This new macro I'm using for Nox is the truth. It lasted the whole night, didn't get interrupted by either the Adventure completed daily or the daily log-in reward, and was still going when I got home from work without a break

If this keeps up I'm going to learn TMs exponentially faster than before! EXCITE!
Also loooooool at Arena! I regret looking for the lowest level teams for the first few attempts. After wiping them on the first turn every time I decided to start fighting the highest ranks and I curb stomp them too even if they go first. Thank goodness the computer is dumb with their whale characters. Some noob Arena questions:
1. I went up to Rank 66 after the first match or two I think and have not went any higher despite winning all 5 matches. Why is this? How do I get higher?
2. What's the point of putting a weaker unit as your leader? You battle the computer and they don't lose rank from you beating their team, right? Is it just to troll people for fun? You won't even know if and how many pick you if that's the case haha
3. I found where you can use the tokens, does it stay on this one grid the whole month and then reset the grid? Or are their higher level grids with better rewards you can unlock? I.E. I see mini pots but can I get to a higher level grid with normal sized pots?
I really didn't get the Equip H Shield! I had a couple Charlottes from banners looong long ago and I stopped pulling the Noctis banner the moment I got him (and Chizuru). EHS is only at like 16%!
I got everyone on the banner and only pulled 4 Charlottes! Only had one prior so I have to get mine the hard way, heh. Not that I'm complaining, this was the first (and probably last) time I ever got lucky in this game!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? How is this possible? haha I got an obscene amount of her. Actually, I just remebered that I got a ton of her and had her fairly high from the first Lightning banner but still, I trashed a ton after learning it once too. So....many...