Heads up.
For this event Chirijiraden is better Katana than Sakurafubuki. Frosty the Snowman is weak to Fire.
Also equip Diabolos for that Demon Killer, since FtS is demon.
actually, for the tests i did, fire flask do more damage than warp break. And since fire flask is a fire based attack, sakurafubuki is better.
Ok I stand corrected. My Sakurafubuki should be ready in 2 days.
That pic is with him on Ifrit, but afterwards I put him on Diablos for this event (649 Ifrit vs 612 Diablos w/ the Killers).
I generally have been 2 or 3 turning it via:
Cecil: Focus
Refia: Embolden
CoD: Omni-Veil
Exdeath: DC Firaga
Noctis: Flame Flask
Friend Noctis: Flame Flask
The first attack usually kills the presents and does half or near-half damage to Frosty. If it did more than half I'll press repeat and kill him. If it did less than half, I'll have CoD do Call of the Void, Refia DC Curaja and Cecil Provoke. If he's still alive, repeat on T3 finishes it.