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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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My prayers aren't enough :(
This is so accurate. Damn you, RNG.

I'll take one!

That'll be one Noctis, please.

I've been thinking about you and your situation and let me ask, lack of 5* base aside, are you at all happy with your team? I get the impression not overly much and you haven't completed too many TMs, have you? If not, as much as you've done in this game, I'd consider re-rolling with an alt. Especially since you can run the two at the same time anyway and if you end up like CCIE, could end up with a better team and swap over. As much as it'd suck to start all over, this would be the perfect banner to do it with. You roll until you get Noctis, the best character out there and then have another top DPS unit you're very likely to get on your way to Noctis AND a guaranteed solid tank. Then factor in you'll likely get some other solid TMs on the way to Noctis and it'd be a great new beginning. Think about how happy that team would make you and if it would revitalize the game for you because if it would, it'd be worth losing your rank and equipment. Ultimately you're playing to have fun so do what'd be more fun. As you can do this as an alt account, there's really nothing to lose (except a little sanity re-rolling a ton of times). If you get that nice ensemble, you swap accounts and if not, you lose nothing.
I've thought about re-rolling, but I'd hate to lose all of the progress I've made on my current account (completed story quests, events and their exclusive material/equipment, Esper/character leveling, etc.). As for TM's, I have a lot of recommended characters that have them (Chizuru x3, Zidane x4, Xiao x2, Fencer, Juggler, Snow x4, Mercedes x2, Miyuki, Ludmille x5), and many more I know I'm forgetting.

I just can't see myself starting over and I'd probably do the whole alternate account thing, but I already play too many gatcha games as it is so I don't really want to an alternate of one to the list (even if it might just be logging in daily). If I do ever decide to give up my account it'll be to quit the game entirely. I can't ever see myself re-rolling and starting from scratch. Once I commit to as much time as I have with my current one, I've more-or-less locked into that one for life.

I'll just keep going and hope luck finally comes my way. It's to the point where I'm not even that disappointed when I summon anymore, since I basically know what I'm going to get. The last rainbow crystal I saw was back when Lightning was first released, so I'm no exactly expecting it when I summon. I hope for it, of course, but seeing a blue/gold crystal and not a rainbow one doesn't even phase me anymore.


Been dead to the world for three days (yay Christmas Day illnesses), so going to pull a Chrono here:

Anyways, decided to finally put together some thoughts with how December is playing out to be and what to be aware of with game changes.

Few thoughts to be aware for the new year.

1. F2Per's lapis purses are feeling lighter after this month. As I stated earlier, don't waste it on TM farming. Don't waste it on dailies either, unless the banner is good and you can use multiple units from it. I've seen a lot of people on Reddit and a few here, who were telling people to use Lapis for TM farming and now had to buy lapis to get the bundles. Never spend till the minute you need to.

Going forward, Gumi could be switching from Lapis as giveaways to Tickets. We're getting far more tickets now for everything, but they are giving away less lapis, more tickets, and forcing more into the dailies. It could have just been for the month of December to get people to purchase the 50$ bundle, or it could be their new directive. Tickets can only be used for pulls, but Lapis is needed for everything. Something to be aware of when they are only giving you it through one time completed events, missions, and dailies.

2. On pulling, Don't chase Rainbows.

Also, pull on banners and not units. The Noctis banner is great because 3 units are 6* and all top of the line DPS with Charlotte being the top 5* tank. After a certain amount of pulls, do you really want to waste it on trying to get another Chizzy for her TM?

There is a point of saturation for every banner where it's going to be better to save it for a future one with new units, TMs, etc.

3. I see some talk about people pushing off elemental weapons, when these are what you want the most. The JPN version plays heavily into reducing down elemental weaknesses and chaining. So while the flame sword from the previous event was lower, using it again a unit weak to fire will have a far better increase than weapons 30, 40 points above. Using it in conjunction with weakened resistances will jump it even more. Using it in conjunction as a cheap way to get Elemental chains on bosses will be game changing.

Yes, that weapon may not be useful now, but the strong event ones are typically worth holding on.

P.S. You're going to want to cover the elemental spread for the following month's trial.


As a few know, I've started to play pad and I think they have an interesting mechanic. This game would have to change of course on how much you can pull.

But when you get monsters you don't want, you sell them and get points. They can be used to by mats for evolutions or even some really powerful and rare monsters for a lot of points. Think 100 monsters sold for one of those. Of course it wouldn't work in this game, because in PAD you really need to save, unless they put some extremely high amounts needed.

Yet, I think it would be an interesting mechanic to bring over. Have 6* mats there, Cacturs, etc. Maybe something like the cost of 3 base 3 units, or 1 base 4 for one for one of them. And every quarter, they put some unique characters only available there

The Monster Point system in PAD only really works because of generally how stingy GungHo is with giving out free stones to F2P. 300k MP is quite hard for a F2P or light spender to actually achieve. Granted, because of power creep, there are now ways for F2Ps to farm monster points, but it still an incredibly laborious grind for a single MP card....

I bought 300k mp dragon in Pad. You need 4 right units to use mp unit. Then I was victim of power creep. Suddenly my mp dragon was way worse unit than regular gacha units.

Then power creep made me to hate the game. Played pad about 400 days, now logging sometimes, just to see that I don't like the game which I loved at somepoint.

I have another 300k mp left and could sell stuff for another mp unit, but there isnt anything that would be good for me. Also some mp units do cost 500k.

... and even then that 300k MP card that a player saved up all year may not be so great by the time a player actually purchases it.

That said, I do agree that power creep has pretty much gone vertical in PAD over the last year. I think this is because it is known that game's revenues are declining, so GungHo is hard pushing rare chase cards to clear current meta content (which makes everything else obsolete by their existence). That and pretty much forced multiplayer to clear end-game content really sours the experience for me. So, I just play casually and clear what I can and just shrug at everything else nowadays.

A real shame though. Playing PAD compentently actualy requires quite an amount of actual intellectual foresight and spacial manipulation capabilities. I have a lot of respect for those players who can effortlessly manipulate the game board into whatever they need on a given turn.

Saw this on local forum

Easy Shadow lead! with 4 Noctis lol.

I saw that and knew better to than to take the bait.

Then again, this afternoon I ran into the team with Cecil + 4 Nocti.... /grrrr

Let's waste those daily tickets again.
Gold -> Mercedes, just my 3rd, ok.
Blue -> Gold -> Rainbow!
Nah, it's another troll, it's not happening....


FF XV Platinum redeemed!

It's about time! Congratulations! Now, pass your luck onto Chrono and CCIE!

You know, some of us cannot draw Noctis even once

At this point, I just would like Zidane

Again, QFT.

I have two of him. I just want a 5* base already, this is depressing. :(

You need to stop expecting to pull a 5* base. Gumi Desire Sensor is at work here. One will come when you least want one to show up, trying to pull something lesser. That's how I pulled mine.

Most know my story. Played since soft launch, and went non-F2P chasing WoL when he first came out. Didn't get him, and couldn't draw a tank to save my life... account really seemed cursed. Lightning banner came, spent everything for Charlotte instead of Light - couldn't get her... finally rerolled ALT account with Light, Charlotte, and Garnet in frustration. Overnight, my ALT was the better account from the start. Ran with two accounts, and ALT account pulled Cecil on banner, but main account couldn't get him either. Finally dropped main for ALT as the ALT got better and better, especially after Refia banner came and went with no Refia on PRI. Drew multiple on ALT...

After WoL was strictly F2P - until Noctis. Went all out trying to get him or Chizuru with no luck. Have used all my resources once again... took everything just to get a simple Chizuru (last ticket until event) - finally pulled my cutie WoL though...

Still, no Noctis and only Light from reroll

Only still playing because of the community at this time. Spending more and more time with FFIX on the phone to deal with frustration.

Thank you for the kind words about the community and your as always your refreshing honesty towards things (even if sometimes I don't know a good way to respond back to them).

If it's any consolation, the last two banners have atrociously bad for me.

The FF13 banner I completely whiffed on. No Lightning, no Snow, no Vanille, 1 Hope.

For the Noctis banner so far: no Noctis, no Chizuru (still!), 1 Mercedes, much despair and head banging onto whatever blunt surface I can conveniently find at the time.

Glad you got your previous white whale WoL though. He will become something great fairly soon with his upcoming upgrade.

Here's wishing to better luck pulling in the new year! (Honest, I'm not contagious anymore!)

The only truly frustrating thing is the Arena. I get walloped every time I try to fight anything with greater than a 1.0 ratio. It's set up against mages, which is what I have

Arena makes me want to SCREAM this week. Sooooooooooo tired of seeing nothing but teams of 2 Nocti + 2 Lighntings + X, half of which have twenty sided dies equipped.

Ran into a team of Cecil + 4 Nocti today, all of which had to have twenty sided dies + ribbons equipped on everyone. It was the most frustrating, hair-pulling fight I've had in a long time (and that's saying a lot as pretty much fight this week completely SUCKS).

I've pretty much 99% decided to go casual in the arena in January at this point. The insanity at the top end is just not worth it for the effort. It's just not. Period.


I want to fuse my multiple Ingus, I don't see myself farming LaA and we have already entered the "Mage aren't so hot anymore" powercreep phase.
I mean, it's only worth it for Exdeath and maybe Ramza? But then Ramza will be singing 99% of the time in 5 months.


I want to fuse my multiple Ingus, I don't see myself farming LaA and we have already entered the "Mage aren't so hot anymore" powercreep phase.
I mean, it's only worth it for Exdeath and maybe Ramza? But then Ramza will be singing 99% of the time in 5 months.

Do what you want. I plan on farming for my mages after I'm done farming materia for my physical attackers/tank. I have three Ex-Deaths and I want to equip them all very well for future events where mages prevail.


I want to fuse my multiple Ingus, I don't see myself farming LaA and we have already entered the "Mage aren't so hot anymore" powercreep phase.
I mean, it's only worth it for Exdeath and maybe Ramza? But then Ramza will be singing 99% of the time in 5 months.
Technically it would be good for Noctis too. But I wouldn't waste time going for it. Q


Hmm, I have 30 free unit slots thanks to those raid Gigantuars and don't plan on pulling soon, will keep them and see if mages get buffed in Japanese version.


sparkle this bitch
Technically it would be good for Noctis too. But I wouldn't waste time going for it. Q
Reddit already did the damage calc for it, where it's only 1000 damage more for the full hybrid build versus full damage.

Better to build him physical and just give him the bonus atk + mag items.

Better to stick with pure physical since any unit can use it too.


Arena makes me want to SCREAM this week. Sooooooooooo tired of seeing nothing but teams of 2 Nocti + 2 Lighntings + X, half of which have twenty sided dies equipped.

Ran into a team of Cecil + 4 Nocti today, all of which had to have twenty sided dies + ribbons equipped on everyone. It was the most frustrating, hair-pulling fight I've had in a long time (and that's saying a lot as pretty much fight this week completely SUCKS).

I've pretty much 99% decided to go casual in the arena in January at this point. The insanity at the top end is just not worth it for the effort. It's just not. Period.

I agree. I have pretty much chilled out on the arena. I figure I'll just smash as few lower levels in order to get the 100 games won trophy and chill from there. Just no point in dealing with folks who have 3 or 4 Noctis units in their group with crazy stats. It just isn't fun and wastes lots of time. On top of that, they use tricks like having Rain as the main.

This banner has been pretty good to me, which is strange, but goes to show that the RNG is a funny thing. The Noctis banner has given me all of the units except Noctis, but I was able to get a 5* unit (Lightning) as well. It would have been cool to get Noctis, but Lightning is fine, too. I got Mercedes yesterday, so it's been pretty good. Wish others could have as much luck as I've had on the Noctis banner. Ended up avoiding the current banner completely. Don't think I've made even one pull so far. It would be nice to have EXP eggs, but I don't want to bother with this banner since there aren't any units I really care for. On top of that, leveling them up is a crazy time consuming process. I still haven't gotten Lightning to 100 yet. Can't wait for the Cactaur Dunes to show up. Need those cactaur!

Anyone know if the next leg of this Frosty event is going to expand the rewards or give us a completely new list? I haven't gotten the Trust Moogle yet, and I'm worried that I won't be able to get it before the next part shows up. Heh, wish I didn't have to work and sleep....
This is so accurate. Damn you, RNG.


That'll be one Noctis, please.

I've thought about re-rolling, but I'd hate to lose all of the progress I've made on my current account (completed story quests, events and their exclusive material/equipment, Esper/character leveling, etc.). As for TM's, I have a lot of recommended characters that have them (Chizuru x3, Zidane x4, Xiao x2, Fencer, Juggler, Snow x4, Mercedes x2, Miyuki, Ludmille x5), and many more I know I'm forgetting.

I just can't see myself starting over and I'd probably do the whole alternate account thing, but I already play too many gatcha games as it is so I don't really want to an alternate of one to the list (even if it might just be logging in daily). If I do ever decide to give up my account it'll be to quit the game entirely. I can't ever see myself re-rolling and starting from scratch. Once I commit to as much time as I have with my current one, I've more-or-less locked into that one for life.

I'll just keep going and hope luck finally comes my way. It's to the point where I'm not even that disappointed when I summon anymore, since I basically know what I'm going to get. The last rainbow crystal I saw was back when Lightning was first released, so I'm no exactly expecting it when I summon. I hope for it, of course, but seeing a blue/gold crystal and not a rainbow one doesn't even phase me anymore.

Ok, that's what I wanted to check before full heartedly recommending it. You have some fantastic TMs and a couple nice DPS units so it's worth toughing it out. It's only a matter of time before the next player banner that should have a multiple of those 5* bases you want and you should get some kind of nice yield out of that. In any case, it really is just a matter of time and I know it's of zero comfort to hear that. I was completely in your boat before lucking out on Noctis so I really empathize with the struggle and pains. I lost my belief I'd ever see a rainbow without spending a bunch of money and then he fell in my lap though it took a hell of a lot of pulls. As much as you feel cursed, RNG goes every which way, it's RNG which means one day it will randomly throw you a gem. Just build up a huge hoard of lapis and tickets and wait for the next amazing banner. I'm convinced you don't get that gem unless you have enough ammo to go wild. I mean, there are some lucky bastards out there but people with our luck, it takes a TON of pulls. So pile up to avoid spending money. Do all the missions, do your dailies each day, capitalize on the maintenance fuck ups and SAVE SAVE SAVE. I know you'll get one someday my friend, it's just which day? #BlessingsandfortunetoChrono!


Is that how it works? I figured it just rolled a dice when you completed the whole thing.

Holy crap, a miracle! Neither the game nor Nox crashed while I was at work! Awesome! I experimented with not having a web browser up, only Nox after rebooting my computer. I normally leave my computer on 24/7 so I'm going to try the experiment again tomorrow morning, reboot and only open Nox. Here's hoping I finally found a recipe for farming success!

I'm not sure if anyone knows for sure how it works.

But I think that's why everyone runs exit. Better safe than sorry.
I'm not sure if anyone knows for sure how it works.

But I think that's why everyone runs exit. Better safe than sorry.

I figured the one more fight was the reason and yeah, when I recorded my simple macro I did Exit with that thought haha

Speaking of Macros, how do you guys get around the pop up for completing three story levels? I once tried starting a new macro recording with pressing that button and figured the worst that would happen is that it would choose entrance each time but it threw the timing off and ended up selecting the exploration mission eventually which obviously is game over for the farm. What's the correct way to overcome that pop up? I wish you could just turn them off in the menu. I don't need a shortcut to collect!


Sorry man, I wish you luck in getting your account back. I'd tell you your ID, but unfortunately I don't believe we were ever friends (I thought I had everyone here on my Friend List) so I don't know your ID. Hopefully someone else can help you out!

u didnt give me ur friend ID yet makoto!
I'm not sure about other reasons to do so, but the reason that I ran Exit was because I initially set my TM up to LB farm Cecil while I went for Excalibur. By running Exit and selecting to target one enemy on the first stage, I usually had 2-3 LBs cast on the boss.


thanks to everybody for the help, especially to @keiichi who sent me my Friend ID
i already contacted "Support", i hope they can do something with the account

i dont have any facebook account so i never do the backup properly, anyways i was reading and apparently the facebook's backup is only for the global version
Gumi is just the localization company who implemented this, have anybody more information about this?


Ok, that's what I wanted to check before full heartedly recommending it. You have some fantastic TMs and a couple nice DPS units so it's worth toughing it out. It's only a matter of time before the next player banner that should have a multiple of those 5* bases you want and you should get some kind of nice yield out of that. In any case, it really is just a matter of time and I know it's of zero comfort to hear that. I was completely in your boat before lucking out on Noctis so I really empathize with the struggle and pains. I lost my belief I'd ever see a rainbow without spending a bunch of money and then he fell in my lap though it took a hell of a lot of pulls. As much as you feel cursed, RNG goes every which way, it's RNG which means one day it will randomly throw you a gem. Just build up a huge hoard of lapis and tickets and wait for the next amazing banner. I'm convinced you don't get that gem unless you have enough ammo to go wild. I mean, there are some lucky bastards out there but people with our luck, it takes a TON of pulls. So pile up to avoid spending money. Do all the missions, do your dailies each day, capitalize on the maintenance fuck ups and SAVE SAVE SAVE. I know you'll get one someday my friend, it's just which day? #BlessingsandfortunetoChrono!
Thanks man, I'll try to hang in there. :)

u didnt give me ur friend ID yet makoto!
Sorry about that. No 5* base leader, but I do have a 6* Chizuru w/ Dual Wield. I hope it's good enough!

My ID is 367,476,528

Feel free to add me!


Thanks man, I'll try to hang in there. :)

Sorry about that. No 5* base leader, but I do have a 6* Chizuru w/ Dual Wield. I hope it's good enough!

My ID is 367,476,528

Feel free to add me!

I realized that I hadn't added you, so I sent you a request. Hang in there! Let's hope the next banner is good.


I realized that I hadn't added you, so I sent you a request. Hang in there! Let's hope the next banner is good.
Wow, I thought I had all of (or, at least most) of my fellow GAF members. Sorry 'bout that. Will accept now!

Also, thanks for the support. I will do just that! 2017 will be a better year for me, I know it will!

Edit: It seems like I missed a few more of you too. I am ashamed. Thanks for the invites, adding you all. :)


Professional Schmuck
15 tickets.

ONE. LAST. PULL. (before Noctis banner goes away)

Dammit it's a blue crystal!

BUT IT'S MIYUKI!!!!! I needed her so dang bad. I was literally just wondering whether to go ahead and use a couple moogles to polish off my rising sun (which feels silly now that Noctis has replaced CoD for me) and what I'd put next into the TM queue. I have Chiz's blade mastery next in line, of course, but I was just thinking BOY I SURE COULD USE SAKURFUBUKI



Wow, I thought I had all of (or, at least most) of my fellow GAF members. Sorry 'bout that. Will accept now!

Also, thanks for the support. I will do just that! 2017 will be a better year for me, I know it will!

Edit: It seems like I missed a few more of you too. I am ashamed. Thanks for the invites, adding you all. :)

Heh, don't feel bad, I thought I had you on my list, too. Was surprised I didn't.

I haven't pulled since the Lightning banner ended, just hoarding lapis and tickets for Orlandu

I wanted to do that, but I ended up using some tickets to try for Noctis. Saving a ton of tickets and lapis now for whatever the next big character is (Tidus or Orlandu).


I have a new time of day to pull now. Did it two days in a row. Mercedes, Garland, Garland, Miuki, Zidane... Zera was right about time of day mattering. Still no Noctis, but pulled Zidane, which is a huge monkey off the back.

I'm just going to turn either two Chizuru into Monsters through TMR, or one of each of Chizuru and Mercedes. Have four Mercedes, two Chizuru, and four Miuki to work with. What Does this board think I should do? Besides two Zidane in the TM queue immediately ...

I'm not sure what Mercedes has to work with kit-wise. My current 6* Chizuru will eventually replace my Lightning at this point for my share. A few months away though

However will build up either Chizuru #2 or Mercedes this weekend with the Dunes. What say GAF?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Best of Luck to everyone on their final pulls for the Noctis Banner !!!
I have a new time of day to pull now. Did it two days in a row. Mercedes, Garland, Garland, Miuki, Zidane... Zera was right about time of day mattering. Still no Noctis, but pulled Zidane, which is a huge monkey off the back.

I'm just going to turn either two Chizuru into Monsters through TMR, or one of each of Chizuru and Mercedes. Have four Mercedes, two Chizuru, and four Miuki to work with. What Does this board think I should do? Besides two Zidane in the TM queue immediately ...

I'm not sure what Mercedes has to work with kit-wise. My current 6* Chizuru will eventually replace my Lightning at this point for my share. A few months away though

However will build up either Chizuru #2 or Mercedes this weekend with the Dunes. What say GAF?

I'd kit up your Lightning and one Chorizo first. (This is just for diversity, though; I'm irrationally biased against dupe units for some reason! And I can't check what your current Light has... which impacts this.) So, TM1 team is Zidane, 2x Miyuki, 2x Chorizo. This will be a grind; I'd slot out your 2x Miyuki when they hit 47.5 for another 2x Miyuki.

At the end of that round, you'll have DW, 2x BM, 2x Sakurafubuki. Your Lightning (with innate DW) and your Chorizo will be beastly and immediate super-DPSers.

As far as Mercedes, I've seen builds of her with 2x Viking Axes, but I've also seen the idea of using Lani's Equip Axe materia for putting Viking Axes on other units...

IMO, though, you can't go wrong with multiple Blade Masteries and multiple Sakurafubukis.


You are right... Maybe I will build up Garland this weekend instead of Chiz#2 or Mercedes instead.

Firion would be definite, but I can't draw him


For the lols I used my 12 tickets to Noel banner. Didn't get banner only units, got 3 Medius in a row, one Cerius. Also got Celes, now I have 2 of her which makes getting one Minerva Bustier for Lightning faster. One more Vaan (why Maximillian is DEF only).

These were impulse pulls but my situation is so good that I don't need to pull and hope for some unit. With TM enhanced units I have, I shouldn't have problems clearing stuff in future either.
I can happily waste my Lapis to nrg to TM runs and to other stuff that needs nrg. Not feeling guilty to use precious Lapis to nrg.

And here is where Iam going now and below some future plans.


- When Hayate & Miyuki are done, going to swap them to 2 Celes
- Going to feed some Moogles we get to 2nd Zidane to get it on par with 1st Zidane.
-> When Zidane Zidane Chorizo are done, going to swap them to 2 Snows & Chorizo
- 2 Snows will be 1 Champions Belt and after that I add 2 Snows.
- After that I have 4 Gaffgarions to make 2 Bracers
- At some point I will run with 5 Leo's for 1 Aegis Shield
- I will run 2 Hayate for one Black Cowl
- I could do 3rd Excalibur by using 5 Cecil's
- Maybe do 2 Ring of Lucii and 1 Zidane more
- Do one Ribbon with 5 Kefkas
- Do boots with Ceriously

I think I forgot something.

If you don't have the Lapis, don't do like I do (about 200-500 Lapis per day to nrg).
Next unit Iam planning to get one way or another is Rikku or multiple copies (base 4*). But not saving tix / Lapis for her.

If we get NY deal and it's decent (Gief us that sword), going to buy it. If its not decent, won't bother.


You are right... Maybe I will build up Garland this weekend instead of Chiz#2 or Mercedes instead.

Firion would be definite, but I can't draw him

I got Firion a few weeks ago, but I haven't found him to be all that good. I think he gets to be great once he can reach 6*? Still trying to figure out what my main group should be.
You are right... Maybe I will build up Garland this weekend instead of Chiz#2 or Mercedes instead.

Firion would be definite, but I can't draw him

You will eventually! (I say this because of the normalization of base 3* units.) And Firion can use axes, which means Viking Axe will be incredible.

However, Mercedes has her 6* right now, and her TM (multiple, even) is within reach for you. Garland's 6* is way off. My gut impression? Mercedes > Chorizo #2 > Garland.

But look at this, and it's by no means optimal:

Mercedes 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK
Left Hand: Viking Axe +125ATK
Head: Tiger Mask +14ATK+3DEF
Body: Black Belt Gi +8ATK+24DEF
Accessory 1: Hero's Ring +3DEF+3SPR+10%ATK+10%MAG
Accessory 2: Hero's Ring +3DEF+3SPR+10%ATK+10%MAG
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Ability 3: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Ability 4: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:3500 MP:1900 ATK:3900 DEF:2300 MAG:1700 SPR:1700
Total Stats: HP: 4751 MP: 230 ATK: 707 DEF: 202 MAG: 187 SPR: 169

... versus:

Chizuru 6 Star
FFBEDB Unit Calculator
Right Hand: Sakurafubuki +98ATK
Left Hand: Murasame +61ATK
Head: Tiger Mask +14ATK+3DEF
Body: Black Belt Gi +8ATK+24DEF
Accessory 1: Hero's Ring +3DEF+3SPR+10%ATK+10%MAG
Accessory 2: Hero's Ring +3DEF+3SPR+10%ATK+10%MAG
Ability 1: Dual Wield Equip two single handed weapons
Ability 2: Blade Mastery +50% ATK Katana
Ability 3: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Ability 4: ATK +10% +10% ATK
Esper: Ifrit HP:3500 MP:1900 ATK:3900 DEF:2300 MAG:1700 SPR:1700
Total Stats: HP: 3721 MP: 217 ATK: 661 DEF: 248 MAG: 209 SPR: 188

(I'm putting Murasame here because your Chijiraiden is on Chorizo #1.)

I'll echo what I think shintoki and others told me: 2 DPS (Light and Chorizo for you), 1 Tank (you've got WoL!), 1 Healer, and one flex Support/DPS (not sure for Support, but Mercedes for DPS).

Who else do you have? I can say unequivocally that you're set for the future, though, especially when WoL hits 6*.


You will eventually! (I say this because of the normalization of base 3* units.) And Firion can use axes, which means Viking Axe will be incredible.

However, Mercedes has her 6* right now, and her TM (multiple, even) is within reach for you. Garland's 6* is way off. My gut impression? Mercedes > Chorizo #2 > Garland.

Ifrit stats are kinda low. Did you accidentally use 1* Ifrit? Also those builds are they with or without pots (I assume they are with pots).
I was going to say something about StQ being GS, but then I decided to leave it away cause you edited ;).

@CCIE as @ADiaboli suggest, I would also go with Mercedes. Ofc with 2 Chiz you could do chain (I can't say how good 6* Chiz is cause I haven't used it yet). Mercedes would add a unit that can do a lot of damage to enemies that are vulnerable to Water.
Ifrit stats are kinda low. Did you accidentally use 1* Ifrit? Also those builds are they with or without pots (I assume they are with pots).
I was going to say something about StQ being GS, but then I decided to leave it away cause you edited ;).

@CCIE as @ADiaboli suggest, I would also go with Mercedes. Ofc with 2 Chiz you could do chain (I can't say how good 6* Chiz is cause I haven't used it yet). Mercedes would add a unit that can do a lot of damage to enemies that are vulnerable to Water.

... yep, I used maxed 1* Ifirit by mistake but DID use max bonus stats. Also forgot that Chorizo couldn't equip anything but daggers and katanas. Either way, normalized (since, all things being equal, and they were both buffed with the lesser Ifirit), Mercedes is going to be stronger than a second Chorizo. The only downside is, apparently, 2 Chorizos can chain really well.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Okay did my final two pulls on the Noctis Banner:

- Vanille new
- Hayate dupe

No Chiz for me - well cant have it all.


1. Blue Kuja...meh
2. last pull i will do on this, will i get noctis...or maybe at least Mercedes?


Shantotto.......excuse me....i'm destroyed.


Welp, I'm going to hell.

Lucifer has my soul and I'm going to hell because I just pulled Noctis.


Did my final two pulls on this Noctis banner

Blue: Tellah
Blue: Vivi

I already got 2 Noctis/2 Chizuru/1 Mercedes but I need another Chizuru... Should I do a 10+1 pull or hope that I get another Chizuru one day from a daily?
Last 2 pulls:

1. Garland
2. Gold crystal...Chorizo, Yes! Finally!

Needed another solid melee since my pulls have been pretty caster heavy until this banner. TM farm is back in full force for a good while...


Welp, I'm going to hell.

Lucifer has my soul and I'm going to hell because I just pulled Noctis.


Did a FP on main. King Gotti, which is nice. Working on that Stone Killer.

Did a Daily Pull on alt. Arc. Urgh, again? I do daily pulls here still in hopes of something good.

Did do a random ticket pull on Noctis banner. Testing the waters. I got a Charlotte. Yeah, I stopped after that. Charlotte banner trying to give me pointless TM.
I probably did around 70 pulls in all, no tickets left and my lapis is at nothing(well I have a bunch of missions left to cash in so isn't actually nothing)

also Refia is happy with her heavy shield
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