decreasing revenue. So basically, everyone whaling for units is screwing over everyone else.

The business model is basically: bleed the current set of whales dry, then cultivate another set of dolphins with gradual player-friendly changes.
Hopefully the realize that Whales need a whole ecosystem to survive. If there is no more dolphins and minnows then the whales going to died out.


Odds are the same, but starting tomorrow you can't do the half-price pull for the Noctis banner anymore.
You might even get Santa Roselia/White Knight Noel as Noctis's off banner.

is that better or worse? i just started playing again after a long break and bought the $48 bundle. So im wondering if i use the 10+1 pulls and save the tickets for tomorrow


1-7* base in Brave Frontier and then Omni which is 8* but I don't think any unit is a base Omni. Of course it also isn't hard as shit to pull good units in Brave Frontier either.

AND they regularly release special summon gates/banners with limited pools to allow for easier pulls of what you want. It's much friendlier to casuals; I could see them implementing a system like that once the unit pool gets seriously massive (and theoretical 7* get released).
Good thing I don't care about FF VII. VIII on the other hand though...

My girl!

All I care about is that they don't' fuck Squall up. He better ultra god tier when he hits. You here me Altima and Gummi? ULTRA GOD TIER!!! God would I love it if Rinoa was the best healer in the game or utility so I had a legit excuse to keep her by his side but she's going to be there regardless. One day, one day. I just keep telling myself the longer it takes them to hit, the more powerful they will be.


is that better or worse? i just started playing again after a long break and bought the $48 bundle. So im wondering if i use the 10+1 pulls and save the tickets for tomorrow

If you don't have any of the other units that comes with Noctis (Chizuru, Mercedes, Charlotte), it's probably helpful for you if you do some pulls.


1-7* base in Brave Frontier and then Omni which is 8* but I don't think any unit is a base Omni. Of course it also isn't hard as shit to pull good units in Brave Frontier either.

That's also because they reinvent the tier list so fast in that game. I swear there was a new set of units out every week for ages in that game. I mean, power creep is a real thing in these types of games but BF was really absurd with how fast your units would become obsolete. I swear at one point I was seeing new units every week.
is that better or worse? i just started playing again after a long break and bought the $48 bundle. So im wondering if i use the 10+1 pulls and save the tickets for tomorrow

The Noctis banner (which will be up tomorrow, I think, and for a while) is loads better than the Holiday banner. Your 10+1 pull and your Ticket pulls are a banner thing: you pick which banner to throw them against.

It's just that tomorrow, your 250 lapis daily pull will auto-default to the Holiday banner, which sucks because there's no Christmas Tree Exdeath.

If you haven't daily pulled today, do it. Then assess if you want to use your tickets or lapis.
That's also because they reinvent the tier list so fast in that game. I swear there was a new set of units out every week for ages in that game. I mean, power creep is a real thing in these types of games but BF was really absurd with how fast your units would become obsolete. I swear at one point I was seeing new units every week.

They release new units every few weeks generally but to be honest at least at this point most Omni units are viable. I have only played for about 6 months though so can't comment on anything before that.


They release new units every few weeks generally but to be honest at least at this point most Omni units are viable. I have only played for about 6 months though so can't comment on anything before that.

Pre-Omni units would get outclassed pretty fast. Once Omnis started coming in and older units got them things got a bit easier team-building wise as even some freebie units got Omnis.


Using my 20 tickets available as I figure there will be more units in the pool from tomorrow, so reduces chances of Noctis a little...

1st... Gold - Sabin... Joy
2nd - Gold - Chizzy (2nd, but will be nice for a 2nd BM)
3rd... Blue - Edgar... 3 in 5 pulls, yey, at least not a Gold
4th... Blue - Charlotte (3rd overall, but 1st this banner)
5th... Blue - Firion (Only got my 1st an hour ago, so ehh)
6th... Blue - Garland (2nd)
7th... Blue - Edgar (Sure he isn't on banner? :/)
8th... Blue - Medius (1st, but he rates up on the Daily so... ehh)
9th... Blue - Faris (3rd)
10th... Blue - Fran (6th or 7th?)
11th... Blue - Maria (10th?)
12th... Blue - Duane (New, but useless)
13th... Blue - Charlotte (4th)
14th... Blue - Xiao - (3rd)
15th... Blue - Locke (3rd)
16th... Blue - Cecil (2nd, wouldn't have minded the 3* one two days ago!)
17th... Blue - Golbez (2nd)
18th... Gold - Shantotto (6th)
19th... Blue - Viva (10th)
20th... Blue - Firion (3rd in 2 days after never seeing him before!)

So... Nothing great, but some nice TM farming help. I'll probably use the rest of the tickets from the daily bundle + the Xmas bundle before his banner finishes completely, as I would like Mercedes too


Meh, @&^! it. Buying the bundle, one more 11 pull. The Chizuru this morning has emboldened me. Here goes nothing!


...Huh. You know what? I can live with that. Second Chiz, second Zidane, third Hayate? Yeah, that's an alright one. Also technically second WoL (first one was rainbow way back, lol), but no idea if he's worth keeping a spare of.

Not gonna risk the rest of the lapis...Maybe the tickets though. We'll see.


Take that back. Charlotte is great! And Refia loves her Force Shield!

... oh god. Have there been any rainbow Charlotte sightings?

In moderation, yes. I never saw her until first day of this banner. Almost have her maxed out now, level wise. :D Now I can work through rest of quest for shield for her. She will be my secondary tank with Cecil.

HOWEVER! Charlotte KNOWS NO MODERATION! I'd never seen her til the start of this banner and I've seen her god knows how many times. Moderation dear Charlotte. Moderation. PLEASE. For our sanity.
In moderation, yes. I never saw her until first day of this banner. Almost have her maxed out now, level wise. :D Now I can work through rest of quest for shield for her. She will be my secondary tank with Cecil.

HOWEVER! Charlotte KNOWS NO MODERATION! I'd never seen her til the start of this banner and I've seen her god knows how many times. Moderation dear Charlotte. Moderation. PLEASE. For our sanity.

You know, I kind of get it. She's basically a story character, so they want to ensure that anyone who remotely wants her gets her. But there's an easier way of doing that: make her a fucking story character!

Absolutely no reason for Charlotte and Mercedes (and Luka!) to be subject to the gacha. Just start them all at 3* -- or lower! -- even.
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