Ok, thanks. About same seal than GL had.JP was 2 tickets, 1 key, then rotating megacite x10, (the big ones you feed to the Summons) with 3 star quartz on the first and last days.
Ok, thanks. About same seal than GL had.JP was 2 tickets, 1 key, then rotating megacite x10, (the big ones you feed to the Summons) with 3 star quartz on the first and last days.
Darkness - I was lapis poor, and still bought the 300 lapis bundle every day. I'm back up to almost 3000 lapis, which will go to TM farm refreshes. I've almost finished redoing the second island of Grandshelt, but now am working through the new island story... three battles at a time, once a day.
I'm all about the TM farming to improve the units I have. Since 5* bases don't seem to like me much at this point in time.
I spent all of the tickets though... have to rebuild those
Advocatus - once I get Chizuru up to speed in a month or so, she will get Ifrit, and Light will get Diabolos. It will take a little attack away from Light, but she will gain a lot in Magic, and it will get Chiz above 700 ATK as well. I will have two units in the mid 700's according to the database. My Light is fully potted on ATK, MAG, and MP... it makes a difference. Chiz is almost fully potted on ATK, but I have no idea what else to work on.
My Refia is actually the MVP, fully potted on SPR, DEF, and HP, and wearing the Bustier, and 2X Muscle Belts, and sporting the Force Shield as well. She's damned hard to kill, and will be much harder when I finish the Garnet's I'm farming down the line. They are in the "next" batch of TM's after this...
TM farming is where the power curve is in this game. Having 5* base units would be great, but I will be in really good shape with my current team anyway, and to be honest I wish I hadn't spent everything trying to get Noctis. But I did get two Chiz, which is utterly invaluable. Especially if I could just draw Firion one of these days to fill out my team.
Yeah, that 300 lapis bundle was too good. I ended up keeping over half of them in order to save up for the FFX banner.
I wish I could get into the TM farming, but it's sooooo boring that I can't do it for more than a few minutes at a time. Since I'm on a Mac, macroing isn't something I can do easily. On top of that, I don't have my game connected to a Facebook account.
Having dual wield is awesome, though. The quest to have a badass CoD continues!
The crazy thing is I don't need more summons now. The Noctis banner was good to me so I'm much more interested in weapons and materia. I hope they add more recipes for that kind of stuff in the future. Having to get gear ONLY through TMs kinda sucks.
Congrats on getting yours built up. I hope to be using your Lightning to carry me through some difficulties in the future!![]()
He has infinite MP, how does he suck. I'd rather have him than any character in the game for long explorations.
Second Omnirod!will come in handy for sure. Totally new TM team now.
Well, PoC get!!! My Light now has a respectable 680 ATK. So pulled the Snow I was baking for another Chiz so both Light and Chiz will have blade mastery...
New TM train has 2xChiz, Zidane, and 2XMiuki. So in another month or so I will have two respectable attack units.. Then I will go back and finish off my Belts and start working on either Mercedes or Magic, and of course another Zidane
But finally, my own little dolphin unit!
Happy New Year everyone!
Got Magi Staff and Excalibur #2! Goodbye, Lenna and Cecil dupes. Just realized that I need a third Blade Mastery, but for now--
Luneth, Ramza, Karl, 2x Hayate. Noct gonna work in like... I don't know, a month? Not really spending Lapis on refreshes anymore.
Yes he does, but his AoE costs 45 MP. That means a lot of wasted time sitting there manually casting Cover and waiting, equating to longer exploration runs. 17 MP Area Blasts from an MP pot-capped Lightning is far more efficient.
I'm just popping in to say "Happy New Years" to you all. Keep on being the awesome people that you are! d(^_^)v
2017 will be my year!Happy New Years chrono, I hope you keep playing and get to draw something good!
So wait, how do Amazon Coins play into the picture? Can they be used to buy lapis?
Ran so much TMR today, that I exhausted my FL. Had to wait half an hour for the FL to repopulate before continuing...
That would require me changing my switch control, which I don't want to do
Hmm didn't know that you can stack garnet's tm. Good to know.Syrus - 2xGarnet adds an additional 40% elemental resistance, so that she will essentially have more than 5500HP, decent defense, and 80% resistance to every common element with the Force Shield and Bustier. So magic will have little effect on her
As Valentus said, I am trying to build it one unit at a time. But Refia is the most valuable unit, because Full-life at a measly 20MP is amazing. Especially when you can use dual cast.
For example... wasn't paying attention against elite Frosty, and he killed EVERY unit I had with the exception of Refia in one turn. Next turn, brought Light back to life, as well as friend unit Noctis, and the turn after that Chiz and ExDeath. Ended up winning anyway...
Dark - I'm on a Mac, and can show you how to macro with Andy and Automator. But honestly, I just use Switch Control on my phone for most of my TM farming.
He has point warp though which is nice for mana regen and heals him for 2k negating the need for cura which Lightning needs on the other hand.
EDIT* Although Maxwell will be even more efficient with her 6 star awakening. Autoregen on steroids, cheap AoE like Light and Auto refresh <.<
Happy New Year's Exvius friends!
My wife finally got her first Zidane on her daily today (first one she's done on this banner actually) and pumped him full of moogles, wooooo!
Whelp I may just blow some tickets or something to ease my pain from OSUs asstastic performance.
Happy New Years! 5* base DPSes for everyone!