So you guys don't do the coliseum every day for the quest? That lapis adds up! Sort of...
I do
So you guys don't do the coliseum every day for the quest? That lapis adds up! Sort of...
Lucky us...
Thanks, although I'm sure Niahak got the maths right, or at least in the right ballpark.
So very roughly speaking, that would mean it takes 1-11 days and roughly 7k - 8k per TM. That's a huge improvement, but probably too rich for my blood.
Nothing on the JP side about this. I guess it's a global only Collaboration?
Fuck the Colosseum quest, I need all those orbs for arena..
I shit out nuggets worth more than 5 lapis
Like crazyivan and kourkour said, start with wiki's unit rankings. They don't give you the entire picture but do generally highlight the best of each unit class you should want on your team. With that in mind, here's what you should generally be thinking about when focusing on which units to level beyond which units are 6* capable:
1. DPS -- These are your primary damage units and have the highest ATK ratings. Long term the most important units you can have or get in the game. They just happen to be super super hard to get. So while you could build an entire team of these types and probably beat every event, you'll be lucky to get even one of them doing daily pulls every day for your entire time with the game.
Elite units: Luneth, Lightning, Noctis, Gilgamesh, Elza, Chizuru
2nd tier: Garland, Cloud of Darkness, Mercedes, Dark Knight Cecil, etc.
2. Mage -- These are your primary magic damage dealers and have the highest MAG ratings. They are absolutely vital to your team if you don't have an elite DPS and for building elemental chains. The good news is that they're somewhat easier to land.
Elite units: ExDeath, Dark Sexy Fina, Arc, Krile, Neckbeard Noel
2nd tier: Kefka, Kuja, Shantotto, etc.
3. Healers -- These are your primary recovery units and have the highest SPR. They are absolutely vital to every team, even if you have 4 other elite DPS units. You want units with cura, esuna, and raise at a minimum. The best unit(s) have curaja and full-life. These are easier to find but just remember you can't win just by healing yourself (there are as-of-yet unused arena strategies where that actually might work but that's for another day).
Elite units: Refia, Luka (new unit), Santa Roselia
2nd tier: Krile, Tilith, etc
4. Tanks -- These are your primary meat shields that draw attacks from the opponent and have the highest DEF. The best tanks have super high HP and function in some middling support role, like healing or buffing. Average tanks are a dime a dozen. Great tanks are rare.
Elite units: Cecil, White Night Noel, Snow
2nd tier: Charlotte, Amarant, etc.
5. Support -- These are your oddballs that fit a variety of roles, most typically 'buff' and 'debuff.' You can survive most of the story modes without these and probably do very well for yourself without them in the arena. That said a number of events absolutely require you to have them on hand. What you're looking for here are units that can lower the defenses of opponents (think 'full break'), opens opponents up to elemental attacks, deals out status effects, etc. On the buff side you're looking for units that can build your defenses, elemental resistances, etc. You'll note that the elite units in every other category have some of these functions. Elite support units typically lean toward the DPS side (Elza, Ramza), but some have some mage flavors (like Ingus).
Elite: Elza, Delita, Ramza, Agrias
2nd tier: Ingus, Farris, etc.
-- DPS + MAGE + HEALER + TANK + [OTHER] is the general makeup of most teams when we talk about 'what's your base team?'
-- Otherwise team structure and formation is entirely based on what you actually have. If you see something at the top of the wiki unit rankings, it's for a good reason and you can generally do well by leveling that unit.
-- Arena teams are a wildcard and you'll notice all mage teams, or all DPS teams that wouldn't necessarily do well in other settings.
Good luck! Hope this was helpful.
Fuck the Colosseum quest, I need all those orbs for arena..
I shit out nuggets worth more than 5 lapis
How much NRG should I have before I try TMR with macro?
So they're adding in this Grande lady. Okay...fine. However, do they have to have these obnoxious banners with her face plastered all over it in game? Ugh. It'll be interesting to see how they plan on adding her into the game. If it's something like how Maxwell was done, then I guess I won't be getting that character. Of course, if it's a pull from a banner, I won't be getting that character, either. Hmmm...I guess the point is I won't be getting that character. My main team is stacked, so I don't have room for another character. I need gear, Gumi. Gear!
I do think my time in this game is winding down since I keep having days where I don't feel like there's anything to do. I can't go after new gear that I need without grinding crazy TMs that will take forever to get. I've leveled all of the characters I've wanted to get leveled (though, there's always a character I can level). There aren't any challenges to go after. I don't care about the arena...or don't have enough time during the week to get 100 wins since I work the graveyard shift and spend most of my time sleeping when I'm not working...or working on my game. I do have to get the mats for the Bloodsword...gonna do that over the next couple of days. I haven't done the story, but hearing that it's so short doesn't get me inspired to go do it.
Man, after I got Noctis and Lightning, I just haven't seen the need to keep going. I know it's not the end, but it feels like it to me...which is all kinds of messed up.
So they're adding in this Grande lady. Okay...fine. However, do they have to have these obnoxious banners with her face plastered all over it in game? Ugh. It'll be interesting to see how they plan on adding her into the game. If it's something like how Maxwell was done, then I guess I won't be getting that character. Of course, if it's a pull from a banner, I won't be getting that character, either. Hmmm...I guess the point is I won't be getting that character. My main team is stacked, so I don't have room for another character. I need gear, Gumi. Gear!
I do think my time in this game is winding down since I keep having days where I don't feel like there's anything to do. I can't go after new gear that I need without grinding crazy TMs that will take forever to get. I've leveled all of the characters I've wanted to get leveled (though, there's always a character I can level). There aren't any challenges to go after. I don't care about the arena...or don't have enough time during the week to get 100 wins since I work the graveyard shift and spend most of my time sleeping when I'm not working...or working on my game. I do have to get the mats for the Bloodsword...gonna do that over the next couple of days. I haven't done the story, but hearing that it's so short doesn't get me inspired to go do it.
Man, after I got Noctis and Lightning, I just haven't seen the need to keep going. I know it's not the end, but it feels like it to me...which is all kinds of messed up.
This is spot on, but I won't ever underestimate their stupidity.My prediction for the Ariana Grande collaboration:
- It will be an event, exploration map most likely.
- Dangerous Ariana will be a character that you receive on beating the event on certain requirements (similar to Maxwell)
- There might be a banner with the most popular FF characters to tempt new players.
Seeing as Gumi is attempting to bring in new players, it would be unwise to lock her behind a 5* or 4* base with poor RNG rates. It would only frustrate their target base, and they would quit without investing into the game. Most hardcore FFBE fans will probably skip this event as they're waiting for Orlandu too. If she is a rare summon, she'll probably be 3*. Probably
There will probably be an exploration map as it'll be a good way to introduce new players to the game, while showing off the more traditional aspects of the game (free movement, random battles and final boss fight).
Totally guessing there will be a best of banner.
Anyway, watch me be wrong!
This is spot on, but I won't ever underestimate their stupidity.
If they want to attract and keep a whole new audience they can't lock her behind a pull with atrocious rate, so the only wise move is to give her away.
So just upgraded one of my 3* to a 4*
These super saiyan auras are lolworthy.
All that will really matter is her TM.
another egregious example:
I hope it's the most broken OP thing ever so the haters and ragers will have to use her.
I hope it's the most broken OP thing ever so the haters and ragers will have to use her.
another egregious example:
Pretty standard for Unit evolutions. The only one that actually changes a bit as they go up in level, that I can remember, is Agrias, Her sword changes as her in star level.
Lucky me (???) I've found exdeath and the ranking is #2 in magic damage. Should I swap him with a Firion? Right now my party would be: Santa Roselia, Cloud Of Darkness, Dark Knight Cecil, Exdeath, Firion.
Apart from Firion, judging from the rankings, I think it's a good team?
well wouldn't you know, look who found her 6* evo???
another egregious example:
well wouldn't you know, look who found her 6* evo???
well wouldn't you know, look who found her 6* evo???
Or look at CoD for uncreative juice. "Oh geez guys we already gave her awesome purple smoke that we built up already. WTF do we do now?" "Blue swirls. Duh."
So just upgraded one of my 3* to a 4*
These super saiyan auras are lolworthy.
Thats a very good summary, very well done panther
3. EDarkness:. You sound generally defeated and uninterested. Observationally I wonder if your driving force behind this game was getting those elusive DPS Lightning / Noctis units?
Just play casually like I do. Do the events do the daily stuff. I don't TM grind so I spend the extra energy I have maxing out my levels in the exp vortex for even the worst of units. You don't need to look at this game as a full time job. When there's events to do , go for it.
Sorry to hear it. I am sure after the Ariana event they will go back to their regularly scheduled banners and events, though! And you never know, the Ariana event might even have some cool gear.
That's not always the case. We just had one of the worst banners since the introduction of 5* base. DURING CHRISTMAS.It's a Gacha game so the newest unit usually have something desirable so people spend money to get it lol
well wouldn't you know, look who found her 6* evo???
But... buut.... how can you forget the TWO extra snakes added as well? That's like 20% more damage right there! >.>;
All that will really matter is her TM.
That's not always the case. We just had one of the worst banners since the introduction of 5* base. DURING CHRISTMAS.
That's not always the case. We just had one of the worst banners since the introduction of 5* base. DURING CHRISTMAS.
I just noticed this description. Boob pirate lady is the best description of her. Awesome.
You know, I hadn't thought about it, but I spent so much time going after physical damage dealers because the game simply refused to provide them. I chased that carrot for a long time, then the Noctis banner gave them to me in spades. Now that I have a well rounded team, I don't know what to do now since there's no place to go to get gear. They should add some sort of tower that we can go through that has a chance to get gear depending on how far you can make it. Or just add more gear to vendors. They haven't added anything new in a LONG time.
It's just boring now since there's nothing I can do to improve my characters now except TM grinding. This has to be the most boring, crappiest way to get gear in just about any game that I have played. Maybe the ending is worth it, but the sheer amount of time and lapis needed to do it is insane. I have a lot of respect for those who do it, but having tried for a while, this is an activity that I'd like to avoid doing.
I still want to make the ultimate CoD, though. Can't do it without some good gear.
Yeah. Just burning my energy daily is starting to be a challenge. I've been simply doing EXP runs, but eventually that's gonna not be worth it unless I'm leveling 4th and 5th string characters. So I can go back and do challenges for lapis, or I can just sit on that energy until the next day. If I'm gonna set on it, then there's no point in playing. The fact that the next even is a one and done thing, is kind of a bummer. I'll be done with it in one day and be ready to move on to something else for the week. I kinda wish they would have added more tiers to the Frosty event. I would have kept doing that if that were the case.
I hope they do add some new gear. We all need it...I think. Heh, heh.
On a side note, I wonder if it's better to give Noctis a katana since that gives him ATK & MAG, versus a sword that gives him ATK & DEF. I think a katana is the better way to go, but I'm curious what everyone else thinks about this.
1. Valentus, LOL thank you. Agreed on Mercedes being elite, and I knew bothering with example units was a risk.
2. Not sure if everyone noticed but Valentus hit rank 100 recently and deserves attention. CONGRATS BIG MAN!!!!
3. EDarkness:. You sound generally defeated and uninterested. Observationally I wonder if your driving force behind this game was getting those elusive DPS Lightning / Noctis units?
4. "How much NRG should I have before I try TMR with macro?" -- remember the necessity for macros originates from overnight NRG wasting. That, and 10,000 battles needed for TMs. Meaning if you're a lower rank player with 20-30 NRG, you're probably wasting NRG every day and really can't avoid it if you have a real job, kids, or want to sleep more than 3 hours in a row. So yeah, you can macro with any amount of NRG. But the entire point is to avoid wasting NRG while you sleep. (you should probably be farming TMs while you sleep once you get to the mid 30, mid 40 ranks and above if not before. meaning you probably have 40-50 nrg available.