Phew, busy day at work but before I went in used that moogle to finally finish my first DW! Woooo! Even with just Chiji katana Noctus' attack went through the roof from what it was before

Having a unit like this has literally breathed new life into the game for me. Not even just because he's a great unit but because I've literally had no DPS units playing since July. Now I have Noctis and Chorizo (and recently CoD but mithril mace :|) plus getting an awesome healer in Refia...I swapped my entire team out except the tank haha Really going to change the way I play. I'll have to swap WoL out for Cecil soon as I just need one more LB lvl to hit 15 and don't think I'm going to bother leveling it at 5*. I don't think it's worth it and will just shoot to 6* once it hits 15. I'm hoping those two LB pots we get from group RAID rewards are enough to get that level up. Also, I only need one more RAID run to hit 12k and get that Moogle! So I'll knock that out after work and then can focus on TM farming and or working on the new story missions. Is there anything good in Zoldaad part 1?
As for Arena, I've never tried a single match. Based on the dicsussions here, if I have a maxed Noctis can I just go in with Blizzard flask and effortlessly win? Or do you need an all around strong team? I still need to max Refia and then work on leveling Chorizo. Thank goodness the Dunes are coming back!