Why put your account at risk like that? Create a fake Facebook account if you have to but definitely link it up. There have been multiple people in this thread who lost their accounts by not linking it
1. I think having to tie a GAME to a FREAKING SOCIAL MEDIA account has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. And if I didn't already have a FB account, I sure as hell wouldn't be creating one for a game. And to be honest, the only reason I created a FB account was to keep in touch with all my familly when I lived in Japan. I didn't even make an account until I was already living there.
2. I accidentally wasted my actual FB account link on my alt account when I was starting it up. Because who the HELL pulls you being logged in on a freaking browser that isn't even up at the time? And even then, WHY would you assume the person would want that? Why not just a fresh log in? Click it, enter info, bam. You know exactly what are you are getting.
3. Why the hell couldn't they have how this shit works on their FAQ? About how stupid the whole system is and that they CANNOT under any circumstances for some reason, remove your accidentally tied account to your FB. Who creates a shit ass system like this?
4. This system is awful. And yeah, if I lose my account, it would suck. But you know what, it's too much work for a game. Especially if they're not going to have information on a FAQ on their website about how this crap works. Especially since this is my first of this kind. I specifically went to their site first before I did anything. Didn't really see the information I did need.
5. Why would you create a halfass backwards system without allow it to at least offer YOU the chance to overwrite if they can't fix it?
I created a fake FB account to end up rerolling my alt account not realizing how tangled and messed up this web was until after the fact. So the two email addresses I have are already tied to Facebook accounts. And while I was going to make a third to try something out, I realized a lot of these free email accounts now require you HAVE an EXISTING email to sign up. WTF? Who thought this whole thing up? I do not want my other email addresses tied to it for my own reasons. What about folks who actually don't have one?
I'm more concerned about folks talking about having their fake FBs closed on them. I can't imagine that would do anything great for your account either. Plus, I just want it attached to my ACTUAL FB account which is now impossible according to GUMI. Fail.
Edit: I should also note here though that I'm on the Mac ecosystem, so TM farming still wouldn't be easy for me. Probably more work than it's worth to be honest.
I'm abusing Muku's unit like there's no tomorrow.
LOL poor Luneth.

I'm glad he's working out for you though!