I'm now curious if any of the newbies actually joined us because of Grande ha
I did this with a couple, but in general I only level up those that I know are getting 6* upgrades that are actually worthwhile (e.g. Firion and Garland). I don't care so much about the time and NRG waste as much as the sacred crystal waste. I have ~35 of them stockpiled and waiting for a good unit to come along.
Of course, I'm also at the point that 5* bases are really the only ones that would immediately make my main team, so maybe I don't really need to horde SC quite as much as I used to.
[lots of stuff]
And to be honest, the only reason I created a FB account was to keep in touch with all my familly when I lived in Japan.
Luckily you can make a FB account with a phone number which is very easy to confirm it being 'real' even if you messed up with a real email address on a reroll account.
aka me
Same here. I created mine when I went off to university to keep in touch with people. What were doing in Japan if you don't mind me asking?
Daily pull : Bedile. Should read the thread title![]()
Do you guys care about Noctis' MAG stat with the elemental Flask attacks being hybrid?
I don't have any MAG equipment on besides what he gets from the Hero Rings but I made sure he's using a katana for the MAG boost. Currently he has 303 MAG (500+ ATK) with Shiva.
That would be cool if I had a US cell #. Still on my Japanese carrier. Not sure how they would treat that for someone in US, or if they make a distinction at all. I'd feel weird about it even though I just let contract die and renew on using a JPN #. Plus, not sure if they send anything to your phone. I sure as hell don't want shit from FB on my phone via #.
Husband taught English.![]()
Question. Is Summer Fina basically Majin Fina, but naked?
When I was living in Japan (stationed there with the Air Force), I used my JP SoftBank # on Facebook without issues. Facebook hasn't ever texted me, either.
Ah awesome. I have a couple of friends doing that atm. Seems like a good experience.
Total anecdote here but I've absolutely noticed a difference on the flasks with and without Refia's embolden.
Well, that should be obvious since it's 50% ATK and 50% MAG based. Boosting one of the stats should increase the damage.
Cecil's Focus is also helping!
This is interesting as I thought I'd have more attack than what I currently do but Noctis stats are as follows:
845 w/ 2* Ifrit
Chiri (Sakurufubuki is now starting from 0%, just got Miyuki)
Black Cowl
Brave Suit
Genji Glove
Infernal Armlet
Power of Creation
Seal of Destruction
Blade Mastery
Atk +10 (have another Seal of Destruction that will cook in the TM oven real soon)
I honestly thought he'd push closer to 900. I've been putting all my attack pots into him but not sure he's maxed on atk pots as I don't have one to try to infuse into him.
Were you using that unit calculator to estimate your Noctis too? Mine started out a good 30-ish attack lower than the calculator said it should have been. Maybe it's bugged with how it calculates his weapon mastery passive bonuses.
Correct, her buff is just attack and defense.
Could someone befriend a neophyte like me? I have Noct and Lightning so it'll be a worthwhile investment eventually!
ID is 633,497,525
listen kerash,
I'm listening?
Did your post get cut off or something?
Accepted your request you sent!
Thanks! I was finally able to beat the BGN Snowman with your Luneth.
I wish I had a Luneth haha. Glad Chiz could help though! Not sure how much you follow this topic but if you ever have any questions make sure to stop by, pretty awesome community here
Our community is filled with egotistical megalomaniacs....and you know it.
yes...my second TM is done!
dual wield was my first and...barrage lol. This was when barrage was good so i started on it.
Excalibur, dualcast, and lenna staff is almost done, and i just tm'd my next zidane so he'll be ready with them.
damn i'm far behind.
1. Arena streak: 118 and counting. I wonder how high I can get it before the reset???
2. HERO'S RING FINISHED! Nice lil' upgrade off a generic Hyper Wrist for my Noctis, now up to 585 ATK.
3. Blade Mastery, Sakurafubuki, Bracer #1, you cannot get here fast enough.
2. HERO'S RING FINISHED! Nice lil' upgrade off a generic Hyper Wrist for my Noctis, now up to 585 ATK.
i'm hoping to run this team for now:
So planning my next TM's to be sakurabukari watever katana, with wind katana as my main, is it worth farming two tho since I know gilgamesh trial gives one really good neutral katana?
sounds like some gewd shit
top it off with a discounted daily pull
you'll get something amazing
Elza has finally broken 700ATK! Sitting nicely at 733 at the moment, today is a good day!
you have to beat gilgamesh to get the katana, and knowing how gumi works... i think he will get a big buff.
*squeals in delight*
Elza has finally broken 700ATK! Sitting nicely at 733 at the moment, today is a good day!![]()