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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius |OT3| A How To Guide Of Pulling Out To Avoid Bediles

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But these are legit questions from new players like myself. I have no idea why some of mine are glowing, but I'll read up on it tomorrow.

Panther is just poking fun lol. When you "awaken" a unit their sprite changes as an indication of their new found power. Some units have over the top glow effects.


Who the fuck is fake Noctis????



Yeah I thought it was in good fun. :)

So their glow will never go away? It looks cool though.
Nope, though I think they said in the recent JP event they're looking into giving you the option to change a unit's appearance to a previous version (so we won't see that for a very very long time if it does happen). Most are good, but some are kind of obnoxious.
Who the fuck is fake Noctis????

Blue crystal > Gold > Rainbow Noctis lol, jus' jokes


Professional Schmuck
But these are legit questions from new players like myself. I have no idea why some of mine are glowing, but I'll read up on it tomorrow.

I know, they're just adorable is all. Your units start "glowing" at certain evolutions. They're just updated sprites to show you what level they're at. Think super saiyan.


Professional Schmuck
Ok, real update since I've been busy all day (month-end reports).

[ ] if we poke fun at your innocent questions, it's because we've forgotten how beautiful and strange it is to be a new player. it also means that you are now a part of our family. welcome!

[ ] i am beside myself with excitement about Secret of Mana. One of the best games of all time. ALL TIME!

[ ] i'm still reeling from the fact we're getting cloud.

[ ] Cloud, Randi, Orlandu? Awww yeah this place is gonna be NUTS and that's before we find out about global-exclusive Vincent Valentine to match up with the holiday. Let's throw in Pink Tank (see: all those gun equip we've been getting) or Tifa (and all those fist equip...) and have ourselves a proper FFVII banner!

[ ] guess who finally, finally got that stupid whip i didn't even want from that dumb beat-the-beast-with-an-esper challenge. ME.



[ ] if we poke fun at your innocent questions, it's because we've forgotten how beautiful and strange it is to be a new player. it also means that you are now a part of our family. welcome!
Oh don't mind my comment. I thought it might have been in good fun, since you all in here are a very helpful bunch. :)


I never bother watching the streams, so can someone clarify? It is confirmed by Gumi that we are getting Cloud "soon" and not at the point in the game JP is getting him, a.k.a. 7 months from now? We have another Noctis (simultaneous release) situation?


Cloud will kill me. FFVII is my favorite tied with FFVI, I want him badly.

If I dont I might reroll an alt account just to be able to play with him to control myself not wasting shitloads of money to get him...
I never bother watching the streams, so can someone clarify? It is confirmed by Gumi that we are getting Cloud "soon" and not at the point in the game JP is getting him, a.k.a. 7 months from now? We have another Noctis (simultaneous release) situation?

It has not been confirmed either way. All we know is JPN gets him next week.




As a former accountant I know this struggle all too well.
Also work in accounting... and nope, today was not a pretty day. Month end is the worst.
I was directed to this list when I started out last week. I'll give it a closer look tomorrow.

Also, how are you preparing for the upcoming Cloud, Olandu, Son and Valentine events? Just saving up gil and energy and your wallet?

I'm F2P but I have 90 tickets and 11k lapis (though I use that mostly for TM refreshes and dailies, 11 pulls are too expensive after I've gotten burned a few times) I'm not really crazy about any of those listed though, Squall and the rest of VIII is what'll get me.


I took on the nian beast on pro with my 4-man party + a friend Noctis... and failed miserably...

I just discovered the Mog King and his castle. Where do I earn those Phantoma points? In the vortex of riches or fhe arena? I can imagine the arena since one of the moogles in the castle mentioned it.

Also tried out the arena for the first time. I didn't come anywhere near close to winning.


All this "Randi is not good" I've seen on Reddit talk killed my hype, I was ready to whale for him and now I don't even care >.<
It's Reddit, let them do what they want, haha. Don't listen to them!

Randi is a damn fine unit, especially if you're a fan of the source material (like I am)> Granted it's no Chrono Trigger (honestly, they could release a Chrono Trigger collaboration and all of the characters could be Shadow-tier in quality, and I'd STILL pull for them), but I still enjoyed Secret of Mana a lot. I want these characters for that reason.

But yeah, with Cloud (possibly?) being close, I'm really hesitant to go all-in for Randi. I loved FFVII too, so needless to say, Cloud ranks pretty high on my "MUST-HAVE" list. I might stick to dailies/tickets for the SoM and nothing beyond that.


I took on the nian beast on pro with my 4-man party + a friend Noctis... and failed miserably...

I just discovered the Mog King and his castle. Where do I earn those Phantoma points? In the vortex of riches or fhe arena? I can imagine the arena since one of the moogles in the castle mentioned it.

Also tried out the arena for the first time. I didn't come anywhere near close to winning.

Incorrect, Phantoma points will have a spot in the vortex, currently the points can't be collected, and its just extra time to turn them in.

Good thing you touched the arena, at least it put you in the rankings for prizes! Something is better than nothing right? Although, you should focus in the upper right hand corner the colosseum, you can get some decent gear and a pretty good chunk of lapis.

try the upper left building in the mog zone, a monster that costs no energy resides with a cool katana to use, a good way to test your party!


I took on the nian beast on pro with my 4-man party + a friend Noctis... and failed miserably...

I just discovered the Mog King and his castle. Where do I earn those Phantoma points? In the vortex of riches or fhe arena? I can imagine the arena since one of the moogles in the castle mentioned it.

Also tried out the arena for the first time. I didn't come anywhere near close to winning.

Mog King is for certain events. Phantoma came from the Type-0 event (Akademia) that just ended. A new one will start Friday though for Secret of Mana.

Even if you lose in arena, still do it 5 times a day for that sweet sweet 40 lapis!


All this "Randi is not good" I've seen on Reddit talk killed my hype, I was ready to whale for him and now I don't even care >.<

One of these days, those words are going to bite them in the ass hard. I've also been reading a ton of "please for the love/hate of rabbites, DONT pull on this banner" threads there today.

Basically, their argument devolved into these premises:

1) DH can't stack on Global, therefore Randi will achieve his potential on JP. <--- horribly shortsighted and flawed argument, but okay... I'd like to know how their secret to time travel. It's almost a very safe bet to say at some point there will be some kind of stackable version of DH on global (Doublehanded+, anyone?)

2) Precognition of future JP units 6-9 months down the road means that all of Randi's skills will eventually be outclassed and therefore he's useless now. In my professional opinion,....***ahem**** DUH. No shit, Sherlock. This is a horrible argument, as everyone will be outclassed by newer and shinier units in the future. It's inevitable.

Reddit's vision with blinders is going to get burnt hard one day. It may not be this week, but it's going to happen sooner or later. Gumi will make special one-time exclusive units better than the always-available units on Global to encourage pulling and to break the mindset of holding out for JP chase units.


All this "Randi is not good" I've seen on Reddit talk killed my hype, I was ready to whale for him and now I don't even care >.<

With no stats... Randi is an A unit according to my ránking

But we need yo see his New stats and skills, so dont get down of the hype train yet


All this "Randi is not good" I've seen on Reddit talk killed my hype, I was ready to whale for him and now I don't even care >.<

Reddit folks don't know what they're talking about. DH not being as good in GL doesn't matter because JP Randi runs dual-wield perfectly fine (mine is at 1039 attack, for example) and runs circles around all the other DPS pretty much.


sparkle this bitch
Reddit folks don't know what they're talking about. DH not being as good in GL doesn't matter because JP Randi runs dual-wield perfectly fine (mine is at 1039 attack, for example) and runs circles around all the other DPS pretty much.

DH is getting a buffed, and depending on what this DH+ is. Even if they don't stack in GL, they will be getting a drastic upgrade in the future.


DH is getting a buffed, and depending on what this DH+ is. Even if they don't stack in GL, they will be getting a drastic upgrade in the future.

Right, so it'll be interesting to see. In addition, Randi's buffs will stack with 1 DH and then a bunch of other materia so he should still be pretty beastly.

That's assuming he gets the exact same enhancements but we don't know if that'll be the case.


If you have the resources to whale for Randi knowing that in a month, probably, we will have different banners with:

3* unit with 20% ATK

5* unit with 30% ATK

4* unit with 30% ATK (from sword) + 20% ATK (from H Armor)

Cloud (I doubt we will get him together with Japan, but we don't have further information to say anything)


Go for it! If I was still in love with this game like months ago I would definitely put money and get absolutely everything I could. Don't let the odds beat your enjoyment.

Edit: fixed, tks Shouta.


It's 30% from Sword + 20% Heavy Armor just to be precise. =P

Once we see how good Randi's kit is, then folks, who aren't a fan of the character itself can decide how much they want to use to try for him.


Professional Schmuck
Yeah I'm gonna go with Valentus on this one. The nuance here is that our friends at Reddit have a bit of a moving target and that anything that wouldn't fall in our SS-SSS tier is shit. (and from a whale's perspective ...)


Regardless, my strategy towards SoM will be the same as always.

Pull until I see the 4* and stop. If I get the 4* unusually early, pull a few more times to get a few more 3* bonus units for the team so that the Mog King doesn't take 14 days of farming to complete.

If the 5* just happens to show up, great and wonderful. If not, there will always another banner with a 5* unit being offered.


So, I've used all the event tickets since Ling banner was available, I think I've gotten about 5 or 6 gold crystals.

Every single one of them were trolls. I don't even give a fuck and I'm still salty.


All this "Randi is not good" I've seen on Reddit talk killed my hype, I was ready to whale for him and now I don't even care >.<

Honestly if you want the unit then screw what anyone else says. For the most part everything can be cleared with any unit (within reason). Might as well go for units you want.

So, I've used all the event tickets since Ling banner was available, I think I've gotten about 5 or 6 gold crystals.

Every single one of them were trolls. I don't even give a fuck and I'm still salty.

Damn, sorry to hear that. I feel like they've adjusted the rates but they don't do the banner poll on reddit anymore so I have no proof. Probably just bad rng and me being salty (though on Overwatch my luck has been really good oflate so maybe it balances out).


Honestly if you want the unit then screw what anyone else says. For the most part everything can be cleared with any unit (within reason). Might as well go for units you want.

Damn, sorry to hear that. I feel like they've adjusted the rates but they don't do the banner poll on reddit anymore so I have no proof. Probably just bad rng and me being salty (though on Overwatch my luck has been really good oflate so maybe it balances out).
I've gotten 4 legendaries today on Overwatch, not a single skin. FFS


I've gotten 4 legendaries today on Overwatch, not a single skin. FFS

I got super lucky yesterday. Had 15 boxes. Got a couple of golds (tracer punk skin being the highlight). On the last box I got D.Vas LNY costume which was what I wanted but couldn't afford with the in game currency. Couldn't believe my luck. If only I could get some of that over here in BE.


sparkle this bitch
I got super lucky yesterday. Had 15 boxes. Got a couple of golds (tracer punk skin being the highlight). On the last box I got D.Vas LNY costume which was what I wanted but couldn't afford with the in game currency. Couldn't believe my luck. If only I could get some of that over here in BE.

Just got it and used my bnet monies from Diablo... got Mei but not my Dva
Honestly if you want the unit then screw what anyone else says. For the most part everything can be cleared with any unit (within reason). Might as well go for units you want.

Yeah, agreed with this. I've never played SoM (only a little bit of Seiken Densetsu 3, actually!), and so Randi holds no nostalgia attachment to me. I was crazily lucky on Lunar New Year that I don't want to push karmic luck. I'll treat it like FF:0, where I'll do dailies for boost units and that's probably about it.

I still have like 40 tickets and 7000 lapis, but eh.

I hope some of our non-5* club gets Randi, if they want him. Or if not, that they pull an off-banner Luneth or something...


Regardless, my strategy towards SoM will be the same as always.

Pull until I see the 4* and stop. If I get the 4* unusually early, pull a few more times to get a few more 3* bonus units for the team so that the Mog King doesn't take 14 days of farming to complete.

If the 5* just happens to show up, great and wonderful. If not, there will always another banner with a 5* unit being offered.

I tried that on FF Type-0 banner. According the reddit odds sim with my amount of pulls I had a 95% chance of pulling the on-banner 4*. Guess how many Seven I have.
Guys I have figured out why I've never seen a rainbow. Gummi was saving it for one of my favorite games of all time, Secret of Mana. #Believe
I tried that on FF Type-0 banner. According the reddit odds sim with my amount of pulls I had a 95% chance of pulling the on-banner 4*. Guess how many Seven I have.

I feel you. 30 pulls on the banner all I got was 3 Trey's and 2 troll Rainbows. First day of the free summons...Seven. Nice.......
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