I already have 70, no thanks!Global will get.......more tickets!
I already have 70, no thanks!Global will get.......more tickets!
Since pulling Noctis last week I've pulled Exdeath, Refia, Krile, Warrior of light, Charlotte, cod, chiz, Tella, Garland, Faris, kefka, Bartz...
Who should I be using? Keep in mind I'm a new player so everything is low leveled.
That is an insane lineup already, wow. Refia chiz and exdeath should be first priorities, then warrior of light and cloud of darkness I'd think.Since pulling Noctis last week I've pulled Exdeath, Refia, Krile, Warrior of light, Charlotte, cod, chiz, Tella, Garland, Faris, kefka, Bartz...
Who should I be using? Keep in mind I'm a new player so everything is low leveled.
Since pulling Noctis last week I've pulled Exdeath, Refia, Krile, Warrior of light, Charlotte, cod, chiz, Tella, Garland, Faris, kefka, Bartz...
Who should I be using? Keep in mind I'm a new player so everything is low leveled.
That is a lot of really good units.
Refia is pretty much the best healer, so definitely her.
Warrior of Light is the best full breaker (to my understanding, don't have him myself) so probably a good idea.
Exdeath is one of the best mages (the best mage currently?)
CoD is incredibly flexible and is very powerful, definitely recommend leveling her
Chiz is pure physical damage, she does one thing and does it really well.
If you don't have Cecil or Noel, Charlotte is your tank choice so probably worth leveling for harder content.
Those should be your priorities with that list I think.
That is an insane lineup already, wow. Refia chiz and exdeath should be first priorities, then warrior of light and cloud of darkness I'd think.
You should be focused on getting through the bulk of the story, first. With that in mind, you'd have a pretty damn good team with the following:
DPS: Noctis, Chizuru, CoD
Mage: ExDeath
Heal: Refia
Tank: WoL (for full break) or Charlotte
Support: Bartz
Seriously, you already have enough units to carry you through the next 5-6 months of content if you focus on the story first (leveling units along the way), espers 2nd, then TMs, then events.
I'm so jealous if you're actually a new player. Like, holy shit. Maybe don't tell anyone else.
Thanks for the advice guys.
Time to finish the story and start hoarding Lapis I guess.
well, since I royally fucked up that TM yesterday, can I can some opinions on how this team looks:
4 star Chizuru
4 star Refia
4 Star Cecil
4 star Krile
5 star Bartz
Since pulling Noctis last week I've pulled Exdeath, Refia, Krile, Warrior of light, Charlotte, cod, chiz, Tella, Garland, Faris, kefka, Bartz...
Who should I be using? Keep in mind I'm a new player so everything is low leveled.
You should be focused on getting through the bulk of the story, first. With that in mind, you'd have a pretty damn good team with the following:
DPS: Noctis, Chizuru, CoD
Mage: ExDeath
Heal: Refia
Tank: WoL (for full break) or Charlotte
Support: Bartz
Seriously, you already have enough units to carry you through the next 5-6 months of content if you focus on the story first (leveling units along the way), espers 2nd, then TMs, then events.
I'm so jealous if you're actually a new player. Like, holy shit. Maybe don't tell anyone else.
Thanks for the advice guys.
Time to finish the story and start hoarding Lapis I guess.
Thanks for the advice guys.
Time to finish the story and start hoarding Lapis I guess.
Cloud of Darkness is way better than WoL right now. You may want to swap those two around.
well, since I royally fucked up that TM today, can I can some opinions on how this team looks:
4 star Chizuru
4 star Refia
4 Star Cecil
4 star Krile
5 star Bartz
Thanks for the advice guys.
Time to finish the story and start hoarding Lapis I guess.
That's a pretty solid lineup. Chizuru and Bartz are going to be your physical dps with Refia as healer and Cecil as tank. Krile is sorta the odd one out here as the only char without a 6* but she's a solid mage with native dualcast and she can be a great backup healer. She also has Aeroga which is pretty rare, though she lacks ice and fire magic.
Who didn't get Charlotte at this point :lol
Should I use Kefka instead of her?
Is there a secret to beating the frosty event? I just get one shot every damn time.
Tilith who?
And Excalibur get! Light has moved North of 600 ATK finally. PoC and Bracer should finish in the next day or two...
Added Zidane to the queue, and will add two Miuki in a few days.
5. Good to see you back, Alkez!
Did a friend list purge.
344,017,137 for anyone that wants to add (like the guy who's literally GAF's luckiest player and who should probably just go buy a single lottery ticket tonight).
Daily pull was Gilbert, that's different.
We haven't got the Burst Pot reward yet have we? Really need that!
So do you guys just have 4/5 of a team and then rotate people in the last slot to get their TMs?
We will actually fight her? Now I'm excited.Dark Fina chains comet with 3 flares because why not?!
It's.... beautiful!
She can also use Meteor and Ultima *-*
She's going to destroy me, I fear.
Video of the dude getting owned : https://youtu.be/BTTrqeUW63A?t=5m10s
Syntsui (sp?) -- can you reset the logic behind using cactuars on low level units instead of for high level units because of costs? I get the idea but I'm not sure I follow the math (or collateral NRG costs for similar exp gain). Genuinely interested.